Epilogue - A New World

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The afternoon sun beat down upon Colony 9 as Fiora made her way across the Commercial District. The day was nice and the weather could not have been better, which explained the amount of people currently out and about around the colony. Fiora couldn't help but smile as she watched Machina mill about, Homs and High Entia interact cheerfully and Nopon bounce about, on occasions knocking into people. She directed her attention upwards, towards the clear blue sky above her and released a long slow breath as she continued walking. When she finally looked back down, she nearly collided with a Machina woman, who was pulled aside at the last minute by the other Machina she was walking with. Fiora instantly recognized her as Linada, and returned her cheerful wave with a smile. She continued on her wave, and couldn't help but stop to watch as Colonel Vangarre chewed out a Defense Force soldier for nearly dropping supplies on top of his head and the promptly assigned him fifty squat jumps around the entire colony. She turned her head away from the scene, and caught a glimpse of a familiar Machina woman, heading towards the central area of the Commercial District. She chased after her, and coming upon a small cluster of people, involving her brother, the Machina chief, Miqol, and Otharon. "The restoration is coming along nicely," Otharon was saying as Vanea walked over and put a gentle hand on Dunban's shoulder, alerting him to her presence. "Thanks to Melia and Vanea," He told Otharon with a smile. "The High Entia and Machina have some amazing technology." "We are happy to help," Vanea turned her head and caught a glimpse of Fiora, smiling gently at her. "To live alongside one another in harmony. After all, I have no doubt that this is what Lady Meyneth and Egil would have wanted." "Hear hear," Dunban nodded in agreement. "And may it last forever." Fiora finally took it upon herself to make her presence known as she stepped forwards and tapped her brother gently on the shoulder. "Dunban?" He spun around at the mention of his name, his brown eyes fixing on Fiora and a smile broke across his face. "Fiora!" He gently patted her head. "What is it?" "Have you seen Shulk?" Fiora questioned, tilting her head slightly to the left. "Oh," Dunban exchanged a knowing look with Otharon. "He just left. I don't know where he's gone, but he was with Reyn and the others." "Okay," Fiora nodded. "Thank you!" She turned around and began walking towards the mouth of the Colony when Dunban stopped her. "Fiora?" "Yes?" She turned back around to face him, but the brown-haired man shook his head and offered her a smile. "It's nothing," He said. "Good luck." Fiora nodded and turned back around, tracing the familliar path up to Outlook Park, where she figured Shulk would be. But instead of finding the blonde boy, she came upon Melia, who was staring at the remains of the Bionis, spread across the ocean. As Fiora approached her, Melia put one hand on the railing. "If you're looking for Shulk, he is not here," Melia turned around. "Amazing! It's like you've got eyes in the back of your head," Fiora joked lightly, making Melia smile softly. "What were you looking at? The sea?" "Hm?" Melia glanced back the way she had been looking. "I wasn't looking at anything in particular. If anything, Fiora, I was thinking. Thinking about the future that awaits us all." "Wow," Fiora said appreciatively, walking to stand next to Melia at the wooden railing. "You're so much more thoughtful than me." "Really? "Melia looked vaguely surprised. "I don't think so. I was just answering your question." "But I know what you mean," Fiora said quickly. "You're right. We've been through a lot." "Yes," Melia's expression turned sad for a moment. "We have." She turned her face back towards the remains of the Bionis and Fiora followed her gaze. The two stood in silence for a moment, before Melia spoke again. "I am grateful to all of you," She said. "It is because I met you that I experienced so much. And it is the reason I am here now." "Yes," Fiora agreed. "We're happy you're here too. Thanks, Melia. For everything. I'm glad I met you." Melia smiled, a soft laugh escaping her lips. "And I you," She said. The two stood together before Fiora spotted a few figures on the beach. Excusing herself, Fiora headed back down the path and towards the beach. When she arrived, she saw Reyn, Sharla, Riki, and Juju standing on the dock. Reyn was yanking hard on a fishing pole, his teeth gritted in concentration as a fish fought against him in the water, sending water skipping across the surface of the ocean. Sharla was sitting on a box of lures while Riki bounced up and down next to her and Juju cheered Reyn on from beside him. "Almost...got it!" Reyn growled, pulling harder. "Go Reyn! Go Reyn!" Riki cheered. "Riki really hungry!" "Go on! Put your back into it, Reyn!" Sharla chimed in. Reyn gave a mighty tug, but the fish let go of the lure just in time, throwing Reyn off balance. Juju and Riki tried to grab onto him before he fell off the dock, but ended up sending all three of them into the water with an enormous splash. "Are you okay?" Sharla couldn't help but laugh as the three surfaced, spitting out water. "It's salty!" Reyn shouted as he swam towards the shore, Sharla meeting them on the sand. "What's up with the water being so salty?!" "Reyn, you're terrible at this!" Juju told him as they walked onto dry land, still coughing out the seawater. "When was the last time you fished?" He mimed casting a fishing pole rod and Sharla laughed again. "Reyn bad fisherman!" Riki agreed. "Riki want eat big fish!" "Give us a break," Reyn growled, jerking the fishing pole towards the Nopon. "You try next time, furball!" "Fishing is Reyn's job," Riki said bluntly. "Riki's job is eating!" Reyn groaned in annoyance, before his eyes lit up and he grinned evilly, looking down at Riki. "Hang on a sec," He said. "Isn't Oka gonna have a massive go at you if you don't go back to her with fourteen fish to feed all your littlepon?" Riki's eyes widened and he jumped up and down in alarm. "Riki forgot!" He cried. "Wifeypon very angry if not catch more fish!" "It ain't me she's gonna be angry with," Reyn shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Reyn catch fish!" Riki declared. "Catch fish now! Fish!" He jumped into the air and grabbed onto the fishing pole with his ears, pressing it against Reyn's throat gently in a form of a chokehold. Sharla attempted to pull the rod away from Reyn, but began laughing as Riki's added weight made the three drop into the water again as Riki screamed, "Fiiiiiisshhhhhhh!" Fiora smiled and averted her gaze from the sight, spotting a familiar blonde boy, standing away from the group and staring out at the Bionis's remains, deep in thought. She walked towards him, finally speaking when she was close enough. "Here you are!" Shulk spun around in surprise, caught off guard. He saw Fiora and his expression softened into a gentle smile. "The breeze feels so good," Fiora sighed softly. "It does," Shulk agreed as he looked back the way he had previously been gazing. Fiora closed her eyes as the gentle sea breeze blew back Fiora's now-short hair. Shulk glanced at her and couldn't help but smile softly. Six months in a Regeneration Chamber had been completely worth it. She had been given her old body back, despite her long blonde hair now being cut short during her time as a Mechon. Fiora noticed he was staring and her eyebrows knitted in confusion as she caught his gaze. "What is it?" "Uh…" Shulk suddenly felt uncomfortable. "That hairstyle!" He said quickly. "It looks good on you. That's all, yeah." He laughed nervously and Fiora raised an eyebrow. "Really?" She said in a teasing tone, before frowning slightly and running her hand through the choppy ends of it. "I was thinking of growing it out but…" She twisted her mouth to one side, suddenly turning to Shulk. "Hey, which do you prefer?" "Both of course?" He smiled. Fiora scowled and sat down on the ground with her knees pulled up to her chest. "Come on," She said. "What am I supposed to say to that?" "Sorry," Shulk apologized, sitting next to her. "Okay, it's great like that. Don't change it." Fiora smiled appreciatively at him and sighed softly. "I'd forgotten what it feels like to do this," She admitted, gazing over at Reyn who was currently being persuaded by Juju to give him the fishing pole to let him try catching a fish. "I wonder what the future will have in store for us." "Who knows," Shulk shrugged. "I'm sure it will be full of ups and downs." "Ups and downs?" Fiora questioned, looking at him. Shulk nodded as Reyn passed Juju the pole and the boy tossed the lure into the water and almost instantly caught a fish. He was in the process of reeling it in when Shulk spoke again. "I don't know what the future holds," He said. "But that means I can imagine the possibilities. We can achieve anything we put our minds to." Fiora looked at him as Shulk watched Juju pull the fish out of the water and Riki's cheers reached their ears. "Yeah," She said. "You're right!" Shulk smiled at her before it quickly faded and turned into a thoughtful expression. "Do you remember what the Monado, I mean Alvis, told us the last time we saw him?" He asked, resting his chin in his arms. "Yes, of course," Fiora said. Shulk nodded, looking back over the sea, running the words through his mind for what seemed like the thousandth time. "Shulk, this new world is boundless. It is home to not only you, but many forms of life. I can see it. In this world, all life will walk towards the future hand in hand." Shulk leaned back, using his arms to support himself and stretching one hand up to the sky to block cup a cloud in his hand. He lowered his arm a moment later and looked back at Fiora. "One day, I hope I can meet them all. The people of this endless world." "Me too," Fiora agreed, mimicking Shulk's position. "We will. I know it." Shulk nodded and pushed off from the ground, standing back up. "We'll meet them," He said confidently as Fiora stood next to him. "And whatever happens, we'll face our future, together." The two of them stood together along the dawn of a new world, anxious, but ready for the future that was in store for them.

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