Chapter 16 - The Crystals

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Shulk made his way back through the forest and to the waterfall from earlier. Night had fallen upon Makna Forest and he made his way with care, dodging enemies he knew he couldn't fight on his own. Shulk climbed down ivy and made his way to a water ether crystal deposit by the waterfall he had seen when he first entered the forest. As he gathered the crystals, Shulk became very aware that someone was standing right behind him. He turned and took a step backwards as he saw a man with silver hair and bright blue eyes leaning against a rock, looking out towards the lake. "Who are you?" Shulk breathed. "Hello there," The man said calmly, smiling. Slightly taken aback, Shulk blinked. "H-Hello," He said, unsure of what to say as the man approached him. "How unusual," He murmured. "It is quite rare to see a Homs in this region." Shulk didn't say anything as the man laughed at his reaction. "I suppose you are wondering why I am here, in that case. Then permit me to introduce myself. My name is Alvis." He bowed, putting a hand over his chest and extending the other arm. "Alvis?" Shulk repeated. "Um...My name's-" "It's Shulk," Alvis cut him off. "Isn't it?" "H-How did you know that?!" Shulk gasped. "Wielder of the Monado, Defender of Colony 9," Alvis said, looking thoughtful. "The hero that has every Mechon running. You're famous amongst all Homs." "I know you from somewhere," Shulk whispered, trying to remember. He knew he had heard Alvis's voice somewhere but...Then it hit him. His dream back in Tephra Cave. The man that had asked him if he wanted to change the future. Was that Alvis? "They're here," Alvis suddenly said, looking skyward. "Huh?" "The Monado emits particular ether wavelength in it's ground state," Alvis said thoughtfully. "It must have drawn them." Shulk looked at him, confused, before a monster dropped from the sky, slicing at Shulk. "What are they?!" He demanded. The monster's came down for another attack, and Shulk grabbed his sword. "Alvis, get out of the way!" He ordered. "I'll deal with this myself." He took out the Monado and gripped it tightly, sprinting forwards. Again he was suddenly running in slow motion as a monster came in from the left. "From the left?" Shulk muttered. "Then I'll go..." The monastery swooped down and Shulk jumped to the right to avoid the attack, but it's claw suddenly came up from the right, slamming the blonde backwards. "How?!" He said, before another vision hit him. Another monster was coming from above. "Now, from above!" He raised the Monado to block the attack, but the monster suddenly changed course, coming to attack from below. Shulk was blasted backwards and he screamed, the Monado flying from his hand. "It can't be!" The blonde gagged as he coughed. "I saw it's movements before it struck! How can it...?" "It is a Telethia," Alvis told him. "Telethia?" "They can read your mind," Alvis tapped his head. "Whether you have a vision or not, if they know your next move, it's all in vain." Shulk blinked as he stood up. "You...You know about my visions?" Shulk said. "How could you possibly-" "There is only one way," Alvis cut him off. "Stop it in it's tracks then dull it's perception." He gazed towards the Monado, before racing forwards and scooping it up. "No Alvis!" Shulk yelled. "Stop! You don't know how to-" He cut himself off as Alvis activated the Monado ,the very thing Shulk almost said he didn't know how to do. However, the Monado's blade was green and a new symbol was in the circle. "A new symbol!" Shulk gasped. Alvis swung the Monado, sending a wave length of green energy towards a Telethia as it swooped down. The Telethia screeched as Monado Purge hit it, stopping the monster in it's tracks. Alvis yelled as he swung the sword in an oval around him, slicing off the Telethia's antennae and "That was...amazing," Shulk said. "I suggest you stop staring," Alvis advised, throwing the Monado back to Shulk. He caught it and looked up at Alvis. "The sword is yours to wield," The man said, putting a hand on Shulk's shoulder. "What...was that light?" Shulk demanded. "The Monado does not control itself," Alvis said wisely. "You control it." Shulk glanced at the three remaining Telethia circling them. "I..." He said, grabbing the Monado. "Control it. By the light of the Monado, I will stop them." He raised the Monado, and the blade began to glow green. He charged forwards as Alvis unsheathed a sword. The Telethia landed, and Shulk immediatly attacked with a Monado Purge, preventing them from reading his mind. Alvis sliced off their antennae and Shulk finished them off with a few well placed backslashes while Alvis had the attention of the monsters. As soon as they exploded into particles, Shulk deactivated the Monado and Alvis put away his sword. He placed as hand on Shulk's shoulder and smiled. "Well?" He questioned. "Do you see now, Shulk?" Shulk nodded. "Thank you," He said sincerely, before frowning. "Hey, wait a second! More importantly, where on Bionis did you learn to use the Monado?" Alvis chuckled and turned to the water, glimmering in the moonlight. "They were not primary Telethia," He explained. "Merely it's spawn. The primary Telethia is dwells elsewhere in Makna Forest. Is it...wounded?" He paused, frowning as he approached the water. "I see...The Telethia is hurt and lies in rest. Wounded by a girl." "A girl?" Shulk repeated, but Alvis turned to face Shulk again, ignoring him. "The Monado is a divine sword, capable of disturbing the very fabric of our existence," Alvis continued, putting a hand on the Monado, which was dug into the soft earth in front of Shulk. "Of both the material and the immaterial." "Alvis," Shulk hesitated. "How do you know so much about the Monado? Who are you?" Shulk watched a small smile creep over Alvis's lips as he spoke. "Shulk!" Reyn's voice made both men look up. Reyn was atop the cliff, calling out Shulk's name. "Shulk!" "That's Reyn," Shulk said, and grinned, waving. "I'm over here!" He called. Reyn came charging down the slope to meet them. "Shulk," Reyn was gasping for breath. "We looked all over for you! Thought you'd been eaten by the forest!" "Sorry, Reyn," Shulk apologized. "I got attacked by Telethia. If it hadn't been for Alvis, I wouldn't have survived." "Alvis?" Reyn frowned. "Who's that?" "I'll introduce you," Shulk turned to face Alvis, but found him gone. "He's the one that...Alvis? But he was..." The blonde looked around, confused, slinging the Monado over his back. "Uh..." Reyn seemed uncomfortable. "There's no one here." "I'm telling you he was right here!" Shulk insisted, spinning around to face Reyn. "He even taught me how to unlock a new power from the Monado." "Just you and me, Shulk," Reyn folded his arms. "Ain't no one else around. You probably passed out from dehydration and dreamt this guy up! Come on, wait till the others here this!" He chuckled and Shulk scowled. "He was here, Reyn!" He shouted. "I didn't dream it and I'm not lying!" "Okay okay, I believe you," Reyn smirked. "And while you were having fun with your imaginary friend, did you find any ether crystals?" "Yes," Shulk said stiffly, glaring at his friend. "Good quality ones, too." "Perfect," Reyn nodded. "Come on, we should hurry them back to Sharla. Hang around here long enough and we'll get whacked by an imaginary beast!" He laughed, apparently very amused with his own joke. Shulk scowled. "I'm not lying!" He insisted. Reyn ignored him and started up the hill, but Shulk turned to look at the place where Alvis had been standing. "Alvis..." He whispered. "Who are you?" "Oi! Shulk!" Reyn yelled. "Quit talking to your imaginary friend and get a move on!" "I'm coming!" Shulk yelled, folding his arms and scowling. * * * Alvis stood on a rock a few yards into the lake. He watched Shulk and Reyn head back up the slope with an interested expression. Then he turned and stepped off of the rock. * * * Shulk, Reyn, and Dunban sat in a circle back in the clearing. They had lit a few torches around the area while Sharla tended to the girl. Shulk had just finished explaining what had happened to him at the lakeside, and Dunban frowned. "An enemy that renders your visions useless?" He seemed genuinely interested in the Telethia. "This forest holds many surprises. Not least creatures we've seen before, and now we know that there is another who can use the Monado." "Yeah," Shulk nodded. "I can't wait to meet him," Dunban said. "So you weren't just having a sneaky nap then?" Reyn asked, grinning at Shulk. "No!" "I'm just saying!" Reyn said defensively. "You and Dunban are the only ones I know who can wield the Monado. How would this guy know how?" "Okay," Sharla said, standing up. She had been loading the ether crystals Shulk had found into her rifle and was now finished. "Locked and loaded. Everyone stand back." The group backed up as Sharla raised her rifle into the air and shot into the sky. The bullet exploded and ether particles began falling from the sky. They swarmed around the girl and began to shine like one of the torches. "Wow," Dunban said in awe. "Unbelievable!" The ether particles vanished and the girl groaned slightly, beginning to shift. "She's coming 'round!" Reyn said excitedly as they gathered around her. "All thanks to our medic!" Shulk reached out and gently touched her arm. "Are you okay?" He asked as her eyes opened. They were blue, like the night sky. "Where am I?" She seemed slightly groggy, and her eyes fixed on the group, and she looked a bit confused. "Everything's fine," Shulk assured her. "You're gonna be-" The girl's eyes widened as she suddenly began aware of the blonde's hand on her arm. "Get your hands off me!" She slapped Shulk across the face. He yelped in pain, and grabbed his cheek. "Hey!" Reyn said. "Watch it!" The girl swallowed as she realized what she had done, and looked down, ashamed. "F-Forgive me," She said, getting into a sitting position. "I-I did not mean to..." She trailed off, her cheeks red. "Sorry if we surprised you," Shulk said kindly. "Are you the ones who helped me?" The girl asked. "Well, something like that," Shulk laughed as he and the girl straightened up, taking up her staff. "Excuse me," She said. "My name is Melia. Forgive my indiscretion. I have not had the pleasure of coming into contact with a male Homs." "Coming into contact?" Dunban had to cover his mouth to stifle his snicker. "Hey, Shulk," Reyn grinned at the blonde as he stood up. "You're creeping this lady out!" "Shut up, Reyn!" "This large one is far worse," Melia said, putting her hands on her hips and examining Reyn, who choked. "Me?!" The rest of the group burst out laughing as Reyn's mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out. "Melia is it?" Sharla asked after she and everyone else recovered. "How did you get here then? What, is no one with you?" "I must apologize, but my situation does not concern you," Melia said stiffly. "And I shall not be divulging anything to common passers-by." "Duly noted, your ladyship," Dunban said, a trace of sarcasm in his voice. "But if I were to be so bold, I'm guessing that you didn't come here alone and you weren't just taking an afternoon nap." Melia huffed, and ignored him. "And what, may I ask, are you doing here?" She asked. "It is rare to see Homs venture this far into Makna Forest." "We're traveling to the head of the Bionis," Shulk told her. "We've got a long journey ahead of us." "The head of the Bionis?" Melia repeated, looking thoughtful. "We were just figuring out how to get there when we found you," Reyn explained. "I see..." Melia said slowly. "Then permit me to return the favour by aiding you in your quest." "Really?" "There is only one path to the head of the Bionis," Melia explained. "It is the path that leads to Eryth Sea." "So this Eryth Sea," Reyn said. "Is at the head of the Bionis?" "Correct," Melia nodded. "If you would be kind enough to escort me out of the forest, I will show you the way." "You...You'd do that?!" Shulk gasped. "Thank you Melia! I'm Shulk. Pleased to meet you!" "Shulk," Melia said his name again. "Ah, yes. Likewise." "She's a bit high and mighty," Sharla whispered to Reyn. "But she's a Homs too, right? Why is she here alone?" "Ain't got a clue," Reyn shrugged. "Ask her yourself! I'm not good with her posh accent." Sharla rolled her eyes, but watched as Melia led them towards the path. "We shall travel to the Nopon village," She told them. "Nopon village?" Shulk questioned. "We were heading there ourselves. We reckon it's our best chance of making it to the top." "Since inhabiting the region, the Nopon have been a great help," Melia said. "You can travel to Eryth Sea from their village." "It's settled," Shulk said. "We'll make our way to the Nopon village. "Very well," Melia nodded. "The Nopon inhabit a giant tree. If we follow this trail, we will be safe." She pointed towards the path, and the group nodded, following her deeper into the forest.

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