Chapter 24 - An Icy Mountain

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Shulk felt the Monado slide from his hands. The distance specs of Fiora and Metal Face had long since faded away, and he felt shock overcome every nerve in his body. He fell to his knees and buried his face in his hands. Fiora. She was alive. It made no sense. Shulk had watched Metal Face's claws come down, impaling her. Then, he had seen the Mechon eat her after the artillery was cast aside. How? She didn't seem to recognize them either. Her voice...wasn't Fiora's. It was sweet and soft, but the cold stare she gave them as she flew off told Shulk she didn't remember them at all. "Come on," Dunban murmured, gently putting a hand on the blonde's shoulders. Shulk got up, scooping up the Monado. He climbed the stairs, where Sharla, Riki, and Melia were crowded around Sorean, the cold rain stinging their faces. "We were too late, again," Shulk said bitterly, kneeling by the Emperor's side. "I saw it. I knew it would happen." "Shulk..." Sharla said, looking at him sadly. "Why?" Reyn growled, storming over to the nearest wall and punching it. "Why did this have to happen?!" He cursed under his breath and sat down cross-legged on the ground. "Father..." Melia choked. Her cheeks were wet with tears and more blossomed at the corners of her eyes. They spilled over a moment later, and she didn't bother to wipe them. "Melia, the hope of our people," The Emperor's breathing was erratic and labored. "You must not cry..." "Don't say that!" Melia pleaded. "I don't care how improper it is, let me cry!" "Melia..." "Why does it have to be me," Melia cried, wiping her tears away. "If all it takes is to be half Homs?" "Is that what you think?" Sorean managed to look at his daughter through half-lidded eyes. "You are very much mistaken." "But..." "To become the Hope of the High Entia is a fate that you chose for yourself," Sorean's expression turned pained. He was losing too much blood. "As long as you remember this, it is certain that you will be worthy of that name. But remember this also. It is not because you are the Hope of the High Entia that I love you. It is because...I love you, that I wish for you to become that hope." Melia only cried harder at this, and Sorean managed a weak smile, turning his head to face Shulk. "Heir to the Monado," His voice was raspy. "I leave the sword in your hands. The sword that my forefathers sealed away. With it, you can succeed." "Your Majesty," Shulk could feel himself trembling as Sorean started to breathe less and less every minute. "Melia," He looked at his daughter. "Cry for as long as you must. But when your tears are dry..." He never got to finish his sentence. Emperor Sorean Antiqua fell limp, his eyes closing and his breathing stopping. "Father, no!" Melia shouted, her shoulders heaving. She raised her gaze to the heavens, and screamed. "Father!" There was a long moment of silence as Melia's cry faded into silence. Sharla gently pried the girl off of her father, and hugged her tightly. Melia sobbed into the medic's shoulder and Shulk chewed his lower lip, turning and facing the direction Fiora had gone. "Melia," He said at last. "Come with me." Melia looked up, her eyes red and puffy. "Shulk...I..." She choked, wiping her eyes. "You'll have plenty of time to think about your empire and your people's hopes," Shulk promised her. "If you need me...I will be at your side. But you are an individual. You are Melia Antiqua. And you can't let them get away with this!" Melia looked at everyone else in the group, who was nodding in agreement with Shulk. Even Riki was bobbing his head up and down. "You're right," She decided. "My foremost concern is making them pay." Her lip trembled and she clapped a hand to her mouth as if she were going to be sick. Then, she fell to her knees, her anguished sobs echoing through the rain. * * * Days had passed, and the rain had yet to stop. The spear had still not been removed from Prison Island, but Lorithia was planning to do so soon. She was certain it would help protect from the ether poison within it, should they be attacked with the spears in the future. Alvis walked towards the spear, a smirk playing at his lips. He walked with a certain confidence, glancing up at the sky. "Well played indeed," He told the spear. He paused before speaking the giant's name. "Zanza." Zanza chuckled, his presence still surrounding the spear. "I do what is necessary for the world," He said dismissively as Alvis leaned on the spear. "I could have very easily stood in for you," He pointed out. "Your sentiment is appreciated," Zanza replied. Alvis smirked, and turned to leave, until the giant's glowing remains made a humming noise. "I see a storm on the horizon." Alvis nodded in agreement, and Zanza's particles spiraled into the sky. * * * "...And finally, Crown Princess Melia's accession will take place one year from today." Lorithia, Alvis, and dozens of guards stood at attention in front of Melia and Kallian. The former had puffy eyes, and the latter's voice blank and emotionless. "Until such time, as decreed by the crown princess, I shall assume imperial duties as regent," Kallian continued, his faced masked by an expressionless, cold face. "If there is anyone who objects to said decision, state your grievances now." "All ministries are in agreement," Lorithia reported, when no one moved to object. "We have no objection to Her Majesty's decree." Kallian nodded. "To each and every one of you, our thanks," He said, bowing. Melia followed his example. "If I may, Your Highness," Lorithia said cautiously. "I would like to propose a round-table discussion on strategy concerning the Mechon." "Ah, what to do about the Mechon," Kallian agreed. "Our defenses must be shored up immediately." "Not only our defenses, Your Highness," Lorithia said. "Do you suggest an offensive approach?" Demanded Kallian. "While the capital still licks it's wounds?" Lorithia nodded. "The Ministry of Research has the ideal solution," She explained, putting a hand on her hip and smirking. * * * It was completely silent back in the palace where Shulk, Dunban, Reyn, Sharla, and Riki were staying. Shulk and Reyn had become increasingly closed off, and Dunban was getting fresh air more then often now. Sharla was starting to become worried and Riki was happily oblivious to all of the heartache going on around him. "Friends act strange," The Nopon remarked. "Are friends sad? Riki sad too because of empty belly." "Riki, we already ate," Reyn said irritably. He hadn't been calling Riki 'furball' or any of his other nicknames recently. It was a sure sign something was up. "Us Homs don't get upset just because we're hungry." "Not hungry?" Riki was shocked. "Hom Hom must have small bellies! Riki jealous!" "We've got to get our minds off of this somehow," Sharla said, looking up at Reyn. He was looking the other direction, towards Shulk. "Dunban's locked himself away ever since we got back." Out of the blue, Melia suddenly came into the room, scanning the group. "Is it because of that girl who was operating that Mechon?" She questioned. "Melia!" Shulk turned around from where he was staring at the rain washing down the window. "How are you?" "What do you mean?" Melia asked innocently. "If you are talking about Father, I am fine. I have no choice but to look to the future." "You're stronger then me, Melia," Shulk said sadly. "Do not mock me," Melia folded her arms. "More importantly, it is time you tell me who she is." Shulk and Reyn exchanged a glance, before Shulk took a deep breath. "We've known her all our lives," He said at last. "We thought she was killed in Colony 9." He remembered her expressionless face as she glared down at them, and then shooting off towards the Mechonis. "She didn't even recognize us!" Reyn growled, his fists clenched. "She's not the Fiora I remember." Shulk nodded in agreement, and started towards the door. Halfway there he stopped. "It looked a lot like Fiora," He agreed. "But if it was her...Then I can't imagine how Dunban feels." He went forwards, leaving the room. Sharla turned to face Reyn. "What did he mean?" "Fiora is Dunban's sister," Reyn explained. Sharla clapped a hand to her mouth, her eyes wide. "I didn't know!" "Is this Fiora...Important to Shulk?" Melia asked. "Important?!" Reyn repeated. "She's more than important! She's the reason we're out here!" Melia's eyes widened and Sharla took a step back. * * * Shulk walked outside, in the rain, not even bothering to acknowledge how cold it was. If that really was Fiora... He thought. Why didn't she reply to me? He bit his lower lip, and looked towards the way she had gone for the hundredth time. Fiora...He shook his head, trying to rid himself of the thoughts that plagued him. I'd better talk to Dunban. He'll know something. Shulk sighed, walking towards the transporter and stepping through it. He made his way out of the Imperial Capital, passing by expressionless guards and mortified citizens as he went. At long last, he found the former user of the Monado. He was standing at a balcony, looking at the dark grey sky that surrounded Eryth Sea. He didn't notice Shulk until the blonde was standing right next to him. "I've been looking for you," Shulk finally spoke. "So this is where you were." "Shulk?" Dunban jumped. When he realized Shulk wasn't angry, he tried for a smile. "Apologies. Was everyone worried?" "Of course," Shulk said. "Me especially." "Hmm?" "It's just..." Shulk hesitated. "I've been thinking about Fiora...and I can't help wondering..." "Wondering what?" "You saw how Fiora acted," Shulk told him. "It was like she didn't even recognize us." "Yes," Dunban agreed. "It's unsettling. But Shulk, don't get me wrong. I'm not sad. Even if she doesn't recognize me, I'm glad to know she's alive." "Dunban..." "You see, Fiora was born many years after me," Dunban explained. "And not long afterwards, we lost our father to a Mechon. It was left to me to protect and raise her. Almost like a father." "I was always jealous that she had you as your brother," Shulk admitted with a smile. "Ah, yes," Dunban remembered. "You and Fiora used to be inseparable." "Yeah." There was comfortable pause in the conversation. Dunban looked to the sky, his expression darkening slightly. "I...need to tell you something," He said at last. "What is it?" Shulk asked. "I always thought, if Fiora were ever to be with anyone, it should be you," Dunban confessed. "What?" Shulk's eyes widened. "But Reyn hangs out with her just as much as me!" "Yeah, he does," Dunban agreed. "But Fiora doesn't like him in that way." "Oh," Shulk said, still slightly surprised. "I...see." "He's a nice guy," Dunban said hastily. "Reminds me of himself when I was his age. All reckless and hot-headed. That's probably why he's not right for her. Listen Shulk..." "Yes?" "A lost life can never be returned," The former user of the Monado said wisely. "But she's alive. It doesn't matter that she's lost her memory." "Yeah, I guess you're right," Shulk said, putting one hand on the railing. "Fiora and I have spent our entire lives together," Dunban said. "The memory of that can't have disappeared completely. It's up to us. We have to help her remember. Help me, Shulk. Help me get her back!" "You know I will," Shulk said with a smile. "Okay," Dunban nodded. "Let's go tell the others." Shulk nodded, and they went back to the room. When they arrived, Riki was trying to do an impersonation of Reyn by stomping about with his arms spread like a bird. Reyn was rolling his eyes, and telling the Nopon he wasn't doing it right. When the door slid open, they looked up with a start, noticing Shulk and Dunban walking towards them. Reyn grinned. "Hey! They're back!" "Have you gathered your thoughts?" Melia questioned. Dunban nodded as Shulk offered her a reassuring smile. "Yes," The former user of the Monado said. "Sorry to be a nuisance." "Shulk?" Melia glanced at the blonde. "You too?" "Yep," Shulk nodded. "All thanks to Dunban." "I'm..." Melia hesitated. "Glad." The door suddenly slid open, and a guard entered the room. He glanced at them, kneeling respectfully. "Forgive me," He murmured. "His Highness Kallian summons you." "You think something else has happened?" Shulk asked, turning to the rest of the group. "We won't know until we get there," Dunban shrugged. * * * When they arrived back in the Audience Chamber, Kallian surveyed the group with s sympathetic expression. "I apologize for calling you at short notice," He said. "It's fine," Shulk assured him. "What's wrong?" "I must apologize to you all," Kallian said, bowing his head. "Forgive our hubris. We High Entia were arrogant enough to idly sit by, safe in the knowledge that Mechonis lies a great distance from our land. And we were wrong. Our decision to ignore the Mechon assault on your homeland was wrong." "Your Highness," Shulk said. "Does this mean...?" "Yes, Shulk," Kallian nodded. "We will face the dangers, together." "Brother..." Melia said softly. "Which leads me to my request," Kallian suddenly seemed nervous. He clasped his hands together, nibbling on his lower lip. "After setting eyes on a group consisting of Homs, Nopon, and High Entia alike, I realized an allied army much be formed. I ask that you act as ambassadors for the assembly of this force." Shulk's eyes widened, and he frowned. He wanted to. It was the best chance he had at getting revenge, but that was then. He knew Fiora was alive now, but he didn't want to ignore Kallian's request. The prince frowned, scanning Shulk's face. "Tell me your thoughts, Shulk." "I need time before I make a decision," Shulk said slowly, unsure if he was choosing his words wisely. And with that, the Heir to the Monado turned on his heel and walked from the room. * * * Kallian frowned as he paced in front of Melia, who watched her brother anxiously. He was twisting a ring on his finger feverishly, his eyebrows knitted. "Does Shulk not wish to aid us in our mission?" Kallian said at last. "I do not believe that to be true," Melia frowned. "Then why?" "Shulk has...other people to consider," A flicker of a scowl appeared on the crown princess's face, but it disappeared as quickly as it came. She turned her head, closing her eyes, blinking away the tears that threatened to rise. * * * Shulk sat down in one of the chairs, and ran his fingers through his hair. He took in a deep breath and released it. It wasn't like him to ignore someone in need. If he hadn't known that Fiora was Face Nemesis, would he have still agreed to Kallian's request? Or, would Kallian have never thought of the Allied Army? The questions spun around in Shulk's head until he felt sick. Sharla, who was watching him, sighed, drawing up a chair beside him and sitting down next to the Heir to the Monado. She put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "That wasn't like you, Shulk," She murmured in a comforting tone. Shulk looked up at her, his face pale. "I'm sorry," He apologized. "You know you can talk to me." "It's Fiora," Reyn sat on the other side of Shulk. "That's why you're hesitating." "Y-Yeah." "Knew it," Reyn said. "You wouldn't think twice otherwise." "I..." Shulk swallowed. "I just don't know." He sighed again, until he felt another hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Melia standing behind him, a smile perched on her lips. "Find her, Shulk," She told him. "Melia..." Shulk jumped slightly. "I..." "I used to believe my father did not love me," Melia admitted, withdrawing her hand from the blonde's shoulder. "Until the day he died. If you do not grasp the importance of loved ones until after they are gone...That is simply too late." Shulk smiled, nodding. "You're right, Melia," Shulk said. "I've made up my mind. I'm going to get Fiora back!" "You don't have to do this," Dunban pointed out. "I'll go and look for her myself. The burden should be mine. I am her brother, after all." "No," Shulk said firmly. "I want her back as much as you." "Leave the ambassador stuff to me, Shulk," Reyn said. He didn't look happy about it, but said it with such sincerity, Shulk couldn't help but feel like this time, Reyn wouldn't screw up. "I'll probably make of mess of it, but we're a team. You can count on me." "I am afraid that is my duty, Reyn," Melia interjected. "I am of both High Entia and Homs blood. I am crown princess and of mixed heritage. Thus, I am best suited to carry out this task." "That means we won't..." Shulk felt his heart sink. "Yes," Melia agreed. "I will remain here. We must say goodbye." There was a moment of silence, until Sharla stood up suddenly, grasping onto the silver-haired girls shoulders. "Is that what you really want?" She asked. "Yes," Melia lied. "But promise me when you find her, you'll come back." She peered over Sharla's shoulder to look at Shulk. "I'll be here waiting for you." "I don't know what to say," Shulk said, smiling. "Thank you." Melia accompanied them out of the palace, and towards the escalators that would lead them down to the first floor. Melia was not allowed down there without a mask, so she had to stop. Shulk hesitated, turning to Melia. "It's probably a good idea if I go tell Kallian myself," He said. "I am sure he already understands," Melia shook her head. "Besides, it is likely that the ministers are harassing him at this very moment. We should spare him any inconvenience." She tried for some humor, but it didn't help the crushing feeling of leaving. "Then...this is goodbye," Shulk said. Melia nodded. "Yes," She said, trying to keep her voice from trembling. "Come back as soon as you can. We are in great need of your help." "Got it," Shulk said sadly. The group turned to walk away, but Sharla hesitated, glancing back at Melia. The girl was looking away, her lower lip quivering. The medic walked back towards her, and wrapped Melia in a hug. "Why are you still here?" Melia breathed, obviously shocked. "Listen," Sharla said, pulling away from the silver-haired princess, but she kept a tight hold on her shoulders. "I'll keep an eye on Shulk for you." Melia laughed. "Whatever can you mean?" "It's a risky strategy," Sharla said teasingly. "Letting Shulk go off and just hoping he'll come back to you." "Shulk and I are merely...!" Melia's face turned crimson, and she turned her head away from Sharla to hide it. "Yeah, yeah," Sharla rolled her eyes, pulling Melia in for another hug. "But the longer he's away, the more chance his feelings for you will change." "But-" "Once we find this Fiora I will personally whisk him back here in a heartbeat," Sharla promised, releasing Melia. She giggled at Melia's bright red face. "Don't give up!" "I-I appreciate it," Melia tried for some sort of smile. "Great," Sharla returned her grin. "Don't worry Melia -I'm on your side!" She glanced up, and spotted Kallian and two guards coming from the palace. Shulk, Reyn, Dunban, and Riki, who were almost at the escalators, noticed this too as they waited for Sharla. They joined the medic and Melia as Kallian came up to the group. "Brother?" Melia questioned. Kallian hardly ever came out of the Imperial Palace. "Just on your way out, I see," The prince said, raising an eyebrow. "It's not what-" Melia started. "I'm sorry, Your Highness," Shulk cut her off. "About your offer...we must..humbly decline." "I see," Kallian said, surprised. "Very well. Let us hope my sister doesn't share too many tears." "I stay because I must, Brother!" Kallian smirked at Melia, before jerking his head to something in the shadows. Another Melia walked forwards, wearing the regal robes and the mask with the sign burned into the forehead. "There's two Melias!" Reyn yelped, jumping backwards. Riki frowned, and waddled forwards. He sniffed the other Melia's robes. "Reyn wrong," The Nopon informed them. "This Melly smell different." "Yes," Kallian agreed. "We need Melia to learn more of the lands of Bionis. But she is still bound by public matters. Hence, another Melia." "Kallian!" Melia complained. Her brother came forwards and knelt before Melia formally. The silver-haired girl looked surprised. "Your Highness," He murmured. "Crown Princess. As your humble subject, I formally request the following." "Speak," Melia said, still slightly taken aback. "I request that you accompany Shulk in his quest to find the Mechon that attacked Alcamoth," Kallian said. "Are you sure?" Shulk asked. Kallian nodded, straightening up to his full height. "Shulk, I am aware of everything," He said. "Go forth and follow your heart. There will come a day when we need you, but it is not today." "Your Highness," Shulk said with a sideways glance at Melia. "That means a lot to me." "That is one cool prince," Reyn said proudly, folding his arms. "If only someone had his sensitivity," Sharla rolled her eyes. "Hey!" Reyn said indignantly. "I'm sensitive!" "The jury's out on that one," Sharla said sarcastically. Reyn scowled as Sharla put a hand on Melia's shoulder, smiling. "That's a relief." "We have recently received a report that the silver-faced Mechon fled to Galahad Fortress, the Mechon stronghold at Sword Valley," Kallian remembered. "It will be a treacherous path. My sister is on your hands." "Thank you, Kallian," Shulk said gratefully. "I will keep her safe." "Regent, I accept your request," Melia said. "I will return victorious with Shulk." "I am most pleased," Kallian smiled. "Leaving without me?" The group spun around, to find Alvis smirking at them with a hand on his hip. He approached them idly, and Shulk blinked. "Do you want to come with us?" He asked. "To reach Galahad Fortress, you will need to travel through Valak Mountain, on the right arm of the Bionis," Alvis informed them. "The snow-covered mountains are fraught with dangers. Those unfamiliar to them risk never coming back." "Of course, you would be familiar with that region," Kallian said. "Then there's no point in wasting time," Dunban said. "Leave the allied force to me," Kallian said. "I am not known for my diplomacy, but call it pride. I shall succeed." "We'll join you as soon as we can," Shulk said. "I look forward to the day," Kallian spread his arms. "Heroes of Bionis! Make us proud!" "You see," Reyn said smugly as the guards knelt and Kallian bowed his head. "Now we're getting some respect." "We're back to this again, are we?" Sharla rolled her eyes. "See you soon, Kallian," Shulk said as Reyn and Sharla continued to bicker. Then they turned, and left the capital. * * * When they reached the Center Gate, Alvis stopped them before one of the pods that scanning Eryth Sea and the capital for suspicious behaviour. "We will need to traverse Sword Valley if we wish to reach Galahad Fortress," Alvis explained. "If Colony 6 were in better shape, we could have taken a pod from there," Sharla said sadly. "How are we getting there?" "We will take the path down from the Bionis' right arm," Alvis explained. "Sword Valley is where the arm meets the Mechonis' sword." "So that's our route," Dunban said. "As I said earlier, it is a snow covered mountain range," Alvis said. "You should expect a tough climb. Are we all ready?" "Ready as we'll ever be!" Reyn boasted. "Quite," Alvis raised an eyebrow and gestured to the pod. "This short-range pod will be our transport. All aboard people." They all climbed into the pod. It was small, and had barely enough room for everyone to fit on it. As soon as they were all comfortable, the pod lifted into the air and shot off. * * * Face Nemesis was floating in mid-air while a monitor hovered in mid air, small little machines repairing it's frame. The boy with the Monado had done some serious damage, and Metal Face was currently being repaired in another room. "Zanza is not dead," The woman within the face, Fiora, said quietly. Her voice was still not the same as her original. She reached up to remove her face covering, her green eyes surveying the monitor in front of her. A woman was outlined on it, and she was watching over the repairs with apparent interest. "I feel it.," Fiora said, closing her eyes and leaning her head back. "Our tragedy unfolds once again." "Lady Meyneth," The woman said respectfully. "Does that mean...?" "Indeed," Fiora opened her eyes, nodding. "I do not doubt that Egil, too, is aware." She pursed her lips, remembering how the boy who wielded the Monado raising the sword into the air, as it shifted it's form. "However, why free the Monado? Zanza must realize it is now a double edged sword. And what reason could he have for choosing the boy?" She trailed off, remembering how shocked he was when they saw her face. What is this? Fiora thought, her eyes widening. I am experiencing...feelings for the boy? "Lady Meyneth," The woman breathed. "Vanea, you're swift repairs are appreciated," Fiora said as the smaller machines finished their repairs. Face Nemesis activated her boosters, and was soon floating in midair. "Thank you," The woman said gratefully. "I wish to see that boy again," Fiora said, frowning. "To meet with the one who wields the Monado." "The boy?" The woman was shocked. "But my lady, is that not-" "Is Egil aware of my reawakening?" Fiora cut her off. "He is not," The woman shook her head. "As my lady wished, he knows nothing." "Then there is no need to worry," Fiora said dismissively. "I shall meet the boy. the front armour of Face Nemesis covering her body as the Mechon activated. "Besides, the Monado will draw him to me." She put a hand on the golden chest piece, a little under her neck, as it began to glow. She shot upwards out of the fortress, and towards the Bionis, unaware of Metal Face watching her leave. "Flying off without me, huh?" He growled. "I know you from somewhere." He trailed off, before cackling. "Of course, I remember you!" He giggled. "You're Dunban's little sister!" He activated his own boosters, and shot after Face Nemesis.

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