Chapter 41 - Dickson

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Zanza appeared on the roof terrace of Prison Island, carrying both his own Monado and Meyneth's in each hand. A wide grin spread across his face as he chuckled cruelly. "Let it begin..." He said. "The ceremony of destruction and recreation!" Zanza raised the Monados and Prison Island began to glow with a sinister blew light. Green ether waves flew in huge swarms down upon the Imperial Capital Alcamoth. Then, Prison Island began to fall, sinking into Eryth Sea and the Bionis' head. Meanwhile, the High Entia shrieked in pain as they collapsed, their bodies beginning to ripple and change. Anguished cries filled the air, as the ether in their bodies reached it's peak and a certain gene began to activate. Alcamoth was flooded with green ether waves, throwing a huge beam into the sky, which could be seen from where everyone was still standing, shocked at the Mechonis Core. "The...The Bionis!" Dunban was the first to break out of his stupor. "That light...What's happening now?" Vanea suddenly rose to her feet, climbing down to where Yaldabaoth lay on the floor. "Brother!" She cried, running towards him. "Vanea..." Egil grimaced in pain as he attempted to shift to look at his sister. Vanea climbed up what remained of Yaldabaoth to reach her brother When she did, she wrapped him in a tight hug. "I'm sorry. I was..." "I understand," Vanea choked. "I always knew it might come to this." "Go, Vanea," Egil pleaded. "Do what you must while there is still time remaining. All not lost." "No!" Vanea cried. "You must come with me!" "I, too, have something that I," Talking seemed to give Egil even greater pain, but he did so confidently. "The final wish entrusted to me by Lady Meyneth." "Brother..." Vanea buried her face in the crook of his neck. She suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder, and she turned, to find a High Entia Princess standing behind her. "Melia?" "I understand your feelings," Melia said with a kind smile, remembering her father's death. "Leave it to us. We know what we must do. We will do all we can for the people of Mechonis." Egil smiled gratefully at her. "Now go!" He urged. "Shulk...can still be saved. Do not let the last glimmer of hope be extinguished!" Fiora collapsed onto her knees back at Shulk's body and gazed sadly down at it as Reyn slung his driver over his back. "Egil..." He murmured. "Go in peace." "Let's go!" Dunban said. "We're leaving the Mechonis! Reyn!" Dunban nodded towards said man. "Take care of Shulk!" "Right!" Reyn nodded and joined Fiora at Shulk's body and scooped him up in his arms. Sharla knelt next to Fiora, noticing her hand was where her chest piece was supposed to be. "You okay?" She asked. "Y-Yes," Fiora lied, nodding in what she hoped was a reassuring manner. But all the while, stabs of pain flew through her body, letting her know that she didn't have much time left now that Meyneth's Monado was gone. She groaned in pain, and Sharla cast her one more concerned glance as Dunban tested the transporter. "Good," He breathed. "It still works." He turned to face the others, his expression grim. "The whole place is gonna blow! We must return to Junks via the Central Factory!" "Let's go!" Sharla agreed while Riki glanced down at where Egil lie within Yaldabaoth. "Dundun, what about Egil?" He asked. "He will fight Zanza till the very end," Dunban said. "But we have our part of the bargain. Once he's gone, we're the only ones left." Riki nodded and Dunban fixed his face back into a determined one. "Let's move, everyone!" They stepped back through the transporter, while the ground rumbled underneath them. Fiora was leading the group, despite her jumbled thoughts and pained body, she ran faster then anyone. She knew that the chest piece on her armor was what made her mechanical body function. Now that it was gone, she knew that she would most likely die again. However, there was still some stored energy left, so she should be fine, for now. Debris rained from above as the Mechonis began its collapse. Zanza had done some serious damage, and now that Meyneth was dead, the Mechonis had lost most of it's soul. Once Egil died, it would completely collapse. Fiora dodged a large piece of debris and quickened her pace. It was hard to run, since the ground continued to rumble and threw everyone off of their feet at least once. When the group finally arrived back at Junks, Reyn ran up to Linada's Laboratory with Sharla, while everyone else ran to tell Miqol that they needed to leave. "I know," The Machina said grimly when Dunban opened his mouth. "It's over. Yep, I know even though I wasn't there. Then, let's get out of here." Junks began to hum with machinery, and shot out of the Mechonis, soaring downwards towards the Fallen Arm, where they hoped they'd be safe. "Stubborn mortals," Zanza's voice rang out as though he were standing right beside them. "So desperate to cling to your pathetic lives. Even when there is no hope for you!" The Bionis swung down towards Junks, but the Mechonis arm suddenly blocked the arm. The Monado passed through it, but Junks managed to escape and instead changed its course away from the Fallen Arm. "Don't you ever give up?!" Zanza demanded, his voice shaking with anger. "Never!" Egil said, equally as loud. "But hear this, Zanza! They will judge me not in life...but death!" He yelled and the Mechonis lunged forwards, slicing into the Bionis' chest and creating a very large hole. The Bionis swung its arm downwards, cutting off both of the Mechonis' arms. "Die!" The Bionis pushed the Monado through the air and cut through the titan like it was made of butter. Despite his life flashing before his eyes, Egil smiled. He parted his chapped lips and closed his eyes. "Shulk...For both our worlds," He murmured. "You must succeed. Lady Meyneth..." The Mechonis began to glow with bright ether particles emitted from the Monado's blade. It sent a beam into the sky as the Mechonis collapsed onto it's knees, it's head and most of it's torso dissolving under the Monado. Then, it was all over. An ear-splitting noise made Fiora clap her hands to her ears, and she glanced upwards at the two titans. Her eyes widened in shock as memories flooded her mind. The memories that had once belonged to Meyneth. "The Mechonis!" Sharla cried, clapping hand to her mouth. "Egil..." Vanea was on the verge of tears as she collapsed onto her knees, her hands covering her mouth. "Looks starboard," Reyn suddenly said. He was pointing towards a shimmering green ether cloud, rapidly closing in on them. "What's that cloud?" The group rushed outside, and the cloud began to take form. "It's Telethia!" Melia informed them. The group nearly lost their balance as the deck began to vibrate and a huge Telethia soared into the air. A figure dropped from it's head and hit the ground, straightening up with his gun in hand. "You're not getting away!" Dickson said, dragging out the words. "Dickson!" Dunban growled. "Listen, it's over," Dickson shrugged. "Time for you all to return to the Bionis. Nice and quietly." "That's enough!" Dunban roared. "Why, Dickson?! What made you like this?! Shulk looked up to you, respected you!" "Dickson, don't let Zanza control you!" Sharla urged. "Wake up!" "You can quit your bellyaching," Dickson grumbled. "I'm in total control. I've always been like this! Ever since long before any of you were born!" He folded his arms and smirked widely. "Before we were born?" Dunban repeated. "Now you get it," Dickson said. "It's like Egil said. I'm Lord Zanza's disciple." He grinned at them all cruelly, before spreading his arms back to his side in a defensive position. "Dickson of the Trinity!" Fiora glared at him, but grabbed onto the hilt of her Mechonis blades. Despite her swords changing into Meyneth's Monado, they had appeared back on either side of her hips, just after Zanza had taken it. She lunged at Dickson, who jumped upwards on top of his Telethia before she could even land a single blow on him. Luckily, they had Melia, who fired off long range attacks at Dickson, but the Telethia was blocking them and getting hurt in the process. Dunban ran towards Dickson and began slicing and hacking with all of his strength, but the Telethia seemed to know exactly what he was going to do next. Dunban cured. "I forgot it could read our thoughts," He growled. "We need-" He abruptly cut himself off. He almost said that he needed Shulk, but now that Shulk was gone, they were on their own. He shook his head as Riki literally breathed fire but the Telethia swung around and whacked him into Reyn, both of which crumpled as their heads hit the deck. Melia met a similar fate as one of her ether attacks rebounded on her and she leapt aside to dodge an electric elemental. Sharla managed to redirect it with an ether bullet, but the explosion of the elemental send Sharla running into Dunban, both of which fell over. They were a mess without Shulk. Fiora took her eyes off of the Telethia for a moment, when it suddenly attacked her with a wave of green ether. What little strength she had suddenly left her body and she collapsed, grimacing in pain. Dickson cackled. "You waste of space!" He taunted. "Not so tough without Shulk, eh? Stupid beast!" He glared at Dunban who regarded him with the same stare. "You should be grateful," Dickson continued. "Not everyone has a war buddy like me to lead them along. Tasted good, didn't they? The victory drinks we used to share." "I'll kill you!" Dunban vowed. Dickson rolled his eyes and waved his hand. The Telethia rose into the air and a electrical ether attack began to build up in it's mouth when a several beams of green light blasted into it's side, wounding the Telethia. "What?!" Dickson stumbled as the Telethia lurched back. "Who was that?! Show yourself!" At once, a small fleet of flying machines appeared, racing towards them at top speed. "Melia! Are you alright?" Kallian was in the lead Havres, as usual. Melia used her staff to support herself as she got up. Everyone else followed her lead. Dunban instantly went to his little sister's side and helped her stand. "Brother!" Melia cried as the Havres stopped next to Junks. "Kallian!" Reyn called. "Dickson! He works for the Bionis! He shot Shulk in the back!" Kallian's eyes widened in shock, and he looked over at his sister. "Is this true?!" He demanded. Melia nodded, confirming what Reyn had said. "Dickson..." Kallian growled, glaring at the man who was lounging on the back of his Telethia, seemingly bored with what was happening. "This ends here. Your Telethia are no match for our Havres squadron. You cannot win!" "Maybe you should be concentrating on your own people instead of barking at me," Dickson stood up, smirking devilishly. Kallian's eyes widened. "Looks like you've forgotten your destiny. Right, Lorithia?" "Lorithia!" Kallian's face twisted up with rage as he spun around to face the scientist on her own Havres. She was smiling down at them, an evil glint in her eye. "Are you involved in this as well?!" "Your Highness," She said innocently, but her mask dropped soon enough. She was now smirking in the same was as Dickson was. "Your naivety is quite charming. But it is also your undoing." She chuckled and continued as green ether waves began to swirl up from underneath her feet. "I had much fun playing with you and your father," She put her hands on her hips, smirking. "Wh-What is this light?!" Kallian demanded, swatting at it with his hands. Lorithia giggled and leaned forwards on the railing of her Havres, tracing her finger over the metal. "Ether particles emitted so that the Bionis can be destroyed and reborn," She said simply. "What do you get if you cross high concentrations of ether with High Entia?" "N-No..." Kallian's face visibly paled. "You wouldn't. Lorithia!" "Awaken!" Lorithia spread her arms. "My darling pets!" The ether waves began to grow in intensity, and the Imperial guard members began to scream, a gooey substance beginning to cover them and their Havres. Leathery skin covered them, and wings began to sprout with lights on the tips. "They are..." Fiora gasped. "Telethia!" Sharla breathed. An anguished cry reached their ears as Kallian fought against the pull in his gut, transforming him into one of them. "Brother!" Melia cried. "M-Melia!" Kallian reached out towards his sister, but was quickly pulled back. Melia pointed her staff at the woman standing on her own Telethia, a smirk playing at her lips. "Lorithia!" She ordered. "Let him go!" "You misunderstand, child," Lorithia said in a mocking tone. "This is the reason why High Entia are born. Don't blame poor old me." "Explain yourself!" Dunban ordered. "It's just like she says," Dickson said. "The High Entia are a race created by Lord Zanza to eliminate any annoying life forms in the preparation for the rebirth of the Bionis. Their bodies contains a gene that, when the time comes, transforms them into Telethia." "It can't be," Melia took a step back, her legs shaking. "Say it isn't so!" She collapsed onto her knees, and for a moment, she remembered her ancestors words, back in the High Entia Tomb. "Our purpose, as decreed by the Bionis, is linked to our genetic sequence. We have spent millennia analyzing sequences to free ourselves from the curse. Only a certain gene set can unlock the mechanism, and set us free." She shook her head and clutched it, tears prickling at the corner of her eyes. So this is what he had meant. "Melia, it is true," Kallian's voice broke into her thoughts, and she glanced up at him. "That is are our only hope!" "Brother?" "Whatever," Dickson said dismissively. "We won't be needing a half-breed like you anyways. I mean, if you don't turn into a Telethia, that just means you're gonna get crushed by one! That's the only thing you're good for." Melia glared daggers at him as she rose unsteadily to her feet. Dickson smirked. "Rise up pet!" He ordered Kallian. "Do my bidding! Kill your lovely sister!" Kallian roared in defiance, which quickly melted into wails of pain. "Brother!" Melia cried out. Kallian continued to suffer as he struggled against the scaly skin of the telethia beginning to cover his body. "Just hold on! I'll find a way to save you!" "M-Melia!" Kallian cried as the tips of his wings began to sink into the ooze. "So...sorry. I always...placed...such a...heavy burden on you." His words were rushed and pained, and his breaths were coming out in short, ragged gasps. "Don't say such things, brother!" Melia pleaded, her voice cracking. " least I can...still shoulder...the destiny of our people," Kallian said. "The burden meant for you!" "Brings a tear to my eye!" Dickson said sarcastically. "These moments are to be treasured," Lorithia agreed. Kallian screamed and the Telethia began to release heavy waves of ether. Lorithia smirked and bent down to take a closer look at the transformation, but her eyes widened in shock. "How?!" Kallian swung around and charged at full speed towards Dickson. "Brother!" Meia cried, tears at the corners of her eyes. "Melia!" Kallian said, his eyes trained on Dickson and Lorithia. "Father's wish, and and the future of the High Entia, are in your hands. Yours and Shulk's!" "Telethia!" Lorithia ordered. "Destroy him!" Her minions tried, but the ether shield surrounding Kallian protected him from the attacks. Lorithia growled. "Dickson!" "I got it," Dickson promised, preparing his own Telethia to attack Kallian, but the prince shook his head. "Too late!" Dickson clenched his fists and glared daggers at Kallian as the attacks of the other Telethia died down. "Damn him!" He cursed. Kallian screamed in pain as he collided with Dickson's Telethia, the ether shield colliding with the opposing monster, ripping through it's skin. But as Junks sped away from the explosion, Melia attempted to return to it, desperate to reach her brother's side, screaming to the heavens. "Brother!" Dunban and Reyn held her back as she reached out towards him, tears streaming down her face.

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