Chapter 39 - Traitor

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Nervousness was finally about to overtake Shulk. He stood, gripping the railing that lined the control room of Junks, remembering how his lack of visions was made up with how he could sense what was going to happen. It made no sense. Then there was the matter of the Monado. Ever since the Apocrypha took place, Shulk had been fighting just to activate it. He remembered Dickson mentioning that if he took on Egil with the Monado at it's current state, it would get eaten up. Shulk swallowed, trying to moisten his suddenly dry throat. "We're here," He heard Dunban say. "Is everyone ready?" "Ready," Melia assured him. "Anytime!" Reyn boasted. "Leave it to Heropon Riki!" Riki cheered. Shulk released a heavy sigh, gripping the railing so hard his knuckles turned white. "Hey Shulk!" Reyn called. "What is it this time? Stop worrying and come on." "The Monado isn't at full strength!" Shulk protested. "I don't know if it can beat Egil." "You talkin' about that Apocry-whatchamacallit thing?" Reyn asked, before shrugging. "Don't worry! He's no match for all of us together!" "At least the previous encounter allowed us to gauge how he fights," Dunban said. "We won't make the same mistakes again!" "The core is directly linked to the Apocrypha Generator," Vanea remembered. "Destroy the generator, and the Apocrypha field will deactivate, allowing Shulk's Monado to function properly again." "No ya tell us!" Reyn rolled his eyes. "Wish you'd said something earlier. Shulk, did you hear that?" Reyn clapped his best friend on the back. "Looks like you'll get your wish!" "Something's not right," Shulk protested. "What?" "Egil...He called me Zanza," Shulk recalled. "The same Zanza who devastated Mechonis. What did he mean?" "He was just trying to get to you," Reyn said dismissively. "I've told you before, right?" Shulk asked. "I haven't had any visions lately." "Yeah?" "But I still know…" Shulk frowned. "If I concentrate...I feel like something will happen, and it does…" "Are you saying you don't need a vision to know what comes next?" Reyn rolled his eyes as Shulk closed his own. "Pull the other one." "Ren, you're going to scratch your head with your right hand," Shulk said a moment later. "What are you on about, Shulk?" Reyn asked. "Stop playing around."After a moment of silence, Reyn did just as Shulk predicted he'd do. When the red-haired man realized what he did, his eyes widened in shock. "Oh...But, how'd you do that?" "I can't work it out!" Shulk said angrily. "Ever since we came to Mechonis, my abilities have been changing. Why would that happen? If it's true that Zanza used the Monado to lay waste to Mechonis, is it right for me to use it? Is what I'm trying to do really the right thing?" "Shulk…" Fiora put her hand on his shoulder. After a bit, the two headed out onto the deck of Junks, ready to head towards the Apocrypha generator. When- Shulk started to scream as the Monado suddenly activating, sending waves of ether into his body. He threw the sword away from him, but it did nothing to stop the electricity coursing through his body. He collapsed, still screaming at the top of his lungs. "Shulk!" He heard Fiora cry. She tried to reach out towards him, but cried out as the ether shocked her hand. "What's wrong?" Shulk heard Melia call from afar and he was suddenly surrounded by everyone else, including Vanea, Dickson, and Alvis. It did nothing to stop the pain. He continued to writhe and shriek, a white hot feeling seeming to burn his organs to ash. He wrapped his arms around himself closing his eyes tightly. "No! No!" Dunban shouted, clutching his right arm as if remembering the Battle of Sword Valley and how the Monado had destroyed his usage of his right arm. "It's happening to him too! Shulk! Hold on!" At long last, the pain faded and Shulk leaned forwards, trying to catch his breath. "You alright?" Dunban demanded. Shulk managed to nod. "Y-Yeah…" He said. "It's okay. I'm fine now." "Man," Reyn muttered. "Your control of the Monado has always been flawless," Dunban said, his eyes wide with worry. "It never crossed my mind that this would happen to you too. Are you sure you're okay?" "Perhaps you are suffering this much because you put all your energy into fighting the effect of the Apocrypha," Melia suggested. Shulk looked away, not wanting to admit that that was exactly what he had been doing since managing to activate the Monado back on the Fallen Arm. "Ain't you learned yet, Shulk?" Reyn asked, noticing his expression. "How many times do I have to tell ya? If something's up, you gotta spit it out, man! I ain't just talking about visions. I mean whatever's on your mind. Alright?" He put a hand on Shulk's shoulder and nodded, even though it pained him. "S-Sorry, Reyn." "Don't go apologizing!" Reyn urged him. "It's my fault for not noticing! Let's get one thing straight," He grinned, clapping Shulk on the back. "I've still got your back!" "Thanks," Shulk smiled, but it slid from his face when he remembered Egil's words. "Prepare to die! Shulk, no...Zanza!" "No," Shulk shook his head, raising a shaking hand. "This wasn't caused by the Apocrypha. It's a completely different kind of power." "Shulk!" Fiora moved her hand, as if she were going to wrap her arms around him in a comforting embrace, but thought better of it. "What's happening to me?" Shulk closed his eyes tightly, the after effects of the pain taking it's toll on his body. After a few moments, he stumbled to his feet and held in a small yelp of pain. He took in a deep breath and ignored everyone's concerned glances. "I know I should be glad we made it this far," Reyn admitted as they left Junks. "But if we don't find that Apocrypha generator soon…" He glanced over at Shulk with a worried expression. "Exactly," Sharla agreed. "The fight against Egil's not gonna be easy with the Monado in it's current state. And we don't know what kind of toll it'll take on Shulk's body. We have to destroy that generator." "It's up ahead," Shulk didn't know how he knew it was, but it was more of an intuitive thought. "Shulk?" Reyn glanced over at him. "There's a strong energy coming from up ahead," Even from this distance, Shulk could feel the Apocrypha's power washing over him. "That has to be it." "Really?" Reyn's jaw dropped out of pure shock. "Yes," Shulk said firmly. "Then this is it," Reyn said. "Egil's gonna be scrap metal when I'm through with him!" They headed off towards the generator, and the energy began to become stronger, more powerful. Shulk lead the group in the direction of a hue generator, streaked with gold and red and glowing with power. They neared it cautiously as Riki tried to cheer up the group. "Heropon Riki catch friends to big fish when fight all over!" He promised. "Then friends and Riki eat together and forget about bad bad thing that happen." "That ain't gonna cut it, furball," Reyn rolled his eyes. "The world isn't all about food, y'know." "Riki know! Of course Riki know! But food make Riki happy happy!" Riki said. "Riki think food make friends happy too." Reyn rolled his eyes, releasing a sigh. There was no convincing the Nopon. As he walked, Shulk felt the Monado beginning to hum and vibrate underneath his hands. He glanced down at it, his expression darkening. It's just as I thought, He held the Monado in his hands and eyed it. The Monado feels the same as it did before the Apocrypha took effect. No...It feels even more powerful. He frowned, hardly noticing Fiora as she stopped to stare at him curiously. The Bionis Monado, Shulk thought. And this Monado. They have to be connected. Somehow. "Because you aren't here. Not anymore." Shulk's heart skipped a beat when he remembered his childhood nightmare that made him wake in a cold sweat. Why am I remembering that dream? He mentally demanded. Why now? He sighed and shook his head, raising the Monado to eye level and scanning it up and down. Without the power I can't stop Egil. I have to concentrate. All I have to think about is how to stop the Mechonis. If the Monado does bring about the end, then I know what to do. Shulk turned around and came face-to-face with a concerned green-eyed girl. "Fiora!" "Shulk, what were you thinking about?" She asked him. "I...uh…" Shulk hesitated. "Nothing." "So, it's like that, is it?" Fiora asked, raising an eyebrow. She moved in front of him, scanning his pale complexion from the Monado's recent energy release. "Really, it's nothing," Shulk assured her. "Listen, Shulk," Fiora told him. "If it's too hard for you to handle on your own, talk to me! Okay?" "Fiora…" "You can tell any of the others as well," She moved aside and pointed to the rest of the group, walking in front of them. "We're all here for you. Don't forget that." Shulk nodded, feeling the weight of her words. "You're right," He agreed. "You're here for me." "Of course," Fiora agreed. "And...Don't overdo it, okay? We all saw what happened." A moment of silence fell as Shulk stared at the Monado in his hand. "Is your arm okay?" Fiora asked, breaking the islence. "Huh?" Shulk glanced over at her. "Oh, it's not bad. I'll live." He rolled it, and was pleased to see that there weren't any stabs of pain that came from it. "Oi, you two!" Reyn shouted from a ways up. "Is something up?" "No, it's nothing!' Fiora called back. She ran towards them, but turned back to face Shulk with a huge grin. "Come on!" He nodded and ran forwards, taking her hand and joining the others. He didn't notice Melia's hurt expression as he ran by her to catch up to everyone else. "Shulk, you can…" She paused, and blinked away the tears gathering at the corners of her eyes. They continued to walk, this time with Shulk and Fiora in the lead. They had barely entered the generator when the ground beneath their feet began to rumble. "Wait," Dunban froze. "It's moving!" "No!" Vanea cried. "We're too late!" "You mean," Shulk gasped. "The Mechonis' functions have been restored!" Vanea said, confirming his worst fears. "No! It can't be!" Reyn yelled. As if he could hear them, Egil's voice echoed through the Mechonis. "Yes," He agreed. "You puny pests are too late!" Shulk stood, frozen with horror as the Mechonis heaved it's sword at the Bionis. A Defense Force soldier overseeing the evacuation process started screaming desperate orders. "Fall back! Everyone fall back!" The Mechonis sword came down towards Valak Mountain, crushing crystals and Defense Force soldiers as it sank into the snow. "He's gone and done it," Dickson growled. "The Mechonis has struck. Not good. I think it must have hit somewhere on Bionis." "N-No…" Sharla's eyes widened in worry for the Colony 6 Defense Force Colonel. "Move out!" Dunban ordered. "Don't forget, we've still got a job to do." "Right!" Shulk agreed, and raced towards the transporter into the core. However, his way was barred by a huge Mechanical monster that was glowing slightly. "What?!" hulk took a step back as the Apocrypha Generator shot a bright beam of red electricity at him. Absorbing the attack into his katana, Dunban leapt forwards and sank his weapon deep into the generator, until it had reached the hilt. Melia stepped forwards and raised her staff and Sharla protected her with several healing ether bullets as the generator attempted to attack her. Melia's staff began to glow brightly as Riki danced around the machine and whacked with his biter from time to time, while Reyn sliced with his driver. Fiora spent most of the time on offensive, but she darted around the generator, slicing with her Mechonis Swords. Shulk ran forwards, jumping into the air and sinking the Monado deep into the Apocrypha generator's head, and jumped back as Melia released the final blow to the machine. Her staff began to glow with ether and she released it by slamming it into the metal beneath their feet. The ether washed over the Apocrypha Generator, and it tried to defend but was overwhelmed by the attack. The generator itself suddenly shut off, the light fading. "Nyapakapow!" Riki cheered. "Chew on that Apocawhatever!" Reyn shouted. "We did it, Shulk!" When Shulk didn't respond, he glanced over at the blonde, concerned. "Shulk?" He walked over to him, where Shulk seemed to be transfixed by the Monado. "Oi!" Shulk suddenly gasped as the sword shuddered beneath his hands, and the blade grew slightly and a new symbol appeared in the circle. What seemed like drafts of wind circled the blade of the sword, and Shulk smiled. "Whoa," Reyn's mouth hung open. "What's happened to the Monado?" Dunban demanded. "It must have changed just as the generator was destroyed," Sharla breathed. "It's amazing." Shulk nodded in agreement, deactivating the Monado and strapping it to his back. "Now we're talkin'!" Reyn cheered. "Next up - Egil." "Can you go on?" Melia questioned Shulk. "Me?" The blonde turned to face her. "I'm alright. Come on, we have to stop Egil." They ran towards the transporter and stepped into it, vanishing in a flash of light. "Back on track, just like I said," Dickson boasted after they were gone. "The kid'll come through." "Naturally," Alvis agreed. "Everything is falling into place." "You can say that again," Dickson agreed. But while he approached the transporter and stood beside it, waiting for the others to return, Alvis murmured something else, only to himself. "But only as long as we remain within the margins of fate…I know not how things will proceed from this point." * * * "So, you worms have finally arrived." As soon as Shulk stepped into the Mechonis Core, Egil, controlling Yaldabaoth, was already glowering down at them all, a golden replica of the Mechonis' sword in his hand. "Egil!" Shulk shouted. "Stop the Mechonis! There has to be a way for us to live in peace! There's no reason for us to fight! You must stop this now!" "My reasons are clear!" Egil spat. "And truer then yours." The sleek mechanical lining of the room suddenly revealed a huge image of the entire world. "Loo!" Sharla pointed. "It's Bionis!" The group spun around, and saw the titan they had all lived on before them. "May the roar of the Mechonis, be the wrath of my people!" Egil's sword began to glow and he thrust it forward. At the same time, the Mechonis' sword slammed itself again into the Bionis' shoulder. "How many?" Egil asked. "Huh?" Shulk's eyes narrowed. "How many do you think died in that attack?" Egil went on. "Hundreds? Maybe thousands?" "Egil!" Reyn growled. "You'll regret this!" "Brother, stop this!" Vanea rushed forwards. "You'll destroy the Bionis. Let us put an end to our torment!" "It ends when I say it ends!" Egil roared. "I will end our curse by destroying the world!" "You must realize that is not Lady Meyneth's wish!" Vanea pleaded. "That's why she left us our legacy - our whole world!" "Pure nonsense," Egil leveled Yaldabaoth's sword at Fiora. "That thing lurking within the Homs girl is no longer our god. This world no longer has a need for gods!" "Egil!" Shulk jumped in front of his sword, activating the Monado. "Stop this!" "Face me, Shulk!" Egil said in response. "Successor of Zanza! I'll crush the Bionis and spread it's ashes across the world! Then I'll turn the Monado into dust. Only then will there be peace!" He raised his sword and the battle began. Mela protected the group with a bright blast of ether straight into the eyes of Egil, giving the others and opportunity to get as close as they could to Egil. Shulk slid the Monado in a wide arc and suddenly had an idea. "Dunban!" Shulk shouted. Dunban caught Shulk's eye and nodded. He sliced twice with his katana and spun around. "Melia, now!" The High Entia Princess also understood and fired three electric elementals off and leapt to avoid Egil's next death strike, she skidded and turned to the red haired man occupied with breaking away Yaldabaoth's golden armour. "Reyn, charge!" Reyn, who had eventually caught on, slammed his driver deep into the armour and pulled up with all his strength. He succeeded in slicing a huge gash in the armour and then jumped back to the medic healing the party from afar. "Sharla!" Sharla raised her rifle and reloaded. She aimed it right at the head of the Mechon and fired. It stuck in his forehead, the force of the bullet making Yaldabaoth lurch backwards. "Fiora!" Fiora darted forwards, driving her swords in the deep gash Reyn had made and yanked upwards, ripping through the armour and creating two more slices in the golden armor. "Riki, it's hero time!" Riki jumped forwards and raised his biter above his head and slammed it into Yaldabaoth so hard that he dented the Mechon. Egil was starting to get irritated, and started swiping with his sword. When it didn't help him in the slightest, he whipped around and swept everybody off of their feet with his large tail. Shulk managed to dodge the attack, as he had long since activated Monado Speed, and dodged Egil's sword strikes. Yaldabaoth came in with a slow swipe, which Shulk parried with the Monado and barely managed to force the sword away from him. "Incredible," Dunban whispered. "Whoa," Reyn gasped. Egil came in for another low strike, but Shulk jumped over it, landing on top of the sword and pushing through the air. He hardly heard Fiora's cry through the blood pounding in his ears. "Shulk! Don't do it!" He landed on the top of Yaldabaoth and sliced off the Mechon's head, revealing Egil. It fell towards the ground and exploded halfway there. Shulk raised the Monado above his head while Egil stared at him with his lip curled. "How could this happen?" He demanded. Shulk pressed one foot to the Machina man's chest, his breathing becoming heavy. Do it! Shulk froze, hearing a voice very unlike his own in his head. Kill him! Kill him! That voice. Shulk thought, unaware of his blue eyes darkening with each passing second. Who is that? Strike him down! I will! Shulk promised. I'll kill him. A thousand times. Yes! Finish him! End it! It is what you want! Yes, Shulk admitted, his light blue eyes almost navy now. I want to. "I'll kill him," Shulk said out loud. "For Fiora. For the Emperor. For my home!" The blade began to glow brightly, and a flurry of voices, entered his head. He took a step back, releasing Egil's chest. "You must find your Monado. Are you ready?" "You feelin' hungry, eh? Chew on this scrap-for-brains!" "Would you even kill a Homs to beat us?" "I want you to kill Egil." "Egil only once wished to break the circle of suffering. He believe that if blood is spilt now, a new world will be born." "I swear I won't stop until I've scrapped each and every one of you!" But there was one voice that stood out above the rest. One that he had heard recently, so recently that he could practically hear her talking. But another voice attempted to drown it out. "Meyneth, the villagers. Everyone loved you! That is why they wished to live alongside you." Yes! Finish him! "It's all so clear now." End it! It is what you want! "To Meyneth and to me!" Shulk was suddenly jarred back into reality, and he shook his head as his arms began to move of his own accord. "No!" He pleaded. "This isn't what I want!" "Shulk!" Fiora screamed. "No!" "Brother!" Vanea chimed in. Thanks to their cries, Shulk managed to stop his arms, the Monado inches away from Egil's face. He shook his head and deactivated the sword, turning away and collapsing beside Egil, his back to the Machina. There was a moment of silence. "Why didn't you do it?" Egil asked at last. "Killing me would have saved your world." "I've forgotten all about that," Shulk shook his head. "Forgotten about it?" Egil scoffed. "I realized that we both share the same pain," Shulk said. "Egil, I don't have any reason to kill you." "Even if you do not, I still do!" Egil shouted, his eyes bright with anger. "I know," Shulk nodded. ""But I won't do it." "If you do not kill me now, my blade will annihilate every last one of your people," Egil told him. "Even then?!" "I can't kill you, but I can stop your blade," Shulk replied. "And I'll do it. Over and over again until...we understand each other. Okay?" Egil's eyes widened in shock and he turned his head away. He fell silent, but only for a moment. "You have used the Monado well," Egil admitted. "But do you honestly believe you are it's master?" The man fell silent, waiting for Shulk's response. The blonde didn't response, and an uncomfortable silence pressed in on them, when Egil spoke again. "Mechonis and Bionis once lived in harmony," He said at last. "They coexisted in peace. Without hatred or strife." He remembered the day, thousands of years ago, that he last talked to the tall purple giant with snow white hair. Egil stood with his friend on the Bionis' shoulder, a perfect view of the side of it's face and the rest of it's body from where they were standing. The air was calm and peaceful, and the distant twittering of birds in the distance were the only sound other then the rustling of trees. "Egil, why do you think we were born?" Asked the giant curiously. "Ah, philosophy!" Egil replied. "Alas, I am not very good with answering such questions." "Have you never thought about it?" The giant questioned. "Never contemplated what lies beyond this world?" "Beyond this world?" Egil frowned. "Lady Meyneth once said that aside from the Bionis and the Mechonis, this world is filled with nothing but boundless ocean?" "But what lies beyond that?" The giant wondered. "We are still young and unable to leave the Bionis or the Mechonis. Say goodbye to our creators, our world. But one day our descendants will. They will leave this place and depart for new worlds, worlds we have never imagined by strength of their will alone." "Leave this place?" Egil repeated. "That is something I have never considered. However, it would be a truly amazing sight." "Egil," The giant smiled. "I wish to see that the people of Bionis and the people of Mechonis live in peace and harmony and take care of one another. I wish this for the future of our descendants." "Ye," Egil agreed. "I too desire this, Arglas." Snapping out of his thoughts, Egil continued his sorrowful tale, still looking out towards the image of the endless sea in front of him. "Everybody shared the belief that the prosperity of our two worlds would continue for all eternity," He growled, and Shulk glanced over at him. "It would have done, were it not for the Monado. The Monado refused to permit the existence of the Mechonis. Or rather, the existence of anything but itself. And one day, it took control of my friend, Arglas, and he became Zanza. It was Arglas, possessed by Zanza, who directed his sword at Mechonis." "I don't understand," Shulk said at last, turning around to face the machina and standing up. "Does being controlled by the Monado mean you will eventually become Zanza?" "The Monado is Zanza," Egil explained. "Zanza is the Monado. The two are one and the same. In order to perpetuate the existence of his soul, Zanza inhabits beings of Bionis." But," He trailed off and finally looked at Shulk. "You appear to be different." "What do you mean?" Shulk asked. "I can see it," Egil finally smiled. "How well you retained a sense of self. Perhaps you can break the curse of Zanza. And was that not precisely our wish?" He looked down at Fiora, who had gotten to her feet. "Lady Meyneth?" "I don't know much about any curse," Shulk scratched the back of his head. "For now, all I can do it this Egil." He extended his hand towards the Machina man, smiling. "We can live in peace again." "Again?" Egil pondered this for a moment, before nodding. "I see. Yes, you're right." He straightened up to take Shulk's hand and shake it when- Bang. The sound of gunshot ripped through the air and a bullet pierced through Shulk's back and flew out his chest. Gasps followed this and Shulk began to feel blood soaking his shirt. "No!" Dunban cried. "Shulk!" Fiora screamed. Shulk managed to a hand to press a hand to his chest. When he removed it, it was covered in blood. Using the last of his strength, Shulk turned to see who had shot him. When he saw who it was, Shulk's whole body went slack. "You shouldn't have done that, little brat," Dickson said, smoke curling from the top of his gun.

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