Chapter 45 - Face Off

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Shulk blinked several times in order to clear his vision, his ears ringing as the darkness melted away from his sight. After a moment, he found himself staring up at the tall, dark, irregularly shaped spiral of rock, stretching towards the sky. Points across the tower looked almost like windows, glowing with an irregular blue light. Groups of Nebulas and Laias flew around, almost peacefully, but Shulk knew that if Melia used an Ether attack or they got close, the monsters would be more then willing to tear the group to pieces. Every muscle across Shulk's body was tense with the sheer unnatural air that surrounded Prison Island "So," Melia said, breaking the piercing silence that surrounded the group. "Prison Island has sunk into the Bionis' head." Riki swallowed nervously and tugged gently on Dunban's sleeve. "Dundun," He said, shivering. "Riki feel funny feeling from above! Riki instinct say Dickson is there!" "Yes," Dunban said grimly, reaching over and putting his good hand on his katana, tightening his grip on the hilt. "I agree." Reyn's lip curled viciously and he raised a clenched fist towards the top of the enormous spire, which was glowing an unnatural orange. "Start praying to Zanza, Dickson! We're coming!" He promptly spat on the ground and marched forwards, glancing back as everyone stared apprehensively after him. "Come on! Let's go end this once and for all!" Shulk's stomach twisted into knots, before he nodded, agreeing with a quiet, "Yeah." And joining him at the start of a long ramp leading up to enormous doorway of Prison Island. The other's footsteps echoed in his ears, almost a relief from the pressing silence that encompassed his ears. If Shulk told the others he wasn't afraid, he would have been lying. After everything that had happened to him since the Mechon attacked Colony 9, he was almost praying that it was all a bad dream, and that he had fallen asleep at the Lab. Any minute how he would be awoken by Dickson, who had just gotten back from somewhere on Bionis, with a pack of new materials over his shoulder, a crooked grin on his face. But Shulk knew that that wasn't a dream. It all felt too real. Everything, right down to the piercing pain of a bullet streaking through his back and barely missing his heart. Shulk remembered the exhilarating feeling of scooping up the Monado for the first time and activating it with a simple will. And how much he wished that he had just left the Monado abandoned on the bridge connecting the colony to the rest of the world. It was one of the things Shulk couldn't take back, no matter how much he wanted to. But, Part of his mind reminded him. The memories, both good and bad, are something that you wouldn't trade for anything. That was true. Shulk may have been able to prevent many terrible things if he stopped himself from picking up the Monado, but the people that walked beside him, possibly to victory or certain death were the most important people in the world to him. The idle chatter that flitted between the group filled the quiet air as they trudged through the gate of Prison Island. Shulk glanced behind him at the rest of the group, and found himself involuntarily smiling at the way they all interacted. Melia was giggling at something Riki said, Fiora and Dunban were deep in conversation, and Reyn glanced behind him every so often to joke around with Sharla. We know each other so well by know, we can practically say what one of us is thinking, Shulk thought. We're so lucky to have such a bond between us. No matter how different we are. Perhaps it was the Monado that brought us together, but there's something much deeper keeping us connected. "Hey, Shulk! Shulk? Oi, answer me!" Shulk was knocked from his thoughts as Reyn drove the palm of his hand into Shulk's shoulder. Not expecting the blow, Shulk staggered and nearly lost his balance if it weren't for Reyn's quick reflexes. He grabbed onto Shulk's wrist as the blonde-haired boy was shook from his daze. He hadn't realized it beforehand, but they were standing at the top of a flight of stairs, an elevator contraption stood in front of him, a fountain surrounding it. Shulk blinked several times, before looking up at Reyn. "What was that for?!" "I called your name at least six times!" The red-haired man said, pulling Shulk upright and folding his arms. "You were so deep in thought that you didn't hear me. What do we do now?" He nodded towards the elevator-type machine that stood patiently in front of the group. Large copper-colored metal bars stretched upwards in a slight curve, but never met at the top, almost as if someone never got around to completing the structure. A control panel on the top left held a red button in the center of it, which Shulk eyed with slight apprehension. "So?" Sharla looked at Shulk. "How do we proceed from here, Shulk?" Shulk didn't respond at first, his blue eyes scouring the areas above, seeing if there was any way they could climb the fountain. After seeing none, he directed his attention back to the elevator. "Everyone stand on there," He said at last. "That...That red button is how we activate it." Dunban frowned at it. "Will it bring us to the next floor?" He questioned. Shulk hesitated, glancing over the device before nodding. "I think so." The group gathered onto the small circular space the elevator provided. It was a tight fit, and Shulk was fortunate enough to be squished close to the red button. He raised his hand, hesitating before bringing his hand down. The machine began to hum and purr as ancient cogs and wheels began to spin underneath their feet. The floor began to glow brightly, blinding the group when Shulk began to feel like his entire body was being folded in half over and over, until he was so small, he couldn't possibly exist. He risked opening his eyes, to find he was still smashed against the copper bars of the elevator, but in front of him looked to be a dining room meant to be for enormous beings, with tables and chairs that towered far above them. "Maybe I've shrank," Reyn said nervously, stepping off of the elevator. "But those tables and chairs are a lot bigger than they should be." "This had to have been used for a creature of some kind," Sharla's hand closed in around her arms as she shuddered. "Yeah," Fiora agreed softly. "Something enormous." "Giants," Said Shulk, almost on a whim. "This had to have been a dining hall for giants, thousands of years ago." He wasn't sure where the information had come from but it felt like something he had known his entire life. "Then," Dunban's brown eyes scanned the monstrous-sized chairs and tables around them. "Prison Island must have originally been made by the giants." Shulk nodded in agreement, swallowing down his apprehension. "There!" Melia pointed across the room, where another elevator, exactly like the one they had just been stood. "I'm gonna get motion sickness from that thing," Reyn muttered, but followed Shulk as he set off across the room. As he glanced around the room, the blonde visionary couldn't help but feel uneasy. The chairs and tables towered around them, and from the scuffling above them, some sort of monsters were messing around with whatever was on top of the tables. "I don't know about the rest of you," Sharla murmured, barely audible. "But this room is freaking me out." "You and me both," Melia shivered. Their footsteps were like gunshots on the tiled floor as they made their way over to the opposite end of the room, Shulk folded his arms and squeezed his biceps tightly, trying to control his sudden erratic breathing. For some reason, as they inched closer to where Dickson most likely lurked, it filled him with an uncontrollable fear that left his heart throwing itself against his ribcage, as if it were trying to escape. He knew he had to tell the rest of the group, but felt uneasy about doing it. The rest of the group probably had their fear, and were doing a better job than he was at concealing it. He considered telling Dunban, who seemed calm and collected despite the fact that they were on their way to fight and possibly kill who had once been his best friend. Shulk dismissed the thought of talking to Dunban almost immediately. The war-hero's judgement was most likely clouded with anger and confusion, and wouldn't sympathize with Shulk at all. He sighed softly as they all crammed onto the elevator and Riki, who was closest, bounced up and pressed the button. Shulk closed his eyes as the same feeling of being folded repeatedly overcame him. When the world stopped spinning. Shulk found himself staring down a long hallway, that twisted out of sight. He swallowed down his fear and stepped off of the elevator, his hands clenched into tight fists. "Friends almost there," Riki said., bouncing off to stand by Shulk. "Riki feel it! Dickson nearby." Melia nodded in agreement, her face set. "Let us go," She said, stepping off of the elevator, next to Riki. "We're nearly at our journey's end. I can feel it." "As can I," Dunban stood next to Melia. "It's time to finish this. Both Zanza, and Dickson." Reyn leapt off next, punching Shulk gently in the arm and grinning widely. "Let's do this, man!" "Agreed," Fiora and Sharla were next. Shulk smiled slightly. Their determination to finally end this entire thing soothed his fears and he found himself moving forwards, walking down the long hallway in silence. They emerged out in what seemed to be a huge arena, with large stone benches for spectators to sit on and an enormous throne sitting in the middle, made of black rock. The door slid shut behind the group as they entered, and Shulk tensed immediately, spotting Dickson sitting in the throne with his legs crossed and a smirk across his face. "What took you so long?" He said in a mocking voice, resting his chin in his palm. "Dickson!" Dunban spat, growling angrily. The man in question uncrossed his legs and leaned forwards in his seat. "Are you even trying to fight?" He asked, an eyebrow raised. "Things are gonna get a lot worse if you don't buck up your ideas." Sharla clenched her fists and took an angry step forward. "Come down here and say that!" Dickson scoffed and snapped his fingers. The sound echoed through the room, and for a second, nothing happened. Then, just beside Dickson, dark ether energy began to swirl around in a multicolored wave until it solidified itself into a monster with rows of razor sharp teeth, claws like knives, and wings sprouting from its back. An unkempt mane surrounded it's large muzzle and beady red eyes fixed on Shulk and the rest of the ground and it roared in a threatening manner, making Shulk's grip close in around the handle of the Replica Monado. "What on Bionis is that?" Shulk heard Reyn mutter. The door across from the group slid down as well to reveal a second monster, smaller than the first, but none the less scary. "It's the warm up act!" Dickson stood up and put one hand on the monster's arm, smirking. "If you can't get past this one, you don't stand a chance against me." "Stop these games, old man!" Reyn shouted, turning to face Dickson, his eyes blazing with anger. Dickson rolled his eyes at the young man's attempt to make him fight them himself. "You'll have to stop this thing first," He responded. "Hurry up! I'm just itching for a good old fashioned scrap." He spun around on his heel and headed up a slope, vanishing from the group's sight. Fiora tore her gaze away from the path the old man had taken and her hands closed in around her Mechonis Blades. "Everyone, be careful!" "Monsters want to eat Riki!" Riki panicked, taking his biter and holding it out protectively in front of him. The two monsters advanced towards them, snarling and glaring. Reyn took up a protective stance. "This thing is no match for us," He assured Riki, who was still trembling. And with that, Reyn rushed forwards, meeting the monster's razor-sharp claws with his driver. Dunban and Shulk came out from behind Reyn and swung their blades around, slicing the monster's hands directly off. Purple liquid exploded from the wound, and the monster roared in pain while Sharla, Riki, Melia, and Riki began taking down the smaller beast. Shulk found himself moving of his own accord, his feet tracing patterns and his arms thrusting the Replica Monado forwards at places where the monster wasn't defended. He moved in almost perfect sync with Dunban, Reyn, and Fiora, and he felt practically unstoppable. At least, until the monster's hands regenerated. Shulk didn't notice it at first, until Reyn let out a cry of pain. The beast has struck out on Reyn's unprotected side, leaving a slash in his non-dominant arm. Reyn, almost immediately, dropped his driver and clung to his arm with his teeth gritted. He crumpled to the ground. "It hurts…" He groaned in pain, his eyes squeezed shut. "Reyn!" Shulk shouted, spinning around as blood began to seep through Reyn's fingers. "Sharla, we need help!" The medic spun around as her name was called. She, Melia, and Riki were finishing off the smaller monster and her eyes widened at the sight of Reyn. She raced towards him, dropping her rifle on the ground next to him as Shulk switched to the defensive. He found himself constantly running back to Sharla and Reyn to protect them, blocking strikes while Fiora and Dunban dug their blades deep into the monster's flesh. Melia and Riki joined the momentarily as the second demon's eyes rolled up into it's head and it fell back, hitting the floor with a loud bang. The group finished it off relatively easily from there, and Shulk spun around immediately, deactivating the Monado Replica and running to Reyn's side. Sharla was currently in the process of cleaning out the wound with ether supplies, her forehead creased with concentration and her tongue poking out from the corner of her mouth. Reyn's fists clenched so tightly his knuckles were turning white and he was repeatedly muttering 'ow' under his breath. After an agonizing ten minutes, Sharla had dressed the wound and straightened up, taking her water canteen from her pack and using it to wash her hands. "That. Hurt." Reyn said, rolling his shoulder gingerly. Sharla sat down across from Reyn rolling her eyes. "That's kind of your own fault," She muttered, lying the pack of supplies in her lap as she packed her medical kit into it. "And stop being so dramatic, it's not that bad. A couple of inches at most. But you could have avoided even getting hurt if you paid attention." "Hey! It's not my fault! I didn't know that thing could grow it's hands back!" "Regeneration," Shulk said, sitting next to his best friend. "Huh?" "Growing back lost cells is called regeneration, Reyn," Shulk smirked at the red-haired man. "That's what that monster did. You should have at least kept the fact that it might grow it's hands back into consideration." Reyn glared at Shulk. "I hate it when you do that." Shulk laughed and Fiora wrinkle her nose from where she was standing by the corpses of the two monsters. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I am not setting up camp and eating dinner right next to these things," She said. "They smell awful." Riki took a large whiff of the air. "Ugh, Fiora right. It smell like Orluga in summer!" Dunban shook his head at the Nopon, before glancing around. "It's probably unsafe here anyways. Dickson could show up at any moment and ambush us with another attack. Let's find somewhere safe before we decide to relax." "Right," Shulk stood up ignoring his aching feet as Sharla pulled Reyn to his feet. * * * Half-an hour later, after stepping through two more elevators, the group found themselves within a long corridor that was practically empty, save for the ramps leading up to other branching pathways either outside or inside. Shulk looked around the large columns and arches that supported the place as he walked, looking for a place to set up camp. "Where are we?" Breathed Fiora. "What is this place?" "It looks like a cathedral," Melia responded. "There's an altar over there." Riki squinted towards the altar and shivered at the metal faces imprinted around the, their mouths open in grotesque and disturbing roars. "These have scary faces!" "We better take a look," Dunban advised. "Then, we find a safe place to set up camp for the night and worry about Dickson tomorrow." The group made their way forwards towards the altar, their footfalls echoing in the large hallway. As they got closer, Shulk began to feel more and more uneasy. It looked like the metal sculptures were watching them, telling them to stay away. They reached the altar and began inspecting it for any sort of clues leading to what could help them reach the top of Prison Island. It was until Shulk paused in his search in front of a small groove in the altar. "You see something, Shulk?" Reyn asked, not failing to notice the visionary's sudden stop in movement. "This, indentation," He waved the others over and pointed to what he was talking about. "It looks like something should fit inside it." Riki waddled closer to the sheet of metal and nodded. "Yep! Riki feel like something here," He declared, looking at Shulk. "It's probably a way up to the top," Reyn folded his arms. "Could it really be that easy?" Fiora said suspiciously, squatting down next to Riki and examining the hole closely. "There's no use thinking about it," Shulk said, straightening up. "Let's search for whatever fits into the gap." The group nodded and set off. * * * Thirty minutes later, the group returned with Melia holding a hardened eyeball an arms length away. Everyone was panting and covered in small scratches and bruises, but it wasn't anything Shara couldn't clean up in a minute. Shulk took the eye from Melia, remembering the fierce battle they had just fought with a dragon as he fit the eye into the small indent in the altar. The ground began to rumble and an elevator rose from the ground. "That should do it," Shulk straightened up with a grin. "Can friends please eat now?" Riki moaned, holding his stomach. "Riki so hungry…" Fiora laughed. "I'll get to making dinner, Riki." * * * Shulk was awoken in the first hours of the morning, and found everyone else already up and looking nervous. He pushed himself into a sitting position and looked around at the nearly chalk-white expressions of his comrades. "I cannot sleep," Melia said after a moment. "Same here," Fiora wrapped her arms around her knees. "This is all so...scary. But we have to do this. For everyone in Colony 9 and Colony 6." Shulk felt himself nodding in agreement, as he chewed his lower lip. "I can't believe everything that's happened," He said softly. "Who knew that just a few months ago, we were living our lives peacefully and thought all the Mechon were gone…" He sighed softly. A moment of silence passed between the group where they exchanged uncomfortable looks until Dunban stood up and began packing up his things. They all looked at him, confused. "Dunban?" Melia frowned. "Are you alright?" "I can't sit here any longer," The hero of the Homs replied. "We have our path to the top. We have to take it." "Dunban…" Fiora grabbed onto her brother's hand, stopping him in his tracks. "Are we even prepared to fight Zanza?" The brown-haired man froze and didn't respond. The mood immediately shifted in the group. None of them were prepared for what would undoubtedly come next. And just as Shulk had presumed was frightened beyond words. They had no idea what was to come, and they were going up against a god who was the living soul of the very thing they had been living on their entire lives. What they were doing was basically suicide, but it had to be done. No one else would do it. No one else could do it. This was a battle for every single living thing that thrived upon the Bionis. It was a battle for the small amount of Machina who remained on the Fallen Arm. It was a battle for every single person that gave up their lives to protect the group. Shulk couldn't afford to lose this fight. There was too much at stake. "We…" Dunban finally spoke. "We have to be ready. There's no other option." Wordlessly he finished packing his things and sighed. "Come on. Let's go." Shulk exchanged a look with Fiora and did as he was told, the rest of the group following suit. When everyone was ready, Dunban was standing by the elevator they had activated earlier, his hand on the cold copper metal. "I can sense Dickson," He said, hearing them approach. "We must be near the top. If we proceed from here, we will be unable to return. Are you ready to go on?" He addressed Shulk, who glanced around at the rest of the group, who had swallowed down their fear and put on determined expressions. He nodded. "Yes, I'm ready." Dunban turned around, slightly surprised. "Aren't you scared?" "I would be lying if I said no," Shulk smiled, scratching the back of his head. "Still, we must go on." "Agreed," Fiora said. "We know what we're fighting for." "We decided ages ago!" Reyn gently nudged Fiora with his elbow. Dunban chuckled softly and looked upwards towards the high ceiling. The group piled onto the elevator, expecting him to come along with them, but when Shulk turned around her spotted Dunban still standing there, seemingly lost in thought. "Dunban?" Fiora called her brother's name and he glanced quickly back at her. "Oh, sorry," He apologized. "I just got caught up in the moment." "Come on, Dunban," Shulk beckoned Dunban forwards. "Right," The brown-haired man smiled. "Let's go! Time to seize our destiny!" He stepped onto the elevator with them and Reyn slammed his hand down on the large red button. * * * Colony 6's wall was assaulted with another blast of ether from a nearby Telethia. Otharon spun around, rifle in hand a fired another bullet into Telethia. The remains High Entia army and the Colony 6 Defense Force worked together to bring down several Telethia, but they were fighting a losing battle. "Otharon!" Shouted Juju from where he was taking shelter from behind a piece of scrap metal that had fallen off of the colony wall. His grip was tight on his small ether handgun and his eyes were wide with panic. "We can't hold out any longer!" "Stop complaining!" Otharon shot back at the boy. "We're not the only one's fighting. Believe in Shulk and the others! We will defend this place until they get back. That's the plan, so stick to it!" "U-understood," Juju agreed as rain from the heavens poured down on the pair, soaking their clothing. He fired multiple ether blasts from his gun, when an explosion from behind them threw the pair forwards and into the grass. Wiping the mud off of his face, Otharon picked himself off of the ground, cursing. He glanced around and noticed Juju being advanced upon by a large elethia, perhaps the largest one on the battlefield currently. The boy was scrambling backwards, his handgun lost somewhere in the grass. Otharon surged forwards to help the boy, when the Telethia was suddenly knocked aside by a large metal shape. A Faced-Mechon slammed the Telethia into the wall, raising it's hammer and beating the monster until it dissolved into ether particles. The Mechon turned around it's eyes fixing on Juju and Otharon couldn't help but notice it bore an uncanny resemblance to the one that had kidnapped Sharla's younger brother. Juju's eyes were wide with fear as he looked back at the Mechon when it turned around, folded itself up and with a massive blast, rocketed into the air. "That faced-Mechon…" Breathed Juju. "There on our side now," Otharon said, slapping Juju's handgun back into the boy's hand. "They used to be Homs, all of them. They may look different, but they all want the same thing as us." He sighed before tightening his grip on his ether rifle and turning his attention back to the battle. "Juju, let's go!" "Alright!" Juju nodded, chasing Otharon back into the thick of the battle. * * * Shulk was standing in the exact same place he was, just before the Monado's shackles were released and he had met Zanza for the first time. His face was set with determination and he began climbing the stairs to the terrace, prepared to see whoever was waiting for him, whether it would be Dickson or Zanza himself. The rest of his friends followed behind him. All idle chatter had gone and silence pressed in around all of them. At last they reached the top of the stairs. Leaning against the wall with his arms folded was Dickson himself, observing them with a smirk. "Dickson!" Shulk said,clenching his fists. "Kept me waiting a while, Shulk!" Dickson said in a mocking manner, raising his head to look directly at them. "Waiting for us to fight you?" Shulk guessed. "Yeah," Dickson broke eye contact with the visionary and stared up at the red sky above them. "That's what it's come to. Or will you just shut up and let me kill you?" "We'll never do that," Shulk shook his head. Dickson rolled his eyes, seemingly annoyed as he pushed himself off of the wall. "Just as I expected," He smirked. "Wouldn't have it any other way." He took up a fighting stance, leering at Shulk with an unpleasant smile. "I've been working for Lord Zanza since the beginning! I raised you purely so he could live on." "I know," The words stung Shulk's heart. "And I must thank you for granting me such power. It's all down to you that I'm standing here, ready for you now." "Enough talk, boy!" Dickson growled, red ether waves pulsing off of his body, shining brightly until Dickson couldn't be seen. When the ether light had faded, Dickson had grown to at least be ten meters tall, with bulging muscles and purple streaks lining his arms and face. A sword was in his hand and he wore the same necklace he had worn ever since Shulk was a child with a large purple loincloth. "Dickson!" Shulk shouted, unstrapping the Replica Monado from his back and leveling it at Dickson. "If you're so determined to stop us, then we will kill you." He glanced behind him at the rest of his friends, who looked back at him. He turned back towards Dickson and sprinted forwards, meeting Dickson's blade with his own. The rest of the group spread out around the giant, striking and attacking where they could. They're attacks seemed to be doing nothing, however. Each weapon was bouncing harmlessly off of Dickson, as if he was made of metal. Shulk cursed as she ducked underneath the sword and tried to sink the Replica Monado's blade into Dickson's leg, but it bounced off harmlessly. He heard a scream of pain and Melia was suddenly flying backwards She hit the ground and skidded a few inches. Dunban spun around. "Melia!" He shouted, before noticing Dickson and leaping aside his attack. "Melia!" Dunban's cry was joined in by the others and the high entia princess was sprawled on the ground, struggling to force herself to get up. The sleeve of her glove was pierced through with a rock which was currently sinking through her skin. Sharla attempted to fire a healing blast of ether towards Melia, but Dickson stepped in her way, and she was forced to focus back into the battle. Dunban broke away from the battle to assist the girl, running towards her at top speed. He was nearly there, when Dickson raised his hand and an ether blast slammed into Dunban's side, throwing him into the air. The hero of the Hom's scream of pain made Shulk flinch, but he forced himself to stay focused. Dunban slammed into the railing of the terrace, and he sat there dazed and confused as Riki managed to escape the battle long enough to get Melia back onto her feet. Dunban used the railing to get back up, blinking the stars out of his eyes and gripping his katana tightly. He bounded back into battle, but his movements were sluggish and missed often. It wasn't like Dunban to be so imprecise. Reyn was also struggling with dealing with Dickson's blows. His shoulder was aching and the giant moved so fast he could barely keep up. He cursed loudly as one of Melia's elementals was, again, unsuccessful at making the giant stagger. He noticed Dickson moving towards Sharla and ran towards her to protect the mdic, but was suddenly blasted aside by Dickson's arm as Sharla was hit back the flat side of the sword. She shot backwards, slamming into a rock and fell forwards onto her stomach, her rifle now only in one hand. Sharla raised her head weakly, her teeth gritted and eyes blazing with fury. Her nose was bleeding and she watched in horror as Shulk and Reyn tumbled down the steps, both of them struck by a powerful wave of ether energy. Riki was next to fall as he was thrown into the air and down again. She had to help. She had to do something. Struggling to her feet the medic raised her gun and fired a round of healing ether that surrounded the group and regenerated their strength. But it didn't take away the pain. Shulk and Reyn reappeared at the top of the stairs, running towards Shulk and joining Fiora, who was somehow holding her own in the battle. But in time, Dickson threw the three aside, leaving the group a scattered mess on the ground. "This is getting boring!" The giant roared as Shulk dug the Monado into the ground, attempting to get up. "You worms are no match for me!" He lunged forward, his enormous sword in hand and prepared to lop Shulk's head off when Fiora suddenly dropped from the sky in a blur of gold and white, her blades raised. She parried the strike with a yell, skidding into the ground and barely stopping Dickson's sword. "I see you've inherited Meyneth's power," The giant observed with a smirk. "Not her power," Fiora said through gritted teeth. "Huh?" "I've inherited her memories," Fiora clarified. "That's why I fight you." "Memories, huh?" Dickson pulled his sword away, rolling his pupil less eyes as Shulk stumbled over to Fiora. "And what good are those meant to be? Can't use memories to kill anyone." Fiora ignored the comment, tightening her grip on her swords. "Why are you fighting?!" She demanded. "You're helping Zanza to create a world where nothing exists! What could you possibly hope to get out of it?" Dickson scoffed. "Only those with power have the right to decide such things." "You're wrong!" "Zanza tells me where to fight and I fight," Dickson said, running a finger over his blade. "And that's how I like it!" "Is that your reason?!" Fiora demanded. "For fighting?!" "It's the only reason!" Fiora looked away from Dickson, her fists clenched and her teeth gritted. Tears were swimming in her eyes, but from what, Shulk couldn't sure. "Meyneth wished for a world where the peoples of Bionis and the peoples of Mechonis could live hand in hand."She remembered, turning back to face the giant, suddenly angry. "You will never get away with this!" "Is that right?" Dickson's sword suddenly shifted into a sword. "And what are you gonna do about it, in that feeble body?" He raised the cannon and fired three ether blasts. Fiora managed to block the first two, but the third sent her sprawling with a scream of pain. Shulk immediately ran to her aid as Dickson cackled cruelly. "That body doesn't have a Monado anymore. Who knows how much life it's got in it? Better say your good-byes!" Shulk's eyes widened and he looked down at Fiora who was avoiding his gaze. "It can't be…" "I'm fine," The blonde-haired girl said, pushing herself to her feet. "I'll carry on fighting beside you until the very end." "Well then," Dickson smirked. "We'd better make this quick!" The cannon morphed back into a sword and he lunged forwards for the killing strike. Fiora prepared to defend herself, when Shulk pushed her behind him, making her trip and fall. He raised the Monado and slammed it against Dickson's weapon, gritting his teeth in concentration. "What's that?" Dickson said in mock sympathy. "Little boy lost his Monado and can't do a thing without it?" Fiora raised her head, her body shaking. "Be careful!" "Well you can't!" Dickson growled, raising his other hand to blast Shulk back. Melia suddenly reacted, throwing her arm out, golden ether springing from her fingertips and exploding into particles in Dickson's face. He roared in pain, clutching at his eyes. "You…!" "Stand up, Fiora!' Melia shouted, leaning heavily on her staff. "Did you not say you wanted to be with Shulk? Do not throw your life away for this scoundrel!" "She's right," Sharla agreed, getting to her feet. "You have to take what you want. There's no point in dying!" She clicked the trigger on her rifle and a bullet slammed directly Dickson's shoulder. He roared in pain, spinning around and striking at her with his sword. "You're nothing!" Reyn was suddenly in front of Sharla, intercepting Dickson before he even got close to the medic. Reyn skidded backwards, but managed to keep his own and throw Dickson's blade away, even with his injured arm. "Shulk!" He glanced towards the visionary, who was currently on his knees, panting and looking pained. "Come on, man! Show him what you're made of! You don't need the Monado to take down this piece of scum!" He signaled to Sharla and the two leapt away as Dickson came down with his sword for a second blow. Riki bounced up next to Shulk grinning and holding his biter tightly. "Riki know!" He said. "Riki know Shulk brave! Riki want to see the old Shulk! Shulk is real Heropon! Dickson growled in anger, swinging down towards them, when Dunban sung in with his katana, parrying Dickson's in an instant. "Shulk!" He shouted. "True strength comes from within! Believe in your own true strength!" Shulk looked down towards the Replica Monado, still clutched in his hands. "Everyone…" The group advanced upon Dickson, but he tossed them away like old rag dolls one by one. But they kept getting up and retaliating with attacks, despite knowing how hopeless it was. "Shulk," Fiora climbed to her feet, her expression tense. "It's time Shulk. Let's finish this!" The small hollow where the triangular chest piece had been began glowing and Fiora narrowed her eyes, ready for attack. Shulk glanced at her before tightening his grip on the Replica Monado's handle. "I will not fail," He said. "With your faith in me and our strength combined...we can do this!" He stood up, and felt the whole world melt away in a vision. He knew exactly how this would play out. He just had to act the right part. When he reopened his eyes, an aura of blue ether energy was surrounding him. Dickson, who had nearly demolished everyone else, was smirking. You ever gonna make this worth my while?" He taunted them, when a shockwave of power from behind him made him spin around to look at Shulk and Fiora. They were walking toward him with their weapons raised and aura surrounding them. "Can't be…" Dickson breathed. "That power?!"" He shook his head before lunging at them, his weapon raised. Fiora instantly responded by letting her feet lift herself off of the ground. The drones on her back flipped around over her shoulder as Shulk sprinted forwards. Fiora concentrated, before sending a title wave of red ether across the field, Shulk leapt into the air over it and swung the Replica Monado in was wide arc, adding onto the wave with one of his own. Dickson, who was caught off guard by the sudden attack, screamed in pain as the ether waves sliced right through his kin, creating a large glowing mark. The attack knocked Dickson backwards as Fiora landed back onto the ground, the rest of the group watching with wide eyes as they helped each other up. "How is it possible without the Monado?" Dickson groaned in pain, holding one enormous hand to his chest. "Face me," Shulk ordered. "Stand and fight!" "Still got some fight in ya then?" Dickson asked, before sighing and letting the ether waves surround his body. "I'm done. I'm going home!" When the light was gone, the original Homs Dickson had returned, holding one hand to his chest which was still glowing with a large gaping wound. "I just wanted the power of a god. The martyr stuff's not for me." He waved his hand and a swirling portal appeared in the middle of the terrace. Shulk glanced back at it before looking back at his father-figure. "Dickson!" "Go!" He responded as the blue and red glows faded from around Shulk and Fiora's bodies. "I ain't gonna risk my life to stop ya." "Get back here!" Reyn roared. "You expect us to let you go?!" He took a step forwards when Shulk threw out an arm to stop him. "What?" "Enough," The visionary said. "It's Zanza we're after. Not him." "Okay," Reyn growled, obviously not happy. He slung his driver back over his shoulder and turned around. He glared back at Dickson before making his way over to the portal with the rest of the group. Dickson watched them go as he slid down the wall and sat down, completely drained. He pulled a cigar out of his pocket and light it, promptly sticking it into his mouth. "Damn…" He breathed, exhaling the smoke. "How'd that kid get so strong?" He paused slightly, before vowing quietly to himself. "I ain't gonna let you see me die. I won't give you the satisfaction of victory." He chuckled to himself, looking back at Shulk and remembering when he had found him in Ose Tower, all those years ago. "See ya, kid," He muttered, his voice growing weaker. "Looks like the student finally surpassed the teacher." Fiora glanced at Shulk, who was trying hard not to sob out loud. "Shulk," She whispered. "His wounds…" Shulk nodded, clenching his teeth together as tears began to stream down his cheeks, watching as Dickson went limp, the cigar dropping from his mouth and onto the cold rocks. The old man had breathed out his final breath.

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