Chapter 44 - Hope of the High Entia

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Anxiousness. It was the only feeling that filled Melia's entire being as she wrung her hands together nervously. She gazed out the window as Vanea and Miqol worked together to fill up Junks' gas before they departed to the Interior. Shulk stood alongside them, completely spellbound by the Machina technology. The rest of the team was spread out around Colony 6, picking up the last of the supplies they would need, since they wouldn't be returning for a long time. Melia had stayed behind, for reasons she had kept to herself. She was afraid of bothering the others with her personal problems, even though she knew that they would want to hear about her inward struggles, but this was something she refused to confide in someone, no matter how close they were. Kallian's agonized expression flashed in front of Melia's eyes, and she snapped them open, her heart pounding. Her brother's transformation had haunted her, ever since they had defeated the Telethia outside of the colony. She had spent too many nights since then, tossing and turning as she attempted to drown out his screams of pain that echoed in her brain, filling her with neverending torment. Melia released a sigh, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she slid down the wall, wrapping her arms around her knees as she attempted to shake the terrifying images of her people transforming into Telethia in front of her eyes. "Melia?" Melia snapped her head upwards, afraid she had caught the attention of one of her teammates because of her strange behaviour. But to her relief, it was Linada that stood over her, a concerned look on her kind features. "Yes?" She said, carefully masking the exhaustion in her voice. "Are you alright?" Linada asked, kneeling beside the High Entia girl. Melia hesitated, staring at the Machina doctor, a silent debate waging furiously inside her mind. If she lied about her inward struggle, she would only be causing herself more grief and pain. But if she told the truth, Linada would inform someone of her team, and Melia didn't want to cause them any more trouble. "I am…" Melia hesitated, the word 'fine' lingering on the tip of her tongue. She certainly wasn't so. The nightmares were never ending and always repeated, screams echoing in her mind until she was on the brink of insanity. "Fine." She ended at last, breaking eye contact with Linada. The doctor raised an eyebrow, her violet eyes scanning Melia's small figure. "No you're not," She said. "You're complexion is pale, and you flinch every time someone tries to talk to you." Melia tightened her grip on her arms. Was it that obvious? She still said nothing, waiting for Linada to give up and leave the High Entia to her horrifying thoughts. "Everyone is worried about you," The Machina Doctor said at last, her eyes seemingly drilling holes into the back of Melia's head. "They hear you scream in the middle of the night because of your nightmares. Sharla was the one that informed me of your behavior change. You're eating less and-" "I do not wish to discuss this any further," Melia said shortly, cutting across the rest of Linada's statement. "I do not want to trouble my friends any further." "But you haven't troubled them, Melia. In fact you've-" Linada's was drowned out by the opening of the bridge door, much to the Crown Princess' relief. The rest of the group walked in, holding bags in their arms to pack into the satchels that they had used since the beginning of their journey. Melia stood up, leaving Linada to stare after her as she joined the group. Fiora held out a package to Melia, smiling. "Here you are, Melia," She said brightly. "This one's for you." Melia took the package, smiling gratefully. Gazing around at the mix of races all gathered in a tightly knitted circle, Melia couldn't help but let her worries slip away. They were the people that gave light to her miserable life, pulling them with her on an adventure she was sure she would never forget, whether they defeated Zanza or not. "Anyone seen Shulk?" Reyn asked, waving a package in the air, his own under his arm. "I need to give him his supplies." "I'm here," Came the boy's soft voice as he entered along with Miqol and Vanea. Reyn tossed him the bundle as he joined the group, worming in between Riki and Dunban. Shulk caught it and looked through the supplies, shifting through all of it. "Do you really think we'll need this much?" He asked, keeping his eyes on the contents of the package. "Of course," Sharla said briskly. "Better safe than sorry, right? Besides, we all know how much Reyn and Riki eat." "Sharla!" "Heropon Riki not eat that much!" Sharla giggled, and Melia felt a smile appear on her face as she directed her attention down to her package. I am lucky, She thought. To have met them. Without everyone...I would still be sitting alone in the Imperial Palace...or by now I would have been a refugee, scavenging for food among the others. Kallian's scream filled her ears for what seemed like the hundredth time, running shivers down her spine. "Anyways," Sharla clapped her hands together. "Let's get packing. I want to get to the Interior as soon as possible!" Reyn saluted her, his familiar trouble-making grin spread across his face. "Yes ma'am!" Sharla laughed, punching Reyn's shoulder in a playful manner as the rest of the group went off to go get their packs. Melia followed them at a slower pace, her grip tight around her parcel of supplies. She paused outside of her room, staring at the door that awaited her to open it. Another shiver tingled down her spine and she involuntarily shuddered. She couldn't understand why she was so terrified of her own bedroom. It wasn't as if anything beyond the door could harm her. ...Right? "Melia?" Shulk's concerned voice saved Melia from sinking into another terrifying daydream. She looked up, her blue eyes meeting with Shulk's. "Are you alright?" He asked her. "You've been acting really strange something the matter?" "Oh, no," Melia hitched a false smile across her face. "I'm...fine." * * * Thirty minutes later, Melia watched the Colony grow farther and farther away as Junks lifted off from the lake it had been resting in. They flew out over the endless sea, before the Machina drivers turned Junks around, shooting towards the gaping hole in the Bionis' chest. It's body heaved, almost as if it was in pain from the wound. Melia, Dunban, Sharla, Riki, Reyn, Shulk, and Fiora stood together, watching apprehensively as the room darkened slowly, until at last the only source of light in the bridge of Junks was coming from the hovering orange control panels. Gradually it began to get lighter, until Junks stopped directly in front of a large slab of land that led up into a tunnel. It was covered with small membrane-like sticks with a ball-like shape on the top of them. Unlike their previous visit, the walls pulsated with life, and an ether river flowed off into the unknown, glowing faintly until it was lost from sight. "We're here," Shulk said grimly as the group stood on top of the slab. "It's the inside of the Bionis." "It looks quite different then when we entered via the marsh," Dunban noted, picking a small membrane stick from off of the ground and rolling it between his forefinger and thumb. "The Bionis must be regaining its biological functions," Sharla said grimly. "That's the only explanation." "Must be 'cos Zanza woke it up," Reyn folded his arms, glaring around him. "Then we find Zanza," Shulk said. Melia was slightly surprised by how vicious the normally calm Homs sounded. "And stop him!" The rest of the group nodded, their faces set with determination. Melia gazed around at her comrades as they began walking, their feet crunching the membrane sticks beneath them. The tunnel soon opened up into a large oval-shaped chamber, with Telethia patrolling the area, and enormous pillars holding up the roof. Shulk charged right into battle with the nearest Telethia with Reyn and Riki by his side. "Melia," Sharla gently took the girl's arm, pulling them out of earshot from the group. "Are you alright? You haven't been talking much lately or eating. You're worrying everyone. This isn't like you. It's almost like how I got when we found out Ga-" She faltered at her fiancee's name and she looked as if she were going to cry, but at the last minute pulled herself together and stared Melia straight in the eye. "When we found out Gadolt was alive." "I'm...quite alright, Sharla," Melia brushed Sharla's hand off of her shoulder. "Thank you for your concern. I just am dealing with a few problems that I would like to sort out on my own." "It's Kallian, isn't it?" Melia's breathing hitched, and she glanced up at Sharla as her feet stopped moving. Her mouth moved to form words, but couldn't seem to do it. The medic cracked a small smile. "It's a little bit obvious," Sharla said. "Ever since we stopped Dickson outside of Colony 6, you've become really distant. Some nights, we even hear your screams from your nightmares. It must be traumatizing to see your own people transform into monsters in front of your eyes." "Yes," Melia agreed softly. "I just...all I can hear over and over are my brother's cries over and over again...It's my fault that they transformed, all I did was bring misfortune upon the High Entia and-" "Melia, it's not your fault!" Sharla said suddenly, pulling Melia into a tight hug. "You couldn't have known that it was going to happen. But...if there is some way to turn all the Telethia back into High Entia, I promise that I'll be the first person to help turn them back." Melia cracked a small smile, her arms winding around Sharla and squeezing softly. "Thank you," She said softly. Sharla smiled slightly. "What are friends for?" She replied. "Oi, you two!" Reyn called. The women split apart, and looked over at the red-haired man. "What's up?" "Nothing!" Sharla called, much to Melia's relief. "We just had to talk about something! It's fine!" "Then could you hurry it up? We're gettin' old waiting for you!" "Oh shut it!" Sharla rolled her eyes, and jogged over to the group. Melia stayed behind a moment longer, a happy smile worming it's way onto her face as she found herself thinking again: I'm so very lucky to have met them… * * * They reached the end of the enormous chamber, and wormed their way through a second tunnel, smaller than the first. They had to go single file in order to get through it, and Reyn got stuck halfway through. It took the combined efforts of Dunban, Fiora, Sharla, and Shulk to pull him out. When they finally did, the momentum of the final pull made Reyn tumble over on top of them. Melia giggled as she walked out of the tunnel, carrying Riki, who refused to go through the tunnel without Melia holding him. She looked down at the groaning mess of Homs at her feet, and Reyn held out his hand to her, looking dazed. "" Melia took his hand and pulled upwards, but Reyn jerked her down, and Melia ended up next to Reyn on the pile. The Homs man chuckled slightly, still sounding slightly out of it. "That's for laughing at us." Melia glared at him and pushed herself up as Riki laughed and ran in circles, taunting Reyn as they picked themselves up from the fall. "Oi, shut it furball!" Reyn growled, looking around at where they were. Melia followed his gaze and her jaw dropped as she looked at all the winding pathways and platforms that wound around the room. Red blood cells floated past them, spiraling up and out of sight. But it was none of that that took Melia's breath away. It was the heart far above them, thumping every few second and making the entire thing bulge. Then, someone chuckled. They were immediately tense and on edge, their hands closing in on whatever weapons they had strapped to their hips or backs. "You look well, Your Highness." "That voice…" Melia's grip tightened on her staff as she recognized the speaker. "It's Lorithia!" She raised her voice, scanning the area around her for the High Entia scientist. "Show yourself!" "Look at that!" Lorithia ignored her. "The heart of the Bionis. The pulsating life of Lord Zanza!" "Quit your yappin' and show yourself!" Reyn ordered, narrowing his eyes. "I await Your Highness here," Lorithia continued, pretending as if she didn't hear Reyn. "There is something I wish to show you. Your friends are welcome to join you! That is, if they survive." She giggled cruelly and then her voice faded. "Here?" Sharla frowned slightly, folding her arms. "Does she mean the heart?" "Probably," Shulk agreed. "And what did she mean 'if they survive?'" "I suppose we'll find out," Melia said softly. Everyone else nodded, and they took their first steps onto the nearest platform. Shulk had the Area Map in hand, and was watching as it slowly filled in. Sharla had her eyes on the winding platforms, watching for which ones led up to the heart. "I've got a question," Fiora said suddenly. "You know how too much ether can kill us, right?" Everyone nodded. "Well, why doesn't Zanza just use ether to kill us all? I mean, from the looks of things the Bionis has enough ether running through it already." "That's a fair point, Fiora," Dunban frowned. "Don't give him any ideas," Reyn muttered, as if the god was listening to their conversation. "It might be," Shulk said as they skirted around a patch of suspicious-looking red liquid. "That too much ether could prevent the Bionis from achieving rebirth. That explains how it only has a certain level of ether within it right now." "But that might also be because the Mechonis absorbed so much of the Bionis' ether supply," Melia pointed out. Shulk shrugged. "It's only a theory." They continued the journey up towards the heart, while talk was kept to a minimum. Melia felt like she was getting shot each time they had to kill a Telethia that was in their way, but managed to hide her feelings as she fought alongside the people that were probably just as uncomfortable as she was with killing what used to be a High Entia. The pathways kept on winding upwards, each one more confusing than the last. They got lost more than once, and eventually just decided to keep looking up at the platform that seemed to be the one that connected to the heart. So, nearly four hours later, they stood in front of the entrance to the heart. "Ready?" Shulk glanced at each individual member of the team. his gaze lingering on Melia, concern in his blue eyes. Melia nodded at him with a slight smile which he returned. "Let's go kick some High Entia arse!" Reyn cheered, throwing his fist into the air. His statement earned him some laughter from the others, even Riki. They charged forwards, the entrance to the heart creeping away at their approach. They slowed down to a cautious walk, with Shulk and Fiora in the lead, Dunban and Reyn behind them, Riki and Melia at their backs, with Sharla bringing up the rear. "Welcome to my world," Lorithia's voice resounded from what seemed like everywhere, until she walked out from the shadows. "I must say, I am surprised. Zanza's vessel truly does have a will of it's own, and is looking quite spritely." She stopped in front of the group, running her tongue over her lips with her eyes half-lidded. "I'm still alive!" Shulk declared. "I won't die. Not yet. And that's why we're here." "Everyone who lives in this world has a life," Fiora agreed. "So it shouldn't be threatened by anyone. We'll never give in to Zanza!" "So full of passion!" Lorithia noted, smirking. "Well if it's life you're looking for, I'll show you true life!" She threw her hand into the air, and a Telethia fell from where it was waiting in the top of the heart. Melia recognized the Telethia immediately, and her brother's cries of agony filled her ears again. "K-Kallian!" Dunban stammered, staring at the once regal High Entai Prince, hanging lifelessly from the chest of the Telethia, like an awful figurehead. "Brother!" Melia cried, hoping that he wasn't as dead as he appeared. "There is no use in calling," Lorithia held up her hand. "It worked before, but now his transformation is complete. He is my adorable servant." She cupped his chin, rubbing her thumb over his cheek, before tilting his head up and meeting his lips to hers. Rage built up in Melia and she clenched her fists so tightly she was afraid she would break skin. Lorithia chuckled at her expression, and lifted herself up onto the Telethia, seating herself in the small gap in between the top-half of Kallian's body. Ether particles began to emit from within the Telethia, and Lorithia began to merge with it. She leaned forwards and wrapped her arms around Kallian's neck, blinding everyone with the rays of ether. "Do you know the meaning of the word 'Telethia'?" She asked leisurely. "It means that which eliminates impure like. Impure life, just like you. That which Lord Zanza does not require shall be extinguished from this world!" The Telethia threw back its head and roared. Melia immediately darted forwards, surprised everyone. The fire burning in her eyes was furious, and the elemental she fired off seconds later was just as so. She let out a small gasp as the Telethia swung towards her, ready to slam her into the side of the heart, but Reyn came to Melia's rescue, blocking the strike with the shield of his driver. "Shulk!" He called, and the blonde boy raced forwards as Reyn turned his driver so it was horizontal. Shulk jumped on it, and in the same instant, Reyn pushed upwards, propelling Shulk through the air. He raised his Replica Monado and did a front flip, slicing through the Telethia's skin and creating a large wound in which ether poured out of. "Fiora!" Shulk called, jumping backwards, Fiora took his place, running in from the side with her blades poised at her hips, blades facing the Telethia. She dug them into the Telethia's skin, her expression pained as she dragged them through it, overlapping with the wound made by Shulk's attack. She pulled them out viciously, and called out. "Riki!" The Heropon himself came bouncing in, waving his biter and slamming it down on several places around the Telethia. Each strike made it spin around, almost as if it were confused by the amount of attacks. "Sharla!" Riki called, and the medic reloaded her rifle, aiming and shooting a clean shot straight through the Telethia's head. The wound began to close up, but not before Sharla could call out the next fighter. "Dunban!" The Hero of the Homs darted forwards when summoned, and jumped into the air, sinking his katana to the hilt into the Telethia's scales. He pulled out, sending a spray of ether blood into the air, turning to the High Entia princess for the final blow. "Melia!" Melia concentrated, summoning three lightning elementals and combining them into one. She raised her staff and pointed them straight at Lorithia. It raced forwards, colliding with the Telethia, making it's body spazz and writhe in pain. It seized up before beginning to glow, slowly dissolving into small golden particles. "Brother!" Melia shouted, blinded by the light. Suddenly, everything went quiet. The blood pounded in Melia's ears, and she glanced towards Lorithia, to find her gone. Everything was bathed in a white glow, and Melia couldn't see her friends. Then a figure took shape in the bright light, slowly becoming visible until at last, Melia saw who it was. "B-Brother?" She called out, her voice echoing in the expanse of white that surrounded her. "Is that...really you?" When he nodded silently, Melia fell to her knees, her staff falling to her side. "I have longed to see you!" "I too, Melia," Kallian spoke in a calming voice, a smile gracing his handsome features. Melia looked up at him, and tears she didn't realize she was holding in began to stream down her cheeks. She lowered her head again, staring down at her hands. "Brother, I must apologize," She cried. "To you and to everyone." "Because of our transformation into Telethia?" "I am a princess," Melia choked on her words. "But I brought misfortune upon the High Entia, I…I…" She roughly brushed the tears from her cheeks, waiting for her brother's response. Instead, he lifted her chin, staring kindly at her. "You are mistaken, Melia," He said, kneeling in front of her. "The Telethia gene lies dormant within us all. There was no escaping the cursed blood in our veins, sister. It was fate. That is why our father sought to dilute the bloodline." Melia only cried harder at this, wiping her tears again. "You are the hope of the High Entia," Kallian said suddenly, putting his hand on Melia's shoulder, making him look at her. "You will not transform into a Telethia. Even after the Bionis has reawakened, you can still succeed the imperial line. You have the power to end our suffering. Knowing this, both Father and I were happy to sacrifice ourselves. It was our choice." "Brother…" Melia quivered underneath his touch and gazed down at the ground again as Kallian's next words echoed in her skull. "There is no need to fear," He assured her. "After all, this is precisely our wish." He stared at his sister for a moment longer, before standing up and turning his head to face the other direction. "In the end, you are the only ones who can stop Zanza." Melia stood up as well, scooping up her staff and holding it close to her chest. "Yes," She agreed. "Now, leave her to me," Kallian turned around, indicating Lorithia. "You must go. You must accompany Shulk." The peaceful white receded, taking Kallian with it as Lorithia's shrieks reached Melia's ears. "No!" She screamed. "My Telethia!" She looked up, her eyes fixing on Melia with a murderous rage in them. "You! What have you done?!" "Have have done nothing," Melia said calmly, lowering her hands. "This is your destiny. Accept it with dignity!" She pointed her staff at the defeated woman as she continued to scream. "My body! No!" Lorithia cried. "I was promised immortality!" Her final, agonized bellow echoed into silence as the Telethia imploded upon itself, sending a bright streak of ether everywhere. At last, when all had calmed down, Melia looked up and saw her brother, smiling down at her for the last time. "Brother…" She smiled back, through the tears beginning to cloud her vision again. "Melia," His voice echoed from what seemed like everywhere. "At long last I can be with Father. You must now live your own life. The path you forge, the future you chose. That is the hope of the High Entia." And with that, he was gone, turning into small multicoloured feathers of light, that rained down upon them. Melia smiled through the tears that dripped off of her chin. "Thank you, Brother," She murmured, knowing he could hear her. "Your words...will stay with me forever." Her voice cracked slightly and she looked down at her feet, brushing aside her tears. "His words?" Shulk gave her a confused look. "Riki heard," Riki said before Melia could respond. "Riki heard Melly's brother. Kallian say 'hope of bird people.' Where Melly's brother? Riki not see him, but Riki hear him." "Riki…" Melia was so touched, she could hardly speak. She dropped down to her knees and placed her staff beside her, wrapping her arms around the Nopon and crying softly. "You too heard his parting words. Thank you." They sad there in silence for a moment, before Melia brushed away her tears for the third time and stood up, scooping up her staff and repositioning it on her hip. "Melia…" Fiora frowned. "Thank you for your concern," Melia said, taking in a deep breath to calm herself. "I am alright. Let us go and secure the future my brother so hoped for." "We will," Shulk said confidently. "Together. I just know it." Melia smiled at him in response, when a peculiar sound reached their ears. A familiar figure walked from a swirling portal that was much like the one back at Prison Island, just before Shulk freed Zanza. "Such a brave princess," He chuckled. "Dickson," Dunban growled. "Don't look at me like that!" Dickson said, pretending like he was hurt. "I take time out of my schedule to send you off to a nice spot, and that's how you welcome me?" "What do you mean?!" Reyn demanded, instantly angry. "I'll be waiting at Prison Island," Dickson clarified. "I've picked out a lovely place to return your flesh and blood to the Bionis. Don't keep me waiting. See you later!" And with that he was gone, stepping into the portal and disappearing. "I'm gonna…" Reyn sluttered, so angry that his face was turning maroon. "Come on, everyone!" Dunban urged. "We've got to get to Prison Island!" "Okay!" Shulk nodded in agreement, and the group rushed into the portal, following Dickson. And Melia's vision faded to black.

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