Chapter 36 - Awakening

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Shulk made his way through the Mechonis capital, which was swarming with Mechon units that seemed to be out of control. He saw one attack it's comrade with a vicious blow and tear it into shreds. "I wonder how long these Mechon have been here," He murmured. "Probably a long time," Reyn said. "If they're going insane and killing each other...Can't imagine that they're new." Shulk nodded in agreement and they continued towards one of the activation pillars Fiora had told them about. The girl in question was unusually silent and walked behind the group. Shulk and Reyn climbed the tower, leaving the group below to watch for any Mechon ambushes. When they reached the top, all they found was a singly button that would most likely be one of the verification devices. Shulk pressed it and a bright light exploded from a pillar shaped almost like a cone. It shot a blue beam into the sky, starting their mission to unlock the Meyneth shrine. Shulk returned to the others and they continued on their way. By the time they had unlocked the second device, they were walking across a huge plaza that looked like it might have once been a gathering center for Machina long ago. "Hang on," Sharla froze, and pointed to a statue a little ways off. It was small and had it's head cut off. Fiora ran towards it, followed by everyone else. "This was a statue of Meyneth," Fiora realized, her eyes widening as she put a hand on the statue's decaying marble. The rubble scattered across their feet must have been the remains of the head. "I think the top of it was knocked off when the Telethia attacked." "I wonder what she looked like," Sharla said softly. "Probably beautiful." "Yeah," Shulk nodded in agreement. They fell silent, staring at the remains of what may have once been a magnificent statue. When they finally set off for the final pillar, the mood was much subdued. The sun was nearing it's peak in the sky "Riki so hungry…" Riki moaned, gripping his stomach with his large ears. "If Riki not eat now, Riki explode!" "Why could you not having food make you -oh whatever," Reyn clicked his tongue, showing that he had given up on the Nopon. "Let's just eat." "We haven't eaten since we arrived in the Central Factory," Sharla realized. "We probably should...I'm surprised both Reyn and Riki have survived this long without food!" "Sharla!" "Riki survive long time without food!" The group chuckled at the Homs and Nopon's behavior and managed to find a secluded spot in which the Mechon wouldn't find them and sat down for lunch. As Fiora prepared it from the combined supplies she got from everyone in the group, Shulk found himself thinking about the allied force. Ever since Dickson told them that they were going to launch an attack on Mechonis, most presumably Sword Valley, Shulk had felt very uneasy. Perhaps it was the fatigue of climbing two titans finally catching up to him. Avenging Fiora had been his drive, the whole purpose of his mission. But now what? What would happen once they defeated Egil? Would the world return to normal? Or would Meyneth still have more to do? Shulk released a heavy sigh and rested his face in the palm of his hands, closing his eyes. "Shulk?" The blonde glanced up, meeting everyone's concerned gazes. He offered them what he hoped was a comforting smile. "I'm fine," He assured them. "Just tired...I think." This answer seemed to satisfy them, and they turned back to their lunches. Fiora leaned over as she handed him his own lunch. She opened her mouth as if to say something, but shook her head and took a water canteen from Dunban. After their lunch, they headed towards the fourth and final pillar, which was guarded by a Faced Mechon unit. "Wait!" Shulk threw out a hand to stop the rest of his friends from taking out their weapons. "There has to be someone inside. We can't kill him." "Then deactivate him," Reyn suggested. "We should still be able to do that. You know..." He gave a sideways glance at Melia. "Like the Emperor did back on Prison Island." True to his word, the group managed to deactivate the Mechon and trigger the final verification device. "Now we have to go back to the Data Center in order to make the transporter work," Fiora informed them. "Then...Then we can get to Egil." As they made their long trek back to the Data Center, Sharla began to hang back her expression blank. "Sharla?" Reyn glanced back towards her. "What's wrong?" "Huh?" Sharla blinked, as if rousing herself from a daydream. "Oh, it's nothing." "Sharla not tell truth!" Riki frowned at her. "Sharla hiding big feelings from everyone. Sharla tell Riki what wrong!" Sharla smiled kindly at the Nopon, but shook her head. "Thank you," She muttered. "But really, I'm fine." "It's Gadolt, isn't it?" Reyn's question was so straightforward and blunt that Sharla looked away, trying to hide the pain evident in her eyes. She didn't speak for a long time and this made everyone stop and crowd around her. When Sharla next spoke, her voice was trembling. "H-How did you know?" "It's obvious," Reyn folded his arms, being rather insensitive about the whole thing. "You get a faraway look in your eyes and you've been talking to yourself ever since Mechonis Field." Sharla turned to face him, her brown eyes filled with tears. "I guess I wasn't hiding it well," She wiped her eyes and managed a watery laugh. "Listen, I'm fine. Knowing that Gadolt's alive is good enough for me. I don't care that he doesn't remember, or that he's working for Egil. I..." She trailed off and shook her head, a smile creeping across her lips. "I'm fine…" She insisted, meeting Reyn's concerned gaze. "I promise." That's a lie, Shulk thought sadly, staring at her as they began to near the tower. She's hiding the hurt inside... Deciding it was best to have three people go up into the Data Center instead of all of them, like before, Melia nominated herself, Fiora, and Dunban to activate the transporter. They rode the elevator up and out of sight, returning only when the deed had been done. Shulk glanced outside a few minutes later and saw a final bright light coming from the transporter. It dissipated and the trio returned a few minutes later. Upon reaching the transporter, another feeling took over Shulk, like being doused with a bucket of ice cold water. Something was going to fire an attack and throw them all off the edge of Agniratha, plummeting them all to their deaths. "Look out!" Shulk shouted, jumping forwards and activating the Monado. He spotted a orb of energy soaring towards them and slice with the Monado, rebounding it upon it's user, who dodged with ease and soared over their heads. Something exploded where the energy had sailed, but Shulk didn't have time to see what it was. "It's him!" Sharla cried as Jade Face straightened up, his red eyes scanning them each. They raced down to meet the Mechon who, like before, didn't seem to care that he could have killed his fiancee. "Gadolt!" Sharla screamed, raising her hand to her chest. That's the second time I've sensed an attack without seeing a vision first, Shulk swallowed, out of breath. "Your mastery of the Monado is...astonishing," Jade Face growled. "You cannot be permitted to live." "Gadolt, stop!" Sharla pleaded. "Why are you fighting us?! Remember who you are!" "It's no good!" Reyn told her, taking up a defensive stance in front of the medic. "He's completely under Egil's control now. Remember what Vanea told us!" "I can't believe it" Sharla insisted, pressing her full weight on Reyn's driver. "I won't believe it! Gadolt, please!" She succeeded in moving aside the red-haired man's weapon and approached Jade Face with a heartbroken expression, "Answer me!" Gadolt lunged forwards at Sharla, but Reyn appeared to block the attack with his driver. He grunted as the medic leapt back, her eyes wide. Melia came in with a powerful elemental discharge, forcing Jade Face back. Sharla reluctantly unsheathed her rifle. She stayed near the back of the group, but never once attacked the Mechon. Shulk didn't think much of it as he ducked underneath a wide swipe from Gadolt and blocked another attack with the Monado. Dunban flew from his position near the back of Gadolt and impaled his katana in the Mechon's forehead, electing a small shriek of pain. Sharla winced. In order to save Dunban, Fiora darted nimbly up the Mechon's arm, trying to keep her balance the whole way. On the shoulder, Gadolt seemed to realize Fiora's existence and tried to swat her, but she jumped of the strike and impaled her Mechonis Swords into it's shoulder and landed on the ground. Irritated, jade Face kicked her into a wall so hard fissures spread across it and then tossed Dunban to the ground with a painful sounding crack! Gadolt rose into the air, seeming to realize the battle was turning in his favor as Reyn accidently knocked Shulk over in his hurry to help Dunban. The gun's on it back flipped over his shoulder and began to fire off a powerful ether attack, knocking everyone aside. Everyone, except Sharla. "How can you lay a hand on Sharla?!" Reyn demanded, getting to his feet. "You're supposed to love her! Marry her even!" "I don't know or care!" Gadolt said forcefully, sinking to the ground. "It changes nothing." "No!" Sharla shook her head. "You always protected me and Juju. This isn't you!" "I said...!" Gadolt hesitated. "I don't know you!" He shook his head and seemed to regain his composure. "I have been granted this body of steel so that Egil's will may be done. This body feels great! Its movement is so precise! We are unstoppable for we are one! Perfect in body and mind!" "You don't have to do this!" Reyn pleaded. "Look at Fiora, she found herself again. Whatever you are, you must still feel pain!" "Absurd!" "Then finish us off!" Reyn shouted, suddenly angry. "Sharla 'n' all! We all saw you miss a second ago! Ain't you supposed to be a crack shot?! Or did that pile of junk you call a body mess up your aim?!" "Shut your mouth!" Gadolt screamed, releasing a barrage of attacks, one for each member of the group. Shulk managed to block most of it but was thrown off his feet. He noticed, however, the attack meant for Sharla flying way off course and exploding behind her. Cursing and spitting, Reyn got to his feet. "Stubborn idiot!" He growled. "That was your last chance." "He's not giving up," Dunban noticed. "The stories about Gadolt of Colony 6 are true." "Except…" Shulk frowned. "He still can't kill her. He's missing Sharla on purpose!" "Gadolt…" Fiora whispered. Her chest piece began to glow brightly. "You're just like I was. You can remember who you are." "Gadolt, please!" Sharla begged, her voice cracking. "Don't you remember me?! It's Sharla!" "Wither and die as all life on Bionis will!" Gadolt said in response, aiming the guns on his back again. "Feel our wrath!" Shulk tensed up, and could only seem to hear his own breathing in his ears. Then, a blue aura began to surround him and Meyneth's voice mixed with Fiora's came from behind. "Shulk...Can you still use the Monado?" "Fiora?" He glanced at her, noticing the red aura and matching eyes as she walked past him. "No...You're…" "Even after losing all living flesh, a Homs heart will remain," Meyneth told Sharla. "It is still present within this Face." "Is that true?" Asked Sharla. Meyneth nodded. "Yes," She said. "It is clear from his actions towards you." She paused before continuing. "The remnants of his heart...pull him back." "Gadolt…" Sharla choked as Meyneth walked calmly towards Gadolt. "I will break the curse that allows Egil to control the Faces," Meyneth told them, turning around to face the group, sheathing her blades. "I need you to buy me some time." "Okay," Shulk was reluctant, but he nodded. "We'll try." He turned to his red-haired childhood friend with a determined expression. "Reyn, we've got to help Fiora!" "Eh?!" "Come on!" Shulk activated the Monado and took up a defensive stance in front of Meyneth who was concentrated, her hands cupped together in front of her chest. Shulk leapt for Jade Face when he swiped at her and blocked the attack. Reyn managed to drive the attention to him and Riki propelled himself off of Reyn's head and slammed his biter into the Mechon's chest, making him take a step back, dazed. The Nopon his the ground and cheered, very pleased with himself. While he was down, Meyneth spread her hands, several streaks of bright red light washing over Gadolt. He screeched in pain and collapsed onto one knee, unable to move. Fiora took in a deep breath, and released it closing her eyes. Shulk took a step forwards, concerned. "Fiora?" He called. "Was that you or…?" She opened her eyes, which were back to green, and nodded, smiling. "As for him, he'll be fine," She assured Sharla. "Don't worry." A crack in Jade Face exploded near where Gadolt was controlling the Mechon. The man himself was thrown from the Mechon and hit the ground with a painful sounding thud. "Gadolt!" Sharla screamed, running towards him. She placed her rifle beside her and attempted to help her fiancee up. "Forgive me...Sharla," Gadolt managed through gritted teeth. He was obviously in a lot of pain. "I…" "It's okay," Sharla assured him, a smile spreading across her lips. "It's alright now...I'm just so happy to have you back." "While I was under his control, I realized something," Gadolt grimaced in pain and Sharla caressed his face lovingly. "Egil...Once only wished to break the circle of suffering. He believed that...if blood is spilt now, a new world will be born. But something terrible happened. And now…" His words were coming out in rushed breaths as Fiora approached him, her eyes filled with something that looked like concern. "Now he is consumed with vengeance." "Egil…" Fiora said softly. "Go! Get out of here!" Gadolt ordered, taking a weak hold of Sharla's small wrist. "Stop them doing what they did to me...To anyone else!" Sharla nodded and wrapped her arms around him. "I promise I'll be back for you," She vowed. "Until then...stay safe." As they headed towards the transporter that would take them to the Meyneth Shrine, Reyn paused, fishing something out of his pack. Once he found what he was looking for, he turned and tossed it to Gadolt. The Defense Force soldier looked at the water canteen in shock. "Drink it," Reyn told him. "You must be thirsty." "Thanks," Gadolt muttered, opening the canteen and taking a long drink from it. "Don't go dying on us," Reyn grinned. "After we take Egil down, we'll get you looked at." "You don't look like any doctor I've ever seen," Gadolt teased, returning Reyn's smile. "I know a good doctor nearby," Reyn shrugged. "She is Machina though." "It'll do," Gadolt said. "I'll be right here." Reyn began to walk away with Sharla, when again Gadolt stopped him. "Hey. Kid. What's your name?" Reyn turned back towards him with the biggest smile Sharla had ever seen him wear. "Reyn." "Do me a favor, Reyn," Gadolt said, his smile fading, letting Reyn know he was deadly serious. "Take care of Sharla." Reyn nodded, giving Gadolt a thumbs up and followed the others. Sharla chased after him when Gadolt nodded reassuringly at her. As the last of the two's bodies shimmered and vanished into the transporter, Gadolt sighed in relief, letting his head fall back and his eyes close. His breathing became even as he fell into a dreamless sleep. * * * Kallian thought that the attack on Sword Valley was going well. They advanced with each Mechon that was defeated, and were nearly at the hilt of the sword. He turned his head to see Alvis's reaction, but found the seer with half-lidded eyes and a worried expression. "Seer?" He questioned. "What is it?" "I have…" He frowned, staring at the sun setting behind the Mechonis. "An unpleasant feeling." "A vision?" "No..." The seer shook his head. "But something is not right. The Mechon are neither attacking nor defending. It is as if they abandoned this fight as soon as it began." "Impossible," Kallian insisted. "This is a key strategic position. They'd never abandon it!" He paused, a terrible thought occurred to him. "Perhaps they have forces hidden on Mechonis?" "Hidden forces…" Alvis said thoughtfully. He was silent for a moment before his blue eyes lit up with worry. "Could it be?" He turned to Kallian and spoke rapidly, bowing slightly with one hand on his chest and the other at his side. "Your Highness, Shulk and the others are in danger. Will you grant me the use of a Havres?" "You intend to aid them?" Kallian frowned. "I need you here!" "I did not have a vision," Alvis continued, straightening up and relaxing his position. "But nevertheless I can sense something." He looked back to the Mechonis and gritted his teeth. "The Mechonis is awakening."

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