Chapter 14 - Bionis Interior

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Shulk could automatically feel the change. As soon as they stepped off the smooth stone concrete, his foot sank into the ground. The Bionis' Interior was filled with soft ground and some sort of sticks jutting out from the soft soil and glowing. Hanging down from above were similar sticks, but they were glowing brightly, washing the whole place in an eerie glow. "What is this place?" Shulk asked finally. "It's giving me the creeps," Reyn shivered and glanced around. "Hm.." Dunban said. "At a guess I'd say we've reached the inside of the Bionis, just as Dickson said." He glanced at the blonde standing next to him, noticing his expression. "What is it, Shulk?" "It's just…" He hesitated slightly. "It feels like the Bionis isn't really dead." "Wait a minute Shulk!" Reyn yelped. "If the Bionis starts moving around, things won't look good for us! Let's just keep moving." "Right." They made their way up a slope and into a huge corridor Dunban guessed was the first lung. To their surprise, they saw a Nopon bouncing at the edge of yellow liquid. "Hm?" The Nopon looked up as they approached. "Me did not expect Hom Hom friends to be here here! Friends want to go up? Just stand in water and wait until water bubble and shoot friends up! Me follow friends when ready. Me not like heights!" They nodded, and waded into the water. Shulk shivered slightly as swam towards the water that was beginning to bubble. If this water was what he thought it was… A jet of water exploded from below, propelling Shulk, Reyn, Dunban, and Sharla upwards. They hit the ground with four different thumps and nearly sank into the ground. Shulk got up, and glanced around as his friends joined him at his side. Then they started forwards again, towards Makna Forest. * * * A woman stood alone in front of a large container, where machines were making parts and placing them on a large silver faced Mechon. She examined the process closely as the frame was completed. She smiled in satisfaction and spoke. "Face Nemesis," She said. "Your frame is complete. All that remains is the soul transfer." She glanced into some sort of monitor, and saw Metal Face, flying away from the Bionis, a gash in it's arm. "That damage…" She murmured. "Does a weapon exist that can melt Face armour? How?" "Lady Vanea," A voice spoke through another monitor. "Master Egil wishes to see you." "Understood," The woman nodded. "Tell him I will see him when this Face is complete." "Acknowledged." The woman stepped away from the controls as the Faced Mechon began to glow brightly. She examined the light. "I have fulfilled my duty," She said at last. "You and only you can bring about a new age on Mechonis. No, the entire world!" The machines disappeared as the light vanished as well, and the woman examined the silver faced Mechon. "My mistress...Lady Meyneth!"

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