Chapter 42 - Wake Up

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Shulk's eyes slowly opened. He raised his head from where it was sitting in his knees and glanced around. What he saw wasn't the walls of Junks, it was space. Stars blinked all around him, while asteroids flew in all directions, occasionally getting destroyed and sending debris everywhere. "Where am I?" He murmured. With a sudden rush, Shulk remembered Dickson shooting him in the back, then Zanza separating from his body. "Oh," He said, his voice echoing in the vast void around him. "So I'm…" A slightly insane smile spread over his face and he began to laugh. His chuckles faded into silence as he felt the realization that he really hadn't done anything in his life. "What was I doing?" Shulk asked himself, chiding himself at his naivety, thinking that he was alive. "What was the purpose of my life?" Shulk relieved every moment that had made him feel a sudden rush of adrenaline, the feeling that made you feel truly alive. Fiora's death, cutting into Metal Face's Arm, saving Otharon, driving the Monado into Egil's shoulder, encouraging Melia while fighting the Leone Telethia. There was the time that he had stopped Dunban from killing Mumkhar, meeting Zanza for the first time then freeing him. He remembered finding out that Fiora was really alive, and had been transformed into a Faced Mechon, then their reunion on the Fallen Arm, where they had shared their first kiss. It was Fiora who consoled him after the Monado had sent waves of ether energy into his body, who encouraged him to keep going, to defeat Egil. He heard her voice echo in his head, and his throat began to close up. "Come on!" Shulk reached out, as if he could grab onto her hand, and felt the tears begin to fall. "No…" He shook his head and lowered his arm, letting it rest beside him. "I've got it wrong. I was never alive. It was Zanza! All along!" He remembered his childhood nightmare, which suddenly made sense. "I...Everything I did was…!" "Do you want to say, 'pointless'?" Shulk looked up, his eyes wide. He hadn't expected a reply. Despite his tears clouding his vision, he spotted a wave of multicolored ether lights waving in the sky in front of him. That voice…! "Nobody else can decide that," Alvis said as the shroud of ether faded and Shulk stood up. "Only you." * * * Fiora stood over Shulk's body watching his chest slowly rise and fall. Thanks to Linada's quick work, she had managed to extract the ether poison that was in the bullet Dickson had shot Shulk with. They had barely managed to save his life. But even still… Shulk wouldn't wake up. Fiora had called his name countless time, but he didn't respond, didn't stir or give any sign that he had heard her. It broke Fiora's heart to see him so motionless and silent. He was usually worrying about one thing or another. "Shulk," She tried calling his name again, and wasn't surprised in the least when he didn't give any signs of ever hearing her. She glanced over in the corner of the room, where a weapon lay. She smiled slightly and picked it up. It was a Replica Monado, made for Shulk by the Machina chief. "Here," She continued talking to him, as if he could hear her. "Miqol made you a wonderful new weapon. Since you lost your Monado, I mean. It uses the latest Machina technology." She ran her hand over its frame and rested against the bed. "Use it when you wake up," She put her hands down on the sides of the beds and leaned down to examine the blonde boy's face. "Then," She said softly. "Let's all go on living. Okay?" She tried for a smile, and maybe she just imagined it, but Shulk's breathing seemed to ease a bit. * * * Back in the control room of Junks, Melia stood in the back of the group, awaiting Fiora's return from checking on Shulk. She had been hiding her grief about her brother's death, and found it easier to bear it when she was near said girl, since they had both lose something precious. Melia, her family, and Fiora, her life. "We've relocated the High Entia and Nopon refugees to Colony 6," Otharon informed them. Melia gazed out the window at said colony. They had decided it as the safest place to be, since the Mechon had begun to build a fortress around the colony when they took it over. It was best fortified out of both of the colonies. "Thankfully, the Mechon did us a favor by fortifying it for us. It should hold out for awhile." "It's ironic," Dunban said. "We want to escape Zanza, but we can't leave his body, the Bionis." "Well, this is our home," Reyn pointed out. "Princess," Otharon directed his attention to Melia, who gave him her own. "I have to know. Should we be worried about the evacuated High Entia?" "I cannot be sure," Melia said thoughtfully. "But I believe not. All those that survived were part Homs like me." "Understood." "If they ever do transform," Melia said grimly, casting her gaze out the rain washing down the window again. "I will be among them. If that time comes, you know what to do." They had already agreed that any Telethia that they saw had to be killed, to hopefully stop any impending Telethia attacks. "Are you sure?" Otharon asked. "Everyone is obliged to accept their fate," Melia nodded. "No way!" Reyn snorted, and Melia looked at him. "There's no way Kallian would leave the fate of the High Entia to you if that was gonna happen." He sounded more as if he was convincing himself then Melia. "Precisely," Dunban agreed. "And Melia...if we are to survive we must fight Zanza and the Telethia. It may not be the case with all of them, but some Telethia were once High Entia - your subjects and your brethren." "I am prepared for that," Melia assured him, even if she wasn't so sure herself. "Even if it means harming my brethren, it is for the protection of the survivors. That is the final wish of my father and brother. I will fight! To free the souls stolen by Zanza." "You're a fighter, Melia," Dunban smiled. "We will need all your strength in the fight ahead." The door slid open and Fiora and Sharla walked in. Reyn noticed them first and looked slightly disappointed when he didn't see Shulk with them. "How's Shulk?" He asked. "He's going to make it," Fiora informed them. "His wound has closed. I think Meyneth used the last of her power to protect him." She looked down and her hand instinctively went up to where the triangular chest piece used to be. It had become a habit now, and it reminded her of the goddess that gave up her life to protect them. "So he's okay," Reyn looked relieved. "Linada is tending to him now," Sharla informed him. Melia glanced over at her half-Homs half-Mechon friend with a concerned expression. "Fiora?" "He won't wake up," Fiora decided to voice the problem that had been bugging her since they had gotten to Colony 6. "It's like his consciousness had sunk to the bottom of a cold, dark lake. I keep saying his name, but he doesn't respond." "Zanza's gonna pay for this!" Reyn spat. "What if the Telethia attack?!" Juju, who had been silent during the whole conversation, said worriedly. "Then we'll have to fight without Shulk," Otharon said grimly. "That's why we've strengthened our defenses." "That weapon I made should come in handy as well," Miqol added, referring to the Replica Monado he had made for Shulk. "We're backed into a corner," Reyn grumbled. "But we'll give it all we got." "Can your resistance truly achieve anything?" Alvis asked. He had also been silent during the duration of the conversation, and had just now decided to ask his question. "What do you mean by that, Alvis?" Reyn asked. "Exactly what I said," Alvis folded his arms. "We were all born of the Bionis, of Zanza. It is Zanza's will that the Telethia return us to the body from whence we came. Whether we die of old age or in battle, we all eventually return to the Bionis. We cannot escape this fate. Am I wrong?" "You got it backwards man!" Reyn said. "Just 'cos he thinks it, doesn't make it so! We decide to keep living or not." "I agree!" Dunban nodded. "Even though he is our creator, that does not afford him to take our lives on a whim." "But that is the thinking of a Homs," Alvis countered. "He is a god. Such morals cannot apply to gods." "So you think we should just shut up and die?!" Reyn burst out angrily. "If that is a fate decided by a god." "You are mistaken if you think we will simply accept such a fate and wait to die," Dunban said. "We'll never stop fighting," Reyn agreed. "Not till the end!" "To Zanza, the outcome is the same," Alvis shrugged. "Thus your logic is flawed." "It ain't the outcome that's important!" Reyn retaliated, starting to get irritated. "It's the will to fight back." "Even if you die in vain?" "Alvis!" Reyn shouted. "Who's side are you on?! You scared or something?! Frightened of a few Telethia?!" "Stop this," Otharon said, intervening in the argument. "There's no point fighting amongst ourselves." Reyn cursed under his breath and Fiora suppressed a yelp as a sharp stab of pain came from her chest. She pressed her hand against and took deep steadying breaths, closing her eyes to help ease the pain. "Fiora?" Melia glanced over at her. "Sorry," She said, trying to keep her voice level. "I need to go and get some air." Melia frowned suspiciously as Fiora departed. The girl had been going to get a lot of air since Meyneth died, and it was time Melia found out what was going on with her. The High Entia Princess hesitated, but followed Fiora. The rain was pouring outside, and drenched Melia in a matter of minutes as she wandered around the colony, looking for the girl. However, when she didn't seem to find her, Melia speculated that she had perhaps gone outside of the colony. So, she made her way to the escape pod bay, where she found Fiora leaning her head against a wall, her eyes closed. By the the rain had stopped, revealing a starry night sky to them. Melia descended the stairs, startling Fiora who turned around with one hand on her Mechonis blades. She relaxed when she saw who it was, and tried for a smile, despite the pain. "Fiora, are you alright?" Melia asked. "Guess I wasn't hiding it well," Fiora gave a small laugh, which faded quickly. "I didn't want to worry anyone." "It must be difficult living with that body," Melia said sympathetically. "I'm getting more and more used to it," Fiora replied. "But people still look at me funny." She smiled again, but it faded as quickly as it came. "It's not that bad. It feels pretty comfortable actually. I don't need to worry about food or anything like that." "I see," Melia said. Fiora hesitated, but decided to tell Melia about what was happening to her, seeing as they had been through a lot together. "This body…" She began. "The energy from the chest component made it work. It turned out to be a Monado. Such a strange feeling…" "A Monado," Melia's eyes narrowed as she thought. "Was that the Monado that Zanza took from Meyneth?" Fiora nodded, and Melia suddenly understood. "Will your body cease to function?!" Again, Fiora nodded. "I'll be fine for now," She said. "There's still some stored energy left." "But then what?" Fiora's face fell and she looked down at the ground. A moment of silence passed between them, until the blonde girl spoke. "Melia if I ever…" She couldn't bring herself to say the word 'die.' She trailed off and shook her head, going on with her request. "Please take care of Shulk." "Don't talk like that!" Melia pleaded, knowing which word she had refrained from saying. "How can you ask me such a thing?!" "I-I'm sorry," Fiora suddenly felt bad. "There's no need to apologize," Melia shook her head. "You're right," Fiora raised her head to look at her friend. "Thank you, Melia." The High Entia princess smiled and hugged Fiora. When she released the blonde girl, she decided to voice a question that had been lingering since Fiora told her about her malfunctioning body. "If Shulk awakes, will you tell him?" "No," Fiora said instantly, shaking her head. "He worries too much, anyways." Melia suppressed a giggle. "He does worry," She agreed. "It's just like him." "Actually," Fiora said softly. "I'm already dead. I have been since the Mechon attacked." "Fiora…" "But I'm happy now," She continued. "This body has given me the chance to live. Maybe I don't have much time left, but at least I can be with Shulk for just a little while longer." "Do you feel that strongly for him?" Melia felt a twinge of jealousy. "Yes!" Fiora nodded, smiling. "That's why I'll fight on and help him in any way I can!" Melia didn't respond. She didn't know how to. She hadn't told anyone, but she too once had feelings for Shulk, and it crushed her to see his father-figure shoot him in the back. But now she knew that Fiora had Shulk's heart the whole time, and she wouldn't have a chance with him. Besides, she was gaining feelings for a certain Hero of the Homs. "Let's get back," Fiora said, shattering her thoughts. "Everyone will start worrying." "Yes," Melia's voice sounded foreign in her ears. "You are right." The two started towards the stairs, but Fiora stopped suddenly, to add one final thought to their conversation. "And Melia…" She sounded hesitant. "Can you keep it a secret from the others?" "You do not want them to worry," Melia nodded. "I admire your strength." "Maybe I'll tell him," Fiora said, referring to Shulk. "But only when the time is right." "I won't say a word," Melia promised. Fiora smiled and turned to walk up the stairs again, and Melia felt a sudden rush of inferiority. "I'm nothing compared to her," She whispered as softly as she dared. Fiora gave no indication that she had heard, but her body stiffened up slightly. Suddenly, a siren blazed to life over the colony, and Melia's eyes widened. "A siren?" Fiora glanced around, looking for attackers. "Fiora!" Melia caught her attention. "Let's hurry back!" "Okay!" Fiora agreed, and the two girls ran back towards the colony. * * * Dunban froze as he heard a siren began, nearly shattering everybody's eardrums. He had heard this siren before, it was obviously siren two. It was usually used for Mechon emergencies, but none of them would be attacking now, would they? "That siren…" He muttered. "Is that…?" The doors to Junks control room and two Defense Force soldiers ran in, obviously panicked. They were holding ether rifles and were trembling. "Telethia! The one in front cried. "A hoard of them are approaching!" Dunban turned to Reyn, Sharla, and Riki and pumped his fist. "Let's move!" "Right!" Reyn scooped up his scrap driver, which he had switched back to, since they wouldn't be battling many Mechon in the future. "I'm going too!" Fiora suddenly appeared at the door with Melia by her side. "But Shulk needs you!" Reyn protested. "I know," Fiora said, entering the room. "But I can't just stay here. What if something happened to you? What would I tell Shulk when he wakes up?" "Fiora, are you sure?" Melia asked. Fiora smiled and her and nodded. Melia returned the gesture and the group departed from Junks. Riki began to panic as he saw the sheer number of Telethia that had come to attack the colony. "Lots of Dinobeasts!" He yelped, taking out his biter with one of his ears. Sharla pulled Gadolt's rifle over her shoulder and glanced around the Telethia, spotting a certain blonde-haired man sitting atop one. "Look, it's him!" He cried. Dickson smirked down at them from where he lounged on top of a Telethia. "So he survived," Reyn growled. "Dickson!" Dunban snarled. "That's right," Dickson smirked. "Glad to see me?" "Shut up!" Reyn shouted. Dickson chuckled and scratched his neck. "Looks like that High Entia's big bro died for nothing," He said in a tone that sounded as if he were simply talking about the weather. Melia tensed and dug the end of her staff into the round in a threatening way, anger blazing in her eyes. "Aw, come on, don't be like that," Dickson clicked his tongue. "You'll meet him soon enough. You might even be reborn if you return to Lord Zanza! Who knows? He might be your boyfriend in the next life." "You will not mock the memory of my brother!" Melia clenched her fists so hard she could feel her nails digging into her palms. "You lot don't know when you're beaten!" Dickson kicked a Telethia that had gotten too close to him towards them. "Why don't you all just give up?" He signalled to a Telethia and it rose up, it's claws ready to skewer them all. And thus, the battle began. * * * "It's my decision." Shulk stood in space with Alvis, where the seer was giving Shulk what it felt like a pep talk. Alvis put one hand on his hip and cast his gaze out towards a moon, which was steadily covering the sun. "In order to perpetuate their existence, Zanza and Meyneth must use a being they created as a physical host," Alvis explained. "They cannot exist forever as mere souls. This world was created so that they might continue to exist. It is for this reason that its existence, and future, is in their hands." Alvis raised his own hand as if to emphasis his point. "This is the passage of fate," He continued. "People live and die at the mercy of Zanza. And through this, Zanza maintains the existence of this world." Then... Shulk was suddenly overcome by a feeling of failure. "Our destruction was always inevitable," He whispered. "Everything we did was meaningless." "Are you certain?" Alvis tilted his head. "It was his will to revive you and use you as a host. Taking the Monado from Meyneth, doing with the world as he wishes...Everything was as he decided. But why is it that Zanza now wishes to destroy you? What is the need for this?" "That's because…" "He in fact has no choice but to do it," Alvis cut Shulk off. "If he does not, he risks his entire existence." "And we're the source of that risk?' Shulk asked, confused. "But why?" "It is a marvel to exist outside the passage of fate," Alvis told the blonde. "The lives created by Zanza and Meyneth inevitable attempt to escape the passage of fate. This signifies the beginning of their destruction. Meyneth accepted this and entrusted the future of this world to you. Many times your visions have allowed you to change the passage of fate. You saved the lives of those destined to die." "I couldn't save everyone," Shulk said, remembering Sorean and Gadolt. "Nothing that exists is perfect," Alvis pointed out. "It is a sad truth, but you can learn from it and begin a journey on a new path. Not Zanza's path, but one that your forge yourselves." "Our own path…" Shulk repeated. "So, decide Shulk," Alvis said. "Will you walk the path laid out by Zanza, or will you walk a new path?" Shulk frowned and looked behind him, where a huge expanse of space was laid out before him. He turned to face it, imagining it as the path laid out by Zanza. "The Monado awaits you," Alvis's words echoed in Shulk's brain as he said them. He thought about them, mulled over them, and when he turned around, he turned his back on Zanza's path, and began to walk his own. "That was always how it was going to be," He said, smiling. "If I'd wanted to walk the predetermined path, I wouldn't have come this far. Even with the odds stacked against us, even though I can't see the future, I'll keep walking. My own path. That I decide. Fiora. Reyn. Dunban. Sharla. Melia, Riki! We all feel the same." "Well then," Alvis said. "You must defy fate to succeed." The ether lights begin to rise again, in multicolored waves. Shulk began to feel his consciousness stirring. "Suceed and follow a new path." "Alvis…" Shulk hesitated. "Are you-" "You already know," Alvis shifted all his weight to one foot. "You know what I am. And what you must do." Shulk raised his hand and stared at it for a few moments, before raising it to his chest. a Bright light exploded from the depths of his soul, and he opened his eyes one last time to look at Alvis. He was smiling. * * * The battle was going very badly. Rain tumbled down from the heavens, and with every Telethia that was defeated, three more seemed to take it's place. Reyn, however, was in a good mood about the whole thing and still seemed to have an idea that they had a chance of winning. "These things don't give up!" He said, rolling his shoulder. "Riki never lose!" Riki said confidently. "Riki protect Colony 6!" "Right," Sharla glanced behind her, where the entrance to the colony was. "We can't let them get any further!" "You know the drill," Dunban said. "Take them down!" "Oh yeah!" Grinned Reyn. He lunged at the nearest Telethia, but ended up getting separated from the group. Sharla and Melia tried to stay together, near the back of the group, but it failed as a Telethia knocked Melia backwards into the grass. Fiora ran forwards to stop the Telethia as Melia scrambled to her feet, but the girl ended up getting completely occupied by the monster. Dunban went off and drove his katana into the nearest Telethia repeatedly until it exploded into tiny ether particles. But that one was replaced by another, Juju stayed by his elder sister, shooting bullets from the small ether gun in his hand. Riki bounced around and whacked Telethia over the head with his biter when they had their backs turned to him. Fiora activated her drones and began shooting rapid ether blasts at the several Telethia that had charged her. Three others ran at her and Melia appeared from nowhere, slamming her staff down into the ground and creating a red ether shield. "If only Shulk were here!" Juju moaned. "We're dead meat without the Monado. He yelped as a Telethia appeared behind him. Reyn jumped in with the shield of his driver raised to block the blow. "Get away from him!" He ordered, shoving the Telethia backwards. "Forget about the Monado, kid. More space between Zanza and us the better. Sharla backed up towards the two, shooting healing ether particles in the air. "If Reyn's got time to sound off, we must be doing okay," She teased. "We are doing okay!" Reyn said in response. "Reyn is correct!" Dunban grunted as he yanked out his katana from another Telethia. "Perhaps we relied too much on the Monado and Shulk." "Right," Fiora agreed," Raising her Mechonis blades. "We've chosen to fight the Bionis. We have to manage on our own!" She activated her drones again, and shot a charged ether attack at them, sending a multicolored wave of purple, blue, and pink into the air. She spun around and attacked with her drones, cutting into the Telethia's flesh. Dickson chuckled from atop his Telethia. "Look at them struggle!" He said, scanning the fight from atop his Telethia. "If they can't even handle a few Telethia, how do they expect to defeat me?" Dunban, who was panting , narrowed his eyes and sliced his katana through the air. "This is not the end!" He declared. He turned around, watching for any Telethia attacks, when one swooped up behind him. Fiora, who had noticed this, cried out her brother's name as she rushed towards him. "Dunban!" Throwing her body in the way, Fiora tried to block using her Mechonis swords, but failed as the Telethia caught her around the stomach, blasting her back into the grass with a scream of pain. "Fiora!" Dunban cried, running towards his sister, as she lay, dazed and sounded on the ground. The Telethia swooped in for the kill, but this time Dunban was there to stop the attack, blocking it with his katana. "Dunban!" Reyn flew in from nowhere, kicking the Telethia off of the Hero of the Homs, and he landed on the ground, looking concerned. "Are you okay?" "I just...overdid it," Dunban panted, wincing as his right arm began to throb horribly. He knelt before his little sister, who had sat up. He put his hand on her shoulder, and looked at her. "Fiora!" "I'm okay," She lied through the searing pain coming from where the chest piece used to be. "I can still fight!" "Why are you bothering to try and cover it up?" Demanded Dickson, who was looking bored with them. "Go on, just admit you've had enough!" "Neer!" Reyn growled as the group banded together to make a protective circle around Fiora. "Look out!" Sharla called, and they all ducked as a Telethia swooped overhead. "Lots of Dinobeasts!" Riki said wisely, looking nervous as Melia knelt down to tend to Fiora. "It truly seems as though everything is Zanza planned," Dunban growled. And hte other members of the group looked at him, completely shocked. was he really admitting defeat? "But our hearts and minds...they still hold the will to seize our own destiny!." He glared up at his former comrade and friend above them, and tightened his grip on his weapon. "No matter how hard you try to break us, the future is ours to shape, Dickson! Always!" "When will you learn you have no future?" Dickson signalled to a Telethia and it dropped down in front of the group, hitting the ground on its four legs. "Face it! Your destiny is to die here!" The Telethia began to charge up an ether attack that would surely kill them all, when suddenly- The Telethia reared back, shrieking in pain as someone dug a sword deep into it's forehead. It thrashed it's head about, throwing the person that had attacked it into the air. A trail of blue ether followed a blue blade of light. Fiora's eyes widened as Shulk came down again. cutting the Replica Monado's blade into the Telethia's skin, forcing it backwards. He hit the ground in a crouched position as the Telethia exploded into tiny ether particles. "Shulk!" Reyn shouted, looking overjoyed to see his best friend. "Thank goodness you're here!" Melia agreed. "Damn kid!" Growled Dickson. "So, you're still alive!" Shulk narrowed his eyes at Dickson above them. "Attack!" Dickson waved his hand. "Destroy them!" Shulk didn't seem fazed by the dozen of Telethia that swooped down towards him. In fact, he dodged each attack with skill that only came to him through visions. Melia helped Fiora up as Shulk destroyed one Telethia after another with seeming ease. Reyn also ran towards him as he spun around to face the group as Dickson cursed under his breath. "That was awesome!" Reyn pumped his fist while Melia and Fiora exchanged overjoyed glances. Shulk laughed, and scratched the back of his head. "Sorry for worrying you all," He apologized, knowing how upset they had been when he didn't wake up. Melia let go of Fiora's arm, from where she was supporting her, and Fiora took a few steps forwards as Reyn and Shulk high-fived. "Shulk," She said his name, and was glad when he responded. He took a few steps towards as he clasped her hands over her chest. "Welcome back." "Fiora," He smiled. Fiora returned it and lowered her hands as strength surged back into Fiora's limbs. The the small indent where the chest piece was supposed to be began to glow with a flickering red light. Fiora glanced over at Dickson, and found him soaring towards them on his Telethia. "Shulk, look out!" She grabbed onto her Mechonis blades. Shulk raised his hand to block the blast of dust that followed from Dickson's Telethia landing on the ground. "Oi, kid," Dickson said gruffly. "It's about time for you final lesson." "Dickson!" Shulk growled. "Show me what you've got!" Dickson ordered. "You think you've got the power to oppose Lord Zanza? Let's see how you do against me." Almost instantly, the Telethia attacked with an ether attack, but Shulk foresaw the attack and activated Monado shield, wrapping the group in a shield of polygons. They split up in their usual battle style, Reyn and Dunban at the front, keeping the monster's attention, Melia and Sharla trying to stay out of the battle, keep the attention off of them. Fiora, Shulk, and Riki darted around the Mechon keeping where their attacks were strongest. Shulk ducked as the Telethia swung around, diving from the sky and knocking everyone off of and their feet. Sharla came from where she was over by the colony entrance, and helped everyone up and threw up an ether shield around them all, and a round of healing ether. Juju did his own thing towards the back of the group, firing quick and deadly shots from his small ether gun. Shulk drove his Replica Monado into the Telethia's side and leapt back, dodging it's tail that swept out to attack him. Melia shot a well-fired elemental at the Telethia, and shocked it's entire body, giving Reyn and Dunban the opportunity to hit the Telethia with everything they had. Dunban spun around, kicking the Telethia in the face, while Reyn dug his driver into its skin and pulled up. Shulk circled around behind the monster and performed backslash. The Telethia shrieked in pain and flopped over onto the ground, it's body dissolving into ether particles. Dickson jumped away before the group could attack him as well. "That brat," He growled. "How could he read my movements? What the hell's going on?" "Shulk!" Reyn asked, wondering how Shulk was able to evade the Telethia's attacks. "How'd ya do it?" "I could see it!" Shulk told him. "The future! I don't have the Monado, but it came to me, Reyn. From within! "Nice one!" Reyn cheered. "Looks like we're back in business!" Dickson tried for a scoff, even though he knew he was beaten. "Bunch of ingrates," He grumbled, before glancing up, behind the group. "Oi!" He called. "Stop hiding and get yourself out here! I don't like being left to do all the hard work!" He paused for a moment, a vein throbbing in his temple. "Alvis!" "What?!" Dunban gasped as they all spun around to find the seer himself walking towards Dickson, his expression blank and emotionless. "It can't be!" "Alvis!" Reyn growled. "Not you too!" "Yeah!" Dickson smirked at them. "Another one of Lord Zanza's faithful. One of the Trinity." "No!" Sharla shook her head. "How can he be one of them?!" "Alvis!" Melia suddenly grew angry. "Is this the only reason you served under my family? You traitor!" Alvis didn't respond to any of this, just kept walking towards Dickson. "Say something!" Reyn ordered. He made a move to run at the seer, but Shulk raised his Replica Monado to stop him. "Sulk!" He protested. "Leave it," The blonde said. "It doesn't matter what he is. That doesn't change anything at all. Does it, Alvis?" "Yes, precisely," Alvis finally responded. "You must find your own path to the future." He turned around and raised his hand, taking charge of one half of the Telethia hoard that came to attack. "The Telethia!" Sharla cried as one of them lowered down from the sky. "He's…!" "So you're just another one of Zanza's lapdogs!" Growled Reyn. "Get ready, everyone," Sharla advised. "Show them no mercy," Dunban agreed. "As you wish," Alvis smirked. "Let us see that will to survive." Reyn charged first to show them what he was made of, instantly taking the monster's attention. The group split up in the normal formation, and Shulk took his place behind the monster and came down with backslash. Riki joined him a moment later and whacked the Telethia repeatedly with his biter. Dunban came out of nowhere and jumped onto the Telethia's back. Scrambling up it, he sunk his katana into it's forehead, gritting his teeth with concentration. Fiora followed him jumping into the air and sinking her blades deep into the skin and pulling them down. Melia fired an ice Elemental that froze the Telethia long enough for Sharla to get a good shot to it's head. The Telethia spun around and whacked Riki back as he resumed attacking the Telethia with his biter, and throwing Dunban off of him. Dunban landed on his feet and spun around, slicing up then down with his katana. Melia then finished off the Telethia by raising her sf, summoning ether particles that made it glow like the sun. She slammed her staff into the ground and the ether particles washed over the Telethia, and when they faded the monster was gone. "That all you got?" Reyn bragged. "Not so tough without your pet, are ya?!" Alvis merely chuckled, which infuriated Reyn further. "I'll show you the will to survive!" He shouted, running at Alvis. Shulk noticed Dickson aiming at Reyn with his gun and he raced forwards, absorbing the attack into his Replica Monado just in time. Dickson growled. "Meddling kids," He growled. "I have seen your will to fight," Said Alvis. "It is time to decide. What do you say? Does this world belong to you or to Zanza? Well?" Dickson made a 'psh' noise, obviously thinking the question was for him. "Either ways good with me," He said. "But I wonder what Zanza'd say about it." "He desires the same," Alvis said. "And he sees everything. As you see, Shulk." "It's like he says," Dickson agreed. "The two men jumped into the air, and Telethia caught them just before they hit the ground again. "Get back here!" Reyn shouted after them. "You understand, don't you Shulk?" Alvis asked. Shulk closed his eyes as he suddenly saw a vision. Prison Island sinks into Eryth Sea. Shulk and the others stand, fighting a huge giant who swipes his sword at them. Shulk reopened his eyes and nodded. "Yeah," He said. "You can bet on it." "We'll be waiting," Alvis promised. 'We'll be on our best behavior," Dickson said mockingly. "And we will be the best guests you ever had," Shulk replied. "That's quite a good comeback," Dickson raised an eyebrow. "I'm impressed." The Telethia quickened its pace and Dickson suddenly became aware of his hand beginning to shake. He glanced down at it and clutched his wrist with his other hand. "I'm trembling" He muttered. "Me! Stupid meddling kid." He chuckled humorlessly to himself. "After all these years, I never thought the day would come when I would feel fear." The group returned to Junks, all of them completely exhausted. By then, the rain had stopped falling, revealing a starry night, in which Fiora went out to enjoy. But she was interrupted by constant stabs of pain, but she didn't bother trying to hide the whimpers of pain that came with it. She knew no one was listening. She heard the door open and close and straightened up, dropping her hands and pretending that she was staring up at the sky. She suppressed another whimper of pain as her body endured another searing flash of pain. "Fiora, here you are." Just her luck, it was Shulk. He had probably noticed her hunched over, her whole body trembling. But he didn't sound suspicious. "Ah, Shulk," She turned around to face, him, trying for a smile. "What's wrong?" He had noticed. Fiora's face paled, and she shook her head. "Nothing," She lied, flinching slightly as another stab of pain went through her body. "It' peaceful. It's hard to believe we defeated a horde of Telethia just minutes ago." "Zanza wants to finish us all," Shulk said grimly. "So he can make the vision he's had come true. We're in the calm before the storm." "They'll be back won't they," Fiora moved her hand to cover the indent again. "The Telethia...To remove us all from this world…" "I won't let that happen," Shulk shook his head. "Whatever the future holds, we can never give in. Not to Zanza...No, not even to our own destiny." "I wonder why Alvis said what he did," Fiora said. "Which part?" "Does this world belong to us or to Zanza?" Fiora repeated the line he had said. "Why would he side with Zanza? Power? Or maybe he wants to live forever." "Who knows…" Shulk shrugged. "But I don't think his motives are that simple. I'm sure Alvis has some kind of plan. Otherwise, why would he speak to me in my dreams?" "He spoke to you in your dreams?" "That's another reason why I have to find Zanza," Shulk said. "I have to find out why." "You and me both," Fiora agreed. "I must fulfill Meyneth's wish." The two enjoyed a moment of silence, looking out at the stars, until Fiora finally broke the silence. "Shulk? You wanted to speak to me about something?" "Oh, that's right," Shulk said, silently chiding himself for getting distracted. "Linada's looking for you. She wants to examine you. She's back at Junks. "Oh…" Fiora blinked. "Hey...umm...I'll go and see Linada in a minute. I need a few minutes to myself." "Okay, no problem," Shulk smiled. "Take your time. "Thank you." Shulk nodded and turned around, returned inside. Fiora dropped her smile as she began to worry. She swallowed sightly and began to wonder out loud to herself. "What should I do?" She whispered. "If I go to go to see Linada, she'll find out what's happening to my body! I need to come up with a good excuse." She sighed and looked up at the stars glimmering above her. "Please…" She begged. "Let me be with Shulk for just a little bit longer…" The following day, everyone gathered in the control room of Junks to discuss plans on getting to Zanza. "Zanza is inside the Bionis," Shulk said, before anyone else had the chance to speak. "I just know it." "Dickson must be there as well," Dunban said darkly. "Yes," Shulk agreed. "And Alvis too." "That's all good, but how do we get to them?" Reyn pointed out. "If they're inside the Bionis, we're gonna have to dig a pretty big hole." "How long that take?" Riki asked. "Riki get old soon!" "It just so happens I have the answer!" Miqol said proudly. "On the Bionis' chest is a massive hole that leads inside. It's the wound made by Egil's final attack." "Then that means…" Shulk breathed. "Yes!" Otharon said, understanding. "While the allied force keeps the Telethia busy, you can sneak inside that wound and take out Zanza!" "We will take Junks," Vanea said. "Let my father know when you are ready to depart." "Yeah!" Reyn cheered. "Time to knock some heads!" "Riki never lose!" Riki said. "For Riki family, Riki win!" "We must show this god our unyielding will to survive!" Dunban said, clenching his fists. "The suffering of my people will not be in vain!" Melia nodded. "The crimes against our friends will not go unpunished!" Sharla chimed in. "Ready," Shulk nodded, smirking. "We go to the Bionis chest. We will free our world from Zanza's curse!"

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