Chapter 20 - Bionite

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Shulk, Reyn, Sharla, Dunban, and Riki stepped through the transporter at the main entrance to Alcamoth. They appeared at the center gate, and Shulk led them to a second transporter, which brought them back to Hovering Reef Three. They followed the path, until Riki spotted a lighthouse to the left. "Riki think friends should go there!" He said. "Soldier man say they at lighthouse." "Good thinking," Shulk nodded, smiling. They headed towards the transporter, and after standing in the middle of the swirling light, they found themselves on Hovering Reef Four, Syrath Lighthouse just ahead. "Excuse me!" Someone called. "Are you soldiers from the Imperial Guard?" They turned around and saw a High Entia man looking worried. "No," Shulk admitted. "But, we decided to help. We heard there was an SOS coming from this area." "Yes," The man nodded. "One of the workers repairing the transporter went to collect ether crystals and never came back. I was getting worried, so I called for help. You can get to the ether crystal deposit from a transporter behind the lighthouse." He pointed towards the structure in question. After thanking him, the group approached the transporter and went into it. When they appeared on the next reef, they found another High Entia man, surrounded by Ignas. "Well, let's scrap some...Ignas I guess," Reyn said, unsure of what to say. Sharla rolled her eyes and backed up slightly as the others charged into battle. There were about seven Ignas, and they made quick work of them. "Thank you...Thank you so much!" Cried the man gratefully. "I really thought I was done for...I went to go collect ether crystals when those monsters attacked me! I'm going to go finished repairing the transporter now. Thank you again!" He shook each of their hands vigorously and left. * * * "...And that is the extent of my discussions with the Homs that accompanied Melia here." Alvis was kneeling before the Emperor, Melia's brother, and Yumea, who were all watching him. Yumea was glaring at Alvis, while the Emperor looked interested. Melia's brother's face was devoid of any expression. "I still cannot believe it," He said, clenching his fists. "How could a Telethia have grown to such power?" "And what is your conclusion, Seer?" The Emperor questioned. "That the Telethia were able to gain such power due to the high levels of ether in the region," Alvis said. "In other words, our ether protection is weakening." "And so it begins," The Emperor said, glancing up at a stone tablet resting above him, hanging down from the ceiling. "The resurrection of the Bionis." He shook his head and looked back at Alvis. "What of the Monado?" "I cannot see," Alvis frowned. "My 'sight' is hindered. However…" He faded into silence. "Speak, Seer," The Emperor ordered after several moments of silence. "It is not certain that the Monado will bring about our destruction," Alvis finally said. "While my sight is hindered, I see a sliver of light. Is Your Majesty not aware of this light as well?" "Are you referring to…" The Emperor's eyes widened. "Melia?" "And the young man, Shulk." "Could it be the boy is trustworthy after all?" The Emperor mused, before turning to face Melia's brother. "Kallian, we are on the cusp of a significant moment. The investiture ceremony must take place as soon as possible." "Your Majesty," Kallian said. "Since the ministries are all in agreement, we may be able to bypass some of the formalities." "Indeed," Agreed the Emperor. "But Melia must still earn the blessing of the people." "Might I suggest...the Trial of the Tomb?" Yumea asked innocently. "First Consort," The Emperor seemed aghast. "Such a ritual has not been performed for generations." "We have simply not had a need for it until now," Yumea said, averting her gaze from Kallian and the Emperor and to the opposite side of the room. "And I feel she is more then equal to the challenge." "Mother, the Tomb is dangerous," Kallian protested. "Our records show that many potential successors lost their lives performing the ritual." "That child fought and defeat the Telethia," Yumea pointed out. "It is my belief that she is more then strong enough. Besides, if it were revealed that she avoided such a responsibility, her reputation among the people would be irreparably damaged." "I must protest!" Kallian started, until his father cut across him. "No, no, no," The Emperor said. "The First Consort is right. There is much risk, but the rewards are greater. It would seal the people's love for her." He pointed at a guard, his voice sounding slightly shaky. "Summon Melia. Her thoughts must be heard." The guard nodded and rushed off, returning moments later with the crown princess herself in tow. "I accept," Melia said after she had heard what they were planning for her ritual. "If I am to lead the High Entia despite my mixed heritage...If I am to succeed the throne, then I accept what must be done." "I expect nothing less of my successor," The Emperor said proudly. "The path the greatness is fraught with danger. This shall be your statement to Bionis." "Yes, Your Majesty." You are not fit to be Empress, Yumea thought scathingly. Not now, not ever. Alvis glanced at her, making a small noise of interest in his throat as a small flicker of anger flashed across the First Consort's face. * * * Shulk, Reyn, Sharla, Dunban, and Riki all gathered in a circle after the battle. Sharla almost instantly pulled Reyn aside to clean up his wounds. He had dragged most of the Igna's attention towards himself, and as a result got injured more then the rest. "Looks like we got them out of a scrape!" Shulk said. "Shulk!" Riki said, stifling a yawn. "Riki tired. Riki sleep in castle now." "Good idea," Reyn agreed, wrenching himself out of Sharla's grip. "Let's head back to the capital." "The sooner the better," Sharla scowled at Reyn. They headed back off, and reached the capital as quick as they could. They headed back to their room, and found the guard waiting for their return. After assuring them that the repairer was fine, and the transporter was going to be fixed soon, he left the room. Shulk approached the window, and spotted the High Entia gathering outside in one big mass of people. They seemed to be congregating around the Imperial Palace, and were looking up expectantly. "Everyone's gathered outside," Shulk said, motioning Reyn over. Dunban pulled back a chair and sat in it, propping his feet on the table. "How come we didn't get invited?!" Reyn demanded, looking slightly irritated. "It looks like some kind of ceremony," Shulk said, examining the crowd. A few seconds later, screen popped to life in front of the ground, and just in front of their room. Outlined against the screen was the Emperor, looking incredibly proud. "My loyal and beloved subjects," He said. "Sorean Antiqua speaks. I have been your Emperor for a little more then twenty years, but today I stand before you in celebration." "So that's the High Entia Emperor," Dunban said, putting his good hand behind his head comfortably. "Sorean Antiqua," Shulk murmured, looking back at the screen. "I will remain your Emperor for many years to come," Emperor Sorean said. "But now is the time to announce my successor. May I introduce your crown princess…" "And there's the lady herself," Dunban said, a grin spreading across his face. "Melia Antiqua!" "Its...It's her!" Shulk gasped as the screen flicked to a shot of Melia, wearing robes like her father's and brothers, a mask covering her face. "She's a princess?" Reyn demanded, looking shocked. "Took you long enough," Dunban said. "Her silver spoon accent was a clue," Sharla folded her arms. "But royalty?" The High Entians began to talk among themselves, most presumably about Sorean's choice in successors. "My daughter, Melia Antiqua, will depart immediately to face the tomb," The Emperor said. This provoked more muttering and gasps from the people. "She will seek the approval of our ancestors and become your crown princess!" Sorean turned to face Melia, who knelt in front of her father, her head bowed. There was silence, and then… Melia was kneeling in front of an altar, her face covered by the very mask she was wearing. She suddenly looked up and screamed, a Telethia falling from the ceiling and hitting the ground with a bang, roaring at her. A green blast erupted from the monster's mouth, and Melia fell over. Shulk gasped as he was viciously jarred back into reality. He stared at the screen where silence still reigned over the people of Alcamoth. * * * Yumea walked down the hallway, a scowl lining her face. Her fists were clenched, but she took pleasure in the deafening silence that had followed the announcement of Sorean's successor. "The people are fickle," She said to herself. "No mask can hide that girls contaminated blood." "First Consort," Tyrea knelt in front of Yumea. "All the pieces are in place. Say the word and the captive Homs shall be no more." "The savage who discovers fire remains as savage," Yumea said viciously, unaware of Kallian approaching them. "Disappointed or not, His Highness will turn a blind eye to their fate, and their removal will deprive Melia of some powerful allies." "As you say." "Mother?" Kallian called, but the First Consort didn't appear to hear. Her blood was pounding in her ears and she felt the anger bubble up inside her. "We continue to endure the contamination of our bloodline by perpetuating this wretched tradition of a High Entia First Consort and a Homs Second Consort," Yumea growled. "For how long must I suffer these Homs?! Do your duty, Tyrea." Tyrea nodded, bowing her head. "As you wish." She stood, and Kallian caught a glimpse of the mask that was covering Tyrea's face, preventing anyone from seeing her facial features. "That mask…" Melia's brother mused to himself, before turning and promptly turning and rushing down the hallway, the opposite way of Yumea. * * * Shulk stood at the window, long after Melia, Sorean, and Kallian had left the balcony. The distant roar of the High Entians filled his ears as they celebrated. His face was pale and his palms were pale and clammy from what he had seen. "Melia…" Shulk finally turned away from the window, a ringing in his ears. "I don't doubt that was Melia," Dunban said. "But why the mask?" "I don't know," Shulk shrugged. "But she's different from the other High Entia." "How do you mean?" Sharla asked. "Melly not like other Bird People," Riki said, bouncing up and down. "Melly like Hom Hom friends." "You might be right," Dunban agreed. "But there are things at play here we can't understand." Shulk nodded, thinking about his vision. Sorean had said Melia was going to face the trial of the tomb. Assuming his vision was going to happen there, then Melia… "Wait a minute!" He yelled. Everyone in the room jumped at his sudden exclamation. "You'll give a Homs a heart attack shouting like that!" Reyn said. "We've got no time to lose!" Shulk said, his eyes wide. "Melia needs our help." "Again?" At first Reyn seemed a little irritated that he had to help Melia again, but his expression cleared as he suddenly understood. "You had another vision didn't you?" "What did you see?" Sharla asked. "Out with it already!" Reyn agreed. Shulk opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off as the door opened. Five High Entia women entered the room, wearing purple uniforms and masks. They were holding swords and had wings that fell down to their hips. "Excuse me," Dunban said calmly, despite the situation. "We ordered room service an hour ago." "I'm afraid you've already eaten your last meal," The High Entia in front said nastily. They got into battle positions while Shulk, Sharla, Reyn, and Dunban drew their weapons. They rushed forwards, but Shulk didn't seem to be able to do much damage to them. He tried to stay behind, and attacked from the back, but the Monado passed right through them. Shulk silently cursed the Monado's ability to not harm people. At long last, the last of the assassins fell over as Reyn slammed his driver into her head. She would most likely wake up with a pounding headache. "Who are these guys?" Reyn asked, panting as he slung his driver over his shoulder. Shulk placed the Monado on the table, and frowned. Suddenly the doors swung open and Alvis came into the room, claymore in hand. "Shulk!" Shulk turned around, looking at the Seer, who looked quite disappointed as he strode over the the blonde visionary. "These are...Inquisitors?" Alvis breathed, kneeling by one woman and checking her wrist for a pulse. The doors opened again, and Melia's brother strode into the room, flanked by two guards. "What is this?" He demanded. "More of them?!" Reyn grabbed the handle of his driver, ready to attack. "Wait!" Alvis yelped. "This is His Highness, Kallian. Brother to Her Highness Melia." "Melia'" Shulk repeated. He remembered seeing Kallian briefly on the screen during Sorean's announcement. "Do not concern yourself, Your Highness," Alvis turned to Kallian. "The matter appears to have been resolved." "Seer Alvis," Kallian nodded. "I foresaw the danger," Alvis said, glancing again at the unconscious High Entia. "I rushed here, but seemed to have missed the fun." "They do not look like mere thieves," Kallian folded his arms. "I am assuming they are Inquisitors of the Bionite Order," Alvis told the prince. "A group of assassins long devoted to the Imperial Family." "Ridiculous," Kallian declared. "The Bionite Order are a mere-" "Myth." Alvis cut Kallian off, and looked at him seriously. Kallian looked slightly taken aback by his sudden outburst. "Seer…" "The order existed before records began," Alvis continued. "I, like many others, believed they had long since died out. Yet here they are before us." "Is Father aware of this?" Demanded Kallian. "I suspect he knows very little," Alvis replied. "He may not even be aware of their existence. They live amongst the shadows, never revealing their true faces." "But that does not explain why they would attack these people," Kallian pointed out, gesturing to Shulk and the others. He suddenly remembered seeing his mother and the woman, Tyrea, talking about killing the 'captive Homs.' "Wait…" Breathed Kallian. "Could that have been…No! There's no way!" "Kallian!" Shulk interjected. "Melia is in danger! She'll be killed at an altar if we don't find her soon!" "Killed?!" Kallian said skeptically. "How can you be so sure?" "Shulk and I share the same gift," Alvis informed the prince. "Another seer?" Kallian frowned, looking at Shulk. "Which would mean that...You can see the future?!" "That's why we have to find her!" Shulk nodded. "Now!" * * * Lorithia accompanied Melia to the tomb's entrance, while two guards flanked the minister. Melia had a mask covering her face, and had changed back into her regular clothes. "Your Highness," Lorithia said. "As agreed, you will face the ritual alone." "I thank you for escorting me," Melia said, her voice muffled by the mask. "We wish you a safe return," Lorithia said, and Melia nodded, turning to face the entrance to the Tomb. "As history has proven, all those who stake claim to the throne without merit spend eternity as fallen spirits." "I must prove my worth as the next ruler," Melia said tonelessly. "And I am no less prepared to sacrifice my life than those who have fallen before me." "Most wise Your Highness," Lorithia said, smirking. Melia started forwards towards the Tomb's entrance, the doorway melting away at her approach. "Watch your back, Your Highness," Lorithia called after the crown princess, but Melia did not appear to hear. * * * "Unacceptable." Kallian stood with his arms crossed. Shulk had explained how he had seen the Telethia fall from the ceiling and take Melia's life with a blast of green ether energy. "Those who enter the Tomb must do so alone," Kallian continued firmly. "Her life, or death, is in the hands of fate. Those not worthy of the throne are exactly that!" "You can't seriously think that!" Reyn said indignantly. "This is your sister! This is Melia!" "Easy, Reyn," Dunban chided. "But Dunban…!" "This ritual holds a special significance," Dunban said. "It is wrong for us to interfere." "I don't like it!" Reyn growled clenching his fists. "But am I right to say that the rules of this ritual only affect High Entia?" The former user of the Monado said with a growing smirk. "And if some strange Homs happened to get involved, it wouldn't cause a problem. Or is there some rule that prohibits Homs from entering the Tomb?" "No, I suppose not," Kallian said. Dunban seemed to have cornered him. "Then look at it this way," Dunban shrugged. "I don't need to know how big a deal this ritual is to your people. What I do know is that your sister's life is at stake. Cut us a break, and we'll save her." "Who are you?" Kallian said, frowning. He was obviously trying to find some loophole in Dunban's words. "My name is Dunban," The man in question said. "I'm sort-of the protector of this Mechon-basing band of Homs." "Dunban," Kallian repeated his name under his breath. "I know you. At the Battle of Sword Valley, you held back an entire wave of Mechon with the Monado." "You know a lot about a battle you never showed up to." "Our apologies," Kallian said. "We do not concern ourselves with the wars of others. Be it against the Mechon or otherwise." "I was only joking!" Dunban said hastily. "You had your reasons. I can see that with all these defence systems, you don't really need to fight." "Then it is decided," Alvis said. "You can reach the Tomb by transporter from the Center Gate. Her Highness has already entered. Shulk, you should hurry." Shulk nodded, and they hurried out of the room to go after Melia.

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