Chapter 21 - Theif Trap

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Alvis, Shulk, Reyn, Dunban, Riki, and Sharla rushed out of the capital, and down a flight of stairs as the Center Gate. Alvis led them to a nearby transporter, and after stepping into it, they appeared at a large building that was built into the side of the Bionis head. "This is the Tomb," Alvis informed them. "Defensive measures prevent intruders from entering. You will have to circumvent these to move within the Tomb." "One thing before we enter," Shulk said. "Alvis, you can see the future, like me?" "I am from a long line of seers dedicated to serving the Imperial Family," Alvis said. "My visions help to protect the empire." "But you're a Homs…" "Yes," Alvis agreed. "But that is for another time. My ancestry is not easily explained, and my ability to see the future is equally complicated. You might say I have my own ritual. Is it not the same for you?" "No," Shulk shook his head. "My visions appear suddenly, without warning. At first, they're obscure. Then, as it gets closer to the event, I start to understand." "It seems you possess a power greater then I," Alvis said thoughtfully. "I still have not seen any danger befall Her Highness." "Not much use as a seer then, are you?" Reyn said. "Nothing passes you by, does it?" Alvis said sarcastically. "Now you see why I asked for your help. What a lucky coincidence that I happened to see you in danger." "A coincidence?" Reyn looked confused. "But I've seen you use the Monado!" Shulk protested. "The Monado has been passed down through the imperial line for generations," Alvis said simply. "The Sword of the Bionis. It is compelled to do it's master's bidding. Magnified greatly, it has the power to control the very fabric of our world -ether. Control the ether and your will is made a reality. I willed it, and it happened. That is all. Perhaps due to that power, the High Entia sealed away the Monado for centuries. Eventually it found it's way into the hands of the Homs, and then you, Shulk. A coincidence or something more? You must decide this for yourself. For you are the one who wields the Monado." Alvis turned to face the Tomb, closing his eyes. "The Bionis is stirring." He stepped forwards and approached the tomb's entrance. The others followed him, all still slightly surprised at the seer's words. The door melted away as they came towards it, and they entered the High Entia Tomb. * * * Melia stood in the entranceway to the tomb, her insides churning. She didn't like how the tomb felt. The walls seemed to pulsate with life, and the room was cold. Very cold. The ancestral altar lies deep beneath the seals,Melia thought, remembering what her father had told her. What trials await me I wonder? I must not lose focus! She nodded and walked forwards, coming into a room that was lit with a blue glow. There was only one thing in the room. It was a small stand, and on it was a button. Melia pressed it hesitantly. A few minutes later, a voice echoed through the room. "Two thousand five hundred and twelve cycles since last visitor," The voice was mechanical, but seemed almost alive. "State your name and purpose." "Melia Antiqua," Melia spoke, her voice muffled by the mask. "I have come to be judged on my legitimacy to the throne by the ancestral spirits." "Permission granted," The voice said. "Commencing analysis of genetic data." An orb on one of the walls in front of Melia began to glow and a thin circle of light began to scan her body, up and down several times. When it finally stopped, the wall in front of Melia vanished, and she stepped forwards hesitantly into the next room. The doors melted shut behind her, just as Shulk and the others stepped into the tomb. They made their way into the same room, looking around at the unnatural beauty of the High Entia Tomb. "It's so cold," Sharla remarked, rubbing her arms. She was shivering and Dunban glanced over at her. "There are remnants of ancient spirits in here," He said softly. "This is no ordinary chill." "As I explained before, Dunban," Alvis said, walking forwards. "The defense systems are designed to prevent uninvited-" "Well, what does this do?" Reyn was standing in front of the button and eyed it curiously. He raised his hand to press it and Alvis threw out his hand in a motion for the red-haired man to stop. "Don't touch-" But it was already too late. Reyn pressed the button, and jumped slightly as the same thin circle of light began scanning it. A minute later, the floor disappeared from under them. Everyone screamed as they plummeted, Riki attempting to stay afloat by waving his arms, but soon he too fell. * * * Melia stood in the hallway, the blue glow gone. It was replaced by a bright light that nearly blinded her, but thanks to the mask it didn't. She went forwards, stepping towards another door which melted away at her approach. She stepped forwards and an insignia on the ground began to glow brightly. It suddenly stopped, and a shimmering bridge appeared before her. She hesitantly put one foot on it, and was relieved when it held. She walked across it, spotting a monster she recognized as an Andos. Taking out her staff, she made quick work of it, and stepped onto another shimmering bridge. This time Melia found herself in a much larger room, with two ramps that split off at the door she had just come from. A platform in the middle of the room seemed to be empty, but Melia knew there was another trial awaiting her there. She descended the ramp and crossed a third bridge. As soon as she stepped onto the platform, the shimmering walkway behind her disappeared, and two Hover Astas fell from above. She took out her staff and summoned three different elementals, earth, ice, and lightning. She fired them off, and the first was destroyed. She turned to the last one and jabbed her staff forcefully into it, and pulling out, summoning a fire elemental and finishing it off. A final shimmering bridge appeared without Melia coming close, and she walked across it. However, it did not disappear, even after she had gone far off. At last, Melia reached a large room, with a flight of stairs leading to an altar with two spires rising up, and lost in the high ceiling. Another orb was embedded in the wall and the room was washed in a soft glow. Melia approached the wall and knelt, bowing her head respectfully. There was a long paused, until finally someone spoke. "You have done well my descendant." Melia glanced up at the orb, which suddenly started to glow brightly. She frowned at the voice's words. "Descendant?" Melia repeated. "Are you the progenitor of Antiqua?" "Think of me as a recreation of said ancestor, possessing his thoughts and speech." "But he passed away thousands of years ago!" "Do not mistake me for a living being," The progenitor of Antiqua warned Melia. "I am a replica of your ancestor. I am merely a projection of what he would be, if you were to meet him now." "I do not understand," Melia said. "But I do not suspect any falsehood in your words." "It is beyond doubt," Melia's ancestor said. "If I could feel, I would feel joy. I am not real, but I do not lie." "Joy?" The crown princess frowned. "What do you mean?" "The results of the analysis show Homs gene integration of 80%," The progenitor of Antiqua reported. "Estimates suggest evolution within eight generations. Our wishes are almost fulfilled." "Wishes?" "Our purpose, as decreed by the Bionis, is linked to our genetic sequence," Melia's ancestor explained. "We have spent millennia analyzing sequences to free ourselves from the curse. Only a certain gene set can unlock the mechanism, and set us free." Melia looked down at the ground. "I still do not understand." "It is of no consequence," He said dismissively. "I grant you this seal." The crown princess stood as a mark was burned into the mask she wore. "Is this…?" Melia said. "It is you who will rule the High Entia," Said the progenitor of Antiqua. "And likely be their last." "Revered ancestor, I-I…" "Go forth and rule, my descendant!" The glow from the orb faded and Melia pressed her hand to her forehead, her fingers outlining the mark that her ancestor had left behind on her mask. "So the spirits look favorably upon you." Melia sucked in a sharp breath, and spun around. Leaning against the walls, a woman was looking at the princess. She was wearing a purple uniform, black shoes and socks, and a golden and white mask covered her face. She straightened up, and took out two sharp daggers from within the folds of her uniform. She strode forwards towards Melia, and circled her like a hawk. "Explain yourself," Melia said, one hand on her staff. "Only imperials are permitted to enter this place." "I am the subject of Her Highness, the First Consort," The woman sounded incredibly amused with Melia's words. "I need no permission!" "Mother's...subject?" "No impure child of the Second Consort has the right to refer to the First Consort as 'Mother!'" The woman spat. "I…" "A filthy Homs half-breed has no right to the throne!" Shouted the woman, and she lunged at Melia. * * * Reyn, Shulk, Alvis, Riki, Sharla, and Dunban fell into a large pool of water, which broke their fall. They all climbed out of the water, emptying their shoes and glaring at Reyn. "Who puts a great big hole somewhere like that?" Demanded the former Defense Force soldier, looking irritated. "As I explained, it's a defense mechanism," Alvis said. "What a mess, Reyn," Shulk glared at his friend. "Friend not clever touching button!" Riki agreed, waving his arms angrily. "I'm with these guys, Reyn," Sharla nodded, putting her hands on her hips. "How was I supposed to know that was gonna happen?" Reyn demanded, folding his arms. "What about your visions, eh?! You'd think the two of you could come up with something." "You know it doesn't work like that," Shulk also folded his arms, still scowling at Reyn. "It would have been useful, yes," Alvis said, which infuriated Reyn even further. "Pair of fortune-telling frauds!" "You got us into this mess!" Shulk said defensively. "And it's not the first time either!" "Riki agree with Shulk!" Riki said, bouncing up and down to get his point across. "Why is it my fault all of the sudden?" Reyn demanded. "This time it is your fault!" Sharla cried. "Precisely," Dunban agreed. "Well…" Reyn couldn't seem to come up with a comeback. "Be thankful we are all alive," Alvis intervened in the heated argument. "I suggest greater care next time. Our journey will be longer, but we can still make our way deeper into the Tomb." "Okay," Shulk nodded. "We can't waste another second. Melia needs us." Everyone nodded in agreement, and they stepped inside the tomb. Much like the hallways above, these were lit with bright lights, but had more defensive measures taken. There were a lot more monsters, and the hallways were much more confusing. After taking the third wrong turn in a row, Reyn was starting to get annoyed. "Shulk, I thought you were making a map!" He said. "I am!" Shulk said indignantly. "And we haven't been down this path before. Everything just looks the same." He drew something on the map, and glanced upwards. "We should probably go through that door." He pointed to a door they had passed by, and when it vanished, they found themselves staring at a spiraling ramp that went down farther then they could see. "I thought we wanted to go higher, not lower," Reyn folded his arms. "Well this is at least new," Sharla pointed out. "Any other room we've been through either loops around back to that pool or is a dead end. I say we should go through it." She went through the doorway and began descending the long winding path down. Everyone soon followed. Halfway down, Riki stumbled and fell off the edge, eliciting a simultaneous cry of the Nopon's name from everyone. They sprinted down the remainder of the way down, and found the Heropon climbing out of another pool of water. "Friends not worry!" Riki said when he noticed them. "Heropon Riki okay!" He walked through a doorway, and found himself face to face with a small platform. "Looks like we can climb around," Shulk said, glancing at the walls. There were small ledges, almost like handles that were around the perimeter of the room. They would make perfect footholds. Shulk grabbed onto one and began climbing, making his way over to a bridge that would take them into the center of the room. Dunban came on last, and was surprisingly able to climb with one hand very well. When they finally reached the bridge, they all nearly fell off it, their muscles in their arms burning. They walked across the bridge, and Shulk glanced up. Before him was large ball, crackling with electricity and glowing with multicoloured lights. It was beautiful and terrifying at the same time. "That's is a big ball of...something," Reyn remarked, looking up at it as well. "It look fun and sparkle!" Riki giggled. Shulk took a hesitant step forwards, and the ball began to crackle viciously. "It's not attacking us, at least," Shulk said, but knew at once that he was wrong. As soon as he stopped talking, the electricity faded, and the ball suddenly released a bright light that blinded them. Blinking the spots out of his eyes, Shulk saw a monster fall from the sphere, and hit the ground. It was green, with big beefy arms and a mouth full of sharp teeth. In the place of arms and hands, it had two large pieces of machinery, and another one, much like the ancient machines back in the Cylinder Hangar, that grew out of it's head. "Another defense mechanism!" Shulk said, one hand closing in around the Monado's handle. "At a guess, I'd say we're looking at the tomb's guard," Dunban agreed. "We're not getting past without a fight," Sharla noticed as the creature released an odd shrieking cry and stomped towards them. "Everyone, Melia needs us," Shulk said, glaring at the monster through narrowed eyes. "We can't let this thing stop us!" "No problem," Reyn said. "Time to break my record of the fastest I've beaten a monster." Ignoring Reyn's comment, Shulk unsheathed the Monado, the blade of blue light appearing. He sprinted forwards, and the monster noticed him with another shrieking cry. Swinging his sword in a wide arc, Shulk leapt back and allowed Dunban and Reyn to take the monster's attention. Alvis appeared beside Shulk, his claymore in hand. They circled around behind and Shulk performed a quick backslash, the Monado cutting into the monster. He jumped back as it swung around with one of it's giant fists, nearly crushing him. Sharla fired off one powerful blast at the monster, and it fell over, dead. "What was that?" Reyn demanded, putting his driver away. "Anyone would think we're not wanted. Are we ever gonna find Melia?" "I think you'll find we had to go the long way because someone pushed a certain button," Alvis said, looking purposefully at Reyn. "Somebody mean Reyn!" Riki agreed. "Shut it hairball!" Reyn said defensively. "It was just a button!" "Relax, she will be fine," Alvis murmured, and pointed to a bridge they had unconsciously neared during the battle. "This route will lead us to the ritual altar, but time is of the essence. We must hurry." "We've got to hurry," Shulk said. "There's no time to lose." "The path should be less confusing from here," Alvis said. "We should have no more troubles navigating the Tomb." They nodded, and crossed the bridge, and taking hold of ledges and scaling the rest of the way there. Crossing another bridge, they found themselves facing a large empty room, another climbable wall on their right. After scaling it, they found the same monster they had just defeated. Skirting around it, Dunban groaned as he figured out they had to climb another wall. Once they had, a third monster was standing in their way. Again, the group avoided it, not wanting to waste anymore time. Climbing a spiraling ramp, Alvis came forwards to press another verification button. Everyone purposefully kept Reyn towards the back of the group. Apparently the Tomb was satisfied with Alvis's DNA, because a door opened up above them. They appeared in a large room, a shimmering bridge leading deeper into the Tomb. "Down there," Dunban pointed and they all took off, running across it. "A filthy Homs half-breed has no right to the throne!" Shulk jumped as he heard a voice. He sped up his pace as he realized that someone besides them and Melia were in the tomb. He swallowed slightly, as he thought about the person's words. "Melia…" Shulk panted. "Half-Homs?!" They ran into the room, finding a woman overpowering Melia, who was wearing a mask. She crashed the the ground, her hands wrapped tightly around her staff. She got to her feet and leapt back as the woman jabbed again at her. Shulk glanced up at the ceiling, where the Telethia was supposed to drop down, and wasn't surprised when it did. It flew down towards the crown-princess, and Shulk cursed under his breath. "Melia!" He shouted, rushing forwards. "Shulk?!" Melia turned, obviously surprised even though the mask hid her expressions. The Telethia crashed to the ground blocking the doorway. "A Telethia in the tomb?!" Melia gasped, turning to face it. The woman laughed. "Why should you care, when you're about to meet your death?" She said triumphantly. Shulk took out the Monado, Reyn pulled his driver over his shoulder, Riki grabbed onto his bitter, Dunban unsheathed his katana, and Sharla took out her rifle. They went around the Telethia, joining Melia's side. Reyn jumped forwards, blocking one of the Telethia's attacks. The woman cursed and gripped her swords tightly, and leapt at Melia. She leapt back and slammed her staff into the woman's swords. Summoning three quick elementals, Melia fired them off at the Telethia and jumped back again as the woman jabbed. The Telethia shrieked and it's body began to glow. Shulk found most of his attacks missing more often, and found that everyone but Sharla, Riki, Melia were having the same problems. With a supercharged attack from Melia, the Telethia screeched, beginning to glow. The woman yelped as the monster's tail hit her face, knocking off her mask. She instantly covered her face with her hands, preventing anyone from seeing it. "It's not over!" She declared. "Telethia! Kill as many of them as you can!" "Keep clear!" Melia ran over to Shulk, Reyn, Riki, Dunban, Alvis, and Sharla. "The Telethia is destroying itself!" Reyn ran forwards with the shield of his driver up, in an attempt to protect everyone. However, Alvis came forwards and raised a hand, a bright light coming from it, and redirecting the blast. There was a startled, "What?!" and the Telethia was gone, along with the woman. Reyn sighed and pulled his shield down. He straightened up as Shulk deactivated the Monado and approached the seer. "Alvis...Thank you," He said with a grin. "My pleasure, Shulk," Alvis said with a smile. "Why did you come?" Melia asked as Dunban, Sharla, and Reyn began searching for the woman. "The Monado gave me a warning," Shulk held up the sword. "That you were in danger. I'm just glad we made it." "Hey, Shulk!" Reyn called when their efforts were fruitless. "Whoever that is, is gone." "So," Melia sighed, coming forwards. "They escaped." She reached for her mask and took it off, revealing her blue eyes and wide smile. "Shulk. Everyone," She said, looking around. "I thank you. You saved me." Shulk returned her smile as Riki grabbed onto Melia's arm and began hopping up and down. "Riki smiley smiley!" He cheered. "Melly all safe! All thanks to Heropon!" Reyn marched forwards and grabbed Riki by his hair, smirking at the Nopon. "That's not how I remember it, cheese ball," He said while Riki struggled to escape. Melia came to his rescue, taking the Nopon from Reyn's grasp and setting him safely on the ground. * * * Emperor Sorean stood with Kallian as they looked down on Melia. Alvis and Lorithia were present as well, and Imperial guard members lined the walkway. "...And that concludes my report on the events in the Tomb," Alvis said, finishing up the events in the High Entia Tomb. "So there are forces working in the shadows," Sorean said after a long moment of silence. "However, this is purely circumstantial," Alvis said quickly. "Nothing can be proven." "Inquisitors of the Bionite Order," Sorean murmured. "Dedicated and devoted to the Bionis." "The order was dissolved under the rule of the Emperor Lumian, 47th successor to the throne, due to it's extreme practices," Kallian remembered. "Like puppet masters, pulling the strings from the shadows," Sorean said darkly. "I believed their bloodline was lost to the ages." "Her Highness the First Consort is currently residing within the Tower of Investigation," Kallian reported. "The Ministry of Investigation's judgement should be imminent." "That may not be enough," Sorean said. "I myself must shine a light on the truth." "Agreed." "Mother…" Melia whispered, hanging her head. She still couldn't frankly believe that her mother had ordered to kill her. "Melia," Sorean said, and Melia looked up at her father. "Your Majesty." "You have returned unharmed from the Tomb," Sorean said. "The forefathers have spoken." "But if it hadn't been for Shulk-" "Kallian has informed me of what happened," Sorean cut her off. "There is no reason to doubt your legitimacy to the throne." "Believe in yourself, Crown Princess," Kallian encouraged with a wide smile. "Brother…" "Tomorrow will be the investiture ceremony," Sorean said. "At the appointed time, you will become my successor. Be proud!" "I will!" Melia nodded. Sorean smiled down at her, feeling as though his delight would burst at any given moment. Melia, my child, He thought. I am overjoyed at how far you have come. You are truly worthy of the throne. Continue your legacy of a High Entia and Homs bloodline. You are the hope of Bionis. He closed his eyes as Melia was dismissed. * * * Reyn groaned, sitting down on the ground. He was tired from the days events, and was glad when they finally reached their room. "Reyn," Sharla said, slightly annoyed. "There are chairs, you know." "I know," Reyn said. "But they're too far." Sharla rolled her eyes and Riki waddled in between the two. "Heropon Riki like chairs!" Riki said. "When Riki leans back in chair, Riki feel like he flying! Woosh!" This left both Reyn and Sharla speechless. After a moment of silence, the Nopon spoke again. "Riki and friends help save Melly!" He said, completely changing the subject. "Riki very happy!" "We're all relieved," Dunban told the Nopon. "But something's still bothering me." "What is it?" Sharla questioned. "Why was Melia chosen as the crown princess?" Dunban asked. "Shouldn't Kallian have been the one to ascend? He is obviously much older then she, and her foe in the Tomb clearly opposed her appointment." "You have a point," Sharla agreed, suddenly looking thoughtful. "As well, Kallian is a more than worthy candidate," Dunban said. "What reason could they have for choosing Melia? And why would Kallian go along with this?" "It's a mystery," Sharla said simply. Reyn stood up from his spot on the floor and opened his mouth to respond, but the opening of the glass doors cut him off. Two guards entered the room and knelt respectfully. "Our apologies," One said. "His Majesty, the Emperor, summons you." "Finally!" A grin grew on Reyn's face. "He's gonna let us into Prison Island!" "Yeah!" Shulk agreed. "His Majesty awaits you in the Audience Chamber," The second guard said as they stood. He asks that you join him shortly." Shulk nodded, and they departed with the guards leading them. Along the way, Shulk noticed the mural of the Bionis and the Mechonis. It was the first time he had noticed it, since he had been shunted to the prison before he could get a good look around, and he was in too much of a rush to save Melia earlier. One guard caught him staring, and nodded. "Ah, you have noticed the mural," He said. "Lady Melia also enjoys this one. We believed it was best to preserve the titans final resting places." He climbed the stairs, but Shulk lingered by the mural a moment longer. There was another feeling in his gut, telling him that this wasn't going to be their final resting places. He shook his head to rid himself of the thought, and ran after everyone else. They stepped through the transporter, and the two guards turned to the group. "Our apologies," They said again. "Only Shulk may proceed beyond this point." Shulk exchanged a glance with everyone else, who nodded reassuringly. Reyn looked a bit annoyed, but didn't say anything. Shulk smiled and climbed the staircase that would lead into the Audience Chamber. When he arrived, it was empty. Save for the Emperor and Kallian, the room was desolate of all guards. Perhaps Sorean wanted this meeting to be private. Shulk approached the Emperor and his son, who regarded him with a nod. Kallian's eyes were fixed on the Monado. "Shulk," Sorean said at last. "Forgive us for detaining you earlier. You and I are not of the same people, but this I must say. Thank you for helping Melia Antiqua, my daughter. It was no small feat." "Not at all," Shulk assured the Emperor. "I too must apologize for meddling in your customs. We should not have interfered." "She is a lucky girl," Sorean said proudly. "To have met such unselfish people, that is something that must truly be treasured. In the times to come, a ruler will need support from individuals like you." There was a pause, until the Emperor spoke again. "I hear you seek the Mechon." "Yes," Shulk agreed. "The Mechon devastated our homes, and we lost many loved ones." "Revenge is your goal?" "It is." "You are honest," Sorean remarked. "I do not want to hide our true intentions," Shulk admitted. "Our very existence is at stake." "Unwavering too," Sorean commented. "Shulk, you are the Master of the Monado. But there is something that must be said." "What is it?" "Long before our forefathers built this empire…" Sorean closed his eyes, as if he didn't want to remember. "Two titans -the Bionis and the Mechonis- fought a vicious battle. Is this known among Homs?" "Yes," Shulk said. "It is told to us as children. The two fought and died, killing many creatures in the process. Their remains became our worlds, bringing forth new life on Bionis. That's how we were made." Sorean nodded. "The Bionis shall awaken once again." "Alvis told me the same thing," Shulk murmured, remembering Alvis' words just before they entered the High Entia Tomb. "This is not just a vision of a seer," Sorean said. "All of Makna knows." "Makna? But this is-" "I know," Sorean said. "But the forest was attacked by a Telethia, which are as old as the Bionis itself. And now, they disturb the ether. That disturbance can only lead to one thing." "But why is this happening now?" Shulk asked. Sorean turned, and gestured above. An ancient stone tablet was hanging from the ceiling, written in a language Shulk didn't know. "This is an inscription left by our forefathers," Sorean told him. "It is written: Descendants of Antiqua, when the ether cries, the Bionis awakes. Mistake not the signs, and heed the sword's return. Trap it's power and assure eternal prosperity." Sorean looked down, still not facing the young wielder of the Monado behind him. "All life born on Bionis affects the ether," He continued. "The Mechon's assault is just the beginning. And these events were set in motion when you used the sword against them." "We used it because we-" "Because you needed to," Sorean finished Shulk's sentence for him, turning at last to face the blonde. "Without it, you could not survive. I cannot dispute this fact. I believe the inscription speaks of these very events with the Mechon. But if their assault continues, if more lives are lost...Soon the Bionis will awake, and not only the High Entia, but all life will perish! Do you see, Shulk?" "You're talking about total extinction," Dead settled in on the pit of Shulk's stomach. "Correct," Sorean confirmed. "Which is why the Mechon's invasion must be stopped." "Then you'll help us?" Shulk felt the dread ebb away. It was replaced by hope. "Your Majesty, we need imperial sanction to enter Prison Island. Will you permit us entry?" "What will you do there?" "I saw it in a vision," Shulk remembered. "We will fight a faced Mechon. They must pay for what they did." He clenched his fists. "Then, you will have seen him too," Sorean said thoughtfully. "On Prison Island, our forefathers sealed something away, just as they did to the Monado. All records have been lost, and there is now no way to know what it was." "Is it connected to the awakening of the Bionis?" "I do not know," Sorean admitted. "But our forefathers must have had good reason. We must trust their decision. Shulk, allow me some time to deliberate. Above all else, I will consider the safety of Bionis. You are our Bionis brethren. We will not ignore your plight." "I...Understand," Shulk was disappointed, but did his best to hide it. "This is not our homeland. If you decide not to let us go, I will accept your decision." "I am sorry." "It's okay," Shulk said, not really sure if it was himself. "One more thing," Sorean said as Shulk turned to walk away. "Yes?" The blonde paused. "I ask this not as Emperor Sorean Antiqua, but as a father," The Emperor said. "I do not demand that you act as Melia's protector, but I would be honored if you would be her friend. This is my humble request." "It would be my honor," Shulk said with a huge smile. Sorean nodded, and Shulk was dismissed. * * * The room was in shadows. Only one thing was the source of light, and that was a golden Mechon, with a hard cruel face and a tail swishing through the air. Beside the Mechon was the woman that had created Face Nemesis. "The Telethia are on the move," The Mechon remarked. "Yes," The woman agreed. "The fleshy fool will go for the Monado," The Golden Mechon predicted, it's arms folding. "What of the faces?" "Repairs to Metal are complete," The woman reported, looking slightly nervous. "And Nemesis?" "Nemesis is.." The woman hesitated, but didn't get to say whatever Nemesis was. "The Homs with the Monado," The Golden Mechon said, sounding incredibly displeased. "He has reached Eryth Sea?" "Yes." "Then there is only one place for them to go," The Golden Faced Mechon said. "Yet he will not dare unleash such power. No matter. Bugs must still be exterminated. It is time to test our new toy." It examined a spear in front of it, a container with green fluid at the top, and running through to the tip. The Mechon eyed it before speaking. "Commence the assault on Bionis!"

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