Chapter 27 - Enter Sword Valley

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The chill Valak Mountain gave Shulk was almost automatically gone by the time his boots stopped crunching in the snow. He glanced upwards and felt his breath ripped from his throat. "Whoa..." He heard Reyn say. "What the...?" His words were justified. Before them stretched out the Mechonis' sword, also known as Sword Valley. It was filled with grooves and long winding corridors. They could see the Mechonis' glaring face at them in the distance, it's red eyes dim, but it still glared at Bionis, even in it's sleeping state. The sword itself was a dark magnophy colour and green light flowing through the sword, towards the hilt. Naturally, it was this light that Shulk noticed first. His eyes followed it's journey, until it turned inwards, towards the middle of the valley, and disappeared. From where they were, they could see the Bionis' head, bowed over the weapon, as if looking at in shock. If Shulk looked down, he swore he could see Colony 6 and it's slow but steady reconstruction process. It was an incredible sight. "Is all that big sword?" Riki asked, gawking at the sight. "If is, than ouchy ouch!" "The sword of the Mechonis," Dunban's lip was curled in disgust. He obviously wasn't happy being back to the place where he lost the use of his right arm. "The entire valley below," Sharla gasped. "The whole thing is it's sword!" "Something seems...unnatural," Shulk decided, frowning. "What do you mean?" Asked Melia. Shulk nodded towards the green light, streaking towards the hilt of the sword. "Look," He said. "That flowing light. From the way it glows, it has to be ether. But it looks like it's being drawn in by something." "By the fortress," Dunban said, pointing towards the direction the ether was flowing. "It should just be up ahead." "Father once told me that the Mechonis absorbs the ether of the Bionis and uses it for sustenance," Melia remembered. "So the Mechonis feeds off ether," Dunban guessed. "Then undoubtedly the ether serves as the Mechon's energy source as well." He strode forwards, and they passed through a small cave. Melia glanced up and she spotted the fortress, hidden in the hilt. "It looks so big, even from this distance," Melia breathed. "The fortress must be enormous." "Galahad Fortress -the front line base of the Mechon," Dunban said, glaring at the fortress. "The Mechon that attack Bionis must all come from here." "Then there's a high probability that he's there," Shulk murmured. "The golden Mechon that took Fiora." He glanced back at the others, and turned to face them, his expression shifting into a determined one. "We're about to enter the Mechon stronghold," He said. "If there's anyone who wants to turn back now..." "Shulk," Riki said sharply. "Friends should no split up. No leave friend behind. Riki scared, but Riki want go to." "Riki..." Shulk didn't bother to try and hide his relief. He was afraid everyone would turn tail and run now that they were literally on the Mechonis itself. "He's right," Dunban agreed with the Nopon, meeting Shulk's gaze. "Okay, let's go." "Yes!" Shulk agreed. As they walked, something spiral overhead. Shulk frowned, following it's path. It seemed to settle down right in the sword. Reyn seemed to notice it too. "What's that?" He demanded. He ran forwards, in the direction of the object had flown. They spotted a large array of hover transports and High Entia security pods. "A supply convoy," Alvis said, noticing the group's baffled expressions. "It would be most unwise to proceed without restocking our supplies." "You arranged this for us?" Shulk asked. Alvis nodded, and Reyn nudged Shulk pointing. "Hey, it's...!" Shulk followed Reyn's finger, and saw a familiar man with a red bandanna and blonde hair. He had his back to them, and was watching two men unload a crate of weapons, which were most likely anti-Mechon weapons. "Dickson!" Shulk rushed down the remainder of the slope to met said man at the bottom. Dickson turned around as head footsteps, and his trademark troublemaker grin spread over his face. "Looks like you lot have been having fun without me!" He teased. "Heard you took care of that faced Mechon." "What are you doing here?" Dunban asked. "I got wind of some allied force coming together a few days back," Dickson shrugged nonchalantly. "I stepped up as the representative of the Homs. Then a little birdie told me you lot were headed to Galahad Fortress. So I thought I'd drop by and say hello. I've got whole stack of new equipment. Want some?" "Yeah!" Reyn pumped his fist. "I was hoping for some new stuff!" "Hold it Reyn," Dickson said sharply. "You know it's gonna cost you." "You cheap old man!" Dunban rolled his eyes. Dickson snorted. "Mind you, it's only anti-Mechon weapons, but I'm pretty sure we can get some new clothes going sooner or later." "I'm fine with this," Shulk gestured to his clothing. He had it replaced in Alcamoth, but it was his usual Homs clothing that he always wore around Colony 9. Dickson grinned and they went off to get some anti-Mechon weapons for everyone. Sharla refused to get rid of Gadolt's rifle, but they bought her an anti-Mechon rifle just in case. "Looks like you lot have been through a lot," Dickson said when they finished, and were equipped with their new weapons. (Besides Shulk and Dunban, who already had their own anti-Mechon weapons) "Why don't you tell me about it?" They proceeded to explain everything that had happened since they had parted ways in Satorl Marsh. When they had finished, Dickson didn't bother to conceal his shock. "Fiora?" He gasped. "You mean Dunban's sister?" Dunban looked down at the ground. "Yes." "So that's why you're all looking so down, "Dickson's face dawned with comprehension. "I can't believe they're sticking Homs into those faced Mechon. Looks like they weren't just eating us." "They made Mumkhar into one," Dunban's face twisted up with fury again. "He's the one who attacked Colony 9." "Oh, and there was me thinking he snuffed it in that battle," Dickson sounded truly disappointed. "Aren't you surprised?" Dunban asked, eying his old friend. "That he attacked Colony 9?" Asked Dickson, raising an eyebrow. "I dunno what drives those Mechon. I've given up trying to figure them out. It don't surprise me one bit." He chuckled, his expression darkening. "Still, Mumkhar as well, eh? Things are getting interesting." "Sorry?" Shulk tilted his head, scanning Dickson's face for any sign of emotion. "Oh, nothing," Dickson said mysteriously, shaking his head. Alvis came forwards, standing calmly by Dickson's side. "It is time for us to return." He said, interrupting the conversation. "I would like to continue providing assistance, but my help is required in assembling Homs for the allied force. There is also my duties as seer to consider." "Then I'll be off too," Dickson agreed. "You lot should be alright getting Fiora back. In the meantime, we'll be getting ready for battle." "Thanks for coming this far," Shulk smiled. "We'll be fine. We can handle ourselves." "Galahad Fortress is a key position for the Mechon," Dickson reminded them. "You can't just rush in, all guns blazing." "Agreed," Dunban nodded. "We will infiltrate via the ether inlets. If I'm right and the Mechon do feed off ether...then we're sure to find some sort of influx channel. Our objective is to reach one of these channels." Dickson nodded, and glanced over at the blonde wielder of the Monado. "Don't go dying on me, Shulk!" "I won't!" Shulk assured him. "You take care as well." "Cheers!" Dickson waved and they climbed aboard one of the High Entia security pods. The Defense Force soldiers began loading up the equipment, and soon they shot into the air, away from the group of Homs, Nopon, and High Entia alike. "Looks like it's just us," Sharla stared after them. "Right!" Dunban said briskly. "We had for the hilt of the sword -Galahad Fortress." "Okay," Shulk nodded, and they began the long journey down the sword. After a few paces, Dunban gazed towards the fortress in the distance. One year on, He thought, smiling. Now, at last, we will seize our destinies. He glanced at Shulk, who was engaged in conversation with Reyn. Isn't that right, Shulk? * * * The Golden Faced Mechon stood with his arms crossed. He was glaring to the opposite side of the room, his golden tail swishing through the air. He remembered a giant, standing in front of the Bionis' head, taking in a deep breath and enjoying the scenery. He, Egil, stood next to him. Then, the fateful battle between the two great titans of the world ended with both of them striking finishing blows to the other. "So another has appeared with the ability to wield the Monado," The Golden Mechon said at last. "But why would Zanza release the Monado? He surely knows it would become a double-edged sword. Yet he relinquishes it to that mere child!" He remembered Face Nemesis. She had left without orders to meet with the boy who wielded the Monado. "And a face escaped my control and acted alone," He continued, his voice filled with contempt. "Now that the Monado has been freed, it seems the usefulness of the Faces has come to an end. Although..." The Golden Mechon frowned, having second thoughts. "Perhaps there are still things to be learnt from having them challenge the boy."

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