Chapter 11 - An Unfinished Battle

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Shulk, Reyn, Sharla, Otharon, and Juju all ran from the lift as soon as it stopped. They ran out into the rain, and barely made it outside before the explosion of Xord's demise finally met them. The wave it sent out after them sent all five of them sprawling on the ground. Shulk groaned as he got to his feet and looked behind him. A plume of smoke was rising from the mine into the sky. "We smashed that bronze idiot," Reyn said, gently laying Juju against some rocks. "Now the people of Colony 6 can rest in peace." "Yeah…" Sharla nodded, and heard Juju groan as he awoke. "Are you okay?" She asked him as the boy looked around. "Sharla?" Juju looked up at his older sister, confused. "Thank the stars you're alright," Sharla breathed out a sigh of relief. "Where are we?" "Just outside Colony 6," Sharla told Juju. "Thanks to Shulk and Reyn we destroyed that...thing. But not everyone made it." She embraced her younger brother, and he looked up at her. "Oh…" He said and Sharla helped him stand up. "I'm so sorry…" Juju apologized. "Shulk, Reyn...I didn't mean to cause anymore trouble, running off like that." "Forget about it kid!" Reyn gloated. "We settled the score." He beamed at Shulk, who smiled back. "Thanks!" Juju grinned. "Yes," Shulk agreed. "But there's still no sign of the Mechon with the metal face. He's the one we're really after." "Yeah," Reyn nodded. "Hope I'm not interrupting!" The voice made both Shulk and Reyn turn around and saw Metal Face, rising from below. It's claws at the ready, and it's face mended. "It's him!" Shulk growled. "Metal Face!" They stumbled as Mechon dropped from the sky, a few normal ones, but most of them were faces with the exact likeness of Xord. "Not just him!" Reyn said as he, Sharla, and Shulk got out their weapons. "A whole bunch! And tons of 'em look like Xord!" Metal Face flew in front of the group, plopping down on the ground with a bang that must have been heard by the Mechonis. "Pathetic!" It growled. "After all that talk, Xord was crushed by worthless maggots like you!" "This one can talk 'n' all!" Reyn growled. "I can talk alright," Metal Face waved it's claws through the air. "And I got a good memory!" It glared down at them all for a moment before calling out Shulk's last words to Fiora. "'Fiora! Get out of there! Get out!'" Metal Face laughed cruelly, before slamming it's claws into the ground. "Her screams were music to my ears," Metal Face said maliciously. "As my claws slid right through her soft flesh. Like a hot knife through butter!" He laughed again, and Shulk activated the Monado, so angry he thought he might explode at any given moment. "Talk all you want…" He growled, shaking with anger. "Because those words...Will be your last!" He charged forwards with the Monado, bringing it down on the Mechon's claws. He easily brushed Shulk aside like a fly. "The Monado?" Metal Face said waving it's claws at Shulk. "Heh, it's been awhile! But you should know by now...the Monado can't stop me!" He backhanded Shulk, sending the blonde crashing through the wet grass with a scream of pain. "Shulk!" Reyn and Sharla yelled, running to his aid. "I'm gonna…" Reyn clenched his fists, glaring at Metal Face. "Any way you slice it, the Monado ain't gonna work, boy," Metal Face said. "Didn't work then, won't work now. Now, time to cut you down to size!" He raised his claws, ready to impale them all, when a blast erupted at it's feet. "What?!" He looked for the source of the attack, and Shulk glanced upwards, spotting a very familiar figure with a gun. "Now, let 'em have it, beast!" Dickson roared. With a mighty battle cry, Dunban raced down the hill, holding a katana in his left hand. He raced forwards and destroyed a Mechon, spinning around and dismantling another. He straightened up, and glanced around at his enemies, his eyes finally fixing on Shulk and everyone else. "Dunban!" Shulk breathed. "H-How did you…?" Reyn seemed at a loss for words, and Dunban grinned. "Sorry to have kept you," He apologized. "Looks like we were just in time." Dickson skidded down the slope and met the group as well, and they charged into battle. * * * Having Dunban and Dickson with them made the battle much easier then it would have been otherwise, but the amount of Mechon was seemingly endless. "There's no end to them!" Reyn growled, leaping back as a Mechon exploded. "Where are they coming from?!" "I can take the smaller ones," Sharla said. She was out of breath and tired, but shot at the Mechon anyways. "But the rest'll be like fighting Xord over and over!" "If only the Monado would work on these things!" Shulk said, looking down at the red sword sadly. "Focus, Shulk!" Dunban cried as he parried a Mechon's pincers. "Look out!" Reyn tackled the blonde into the ground as one of the mechanical monsters sliced at him with it's scythe. "Reyn!" Sharla screamed as the two tumbled down a hill. "Shulk!" She shot several times at a Mechon, and destroyed it. Metal Face laughed as they struggled, pushing the remains of it's comrade aside. "Look at you all!" He said. "Look at this, metal brain!" Dickson roared, bounding forwards and firing his gun at the faced Mechon. He absorbed into his claws "That it, Grandpa?!" Demanded Metal Face, obviously annoyed with the attempt. Dickson cursed. "Running out of ideas here," He called over his shoulder. "You may be able to block a projectile," Dunban growled, racing forwards. "But let's see if you can block this!" He leapt into the air and came down with a harsh attack that Metal Face blocked with his claws. He cast Dunban aside like an annoying fly and laughed. "Tell me!" He said. "What does it feel like to be such a pathetic hero?" Dunban grimaced as he held his injured arm while Shulk, Reyn, and Sharla fought off the increasing number of Mechon. "You okay, Dunban?" Shulk called. "Aw, does it hurt?" Metal Face asked with false sympathy. "I bet it does. It hurts because the Monado won't work for a bunch of losers like you!" He glared at Dunban through his claws, and raised them, ready to kill him. Dunban rolled out of the way, and barely dodged the other pair of knives as they impaled the ground. "What are you?!" Dunban demanded, gripping his katana tightly. "Save it. I ain't interested," Metal Face sounded incredibly bored. "You little maggots need to learn when you've been steppedon!" A ball of blue crackling energy appeared in a spike that unfolded itself from Metal Face's back. It rapidly grew in size and Dunban eyed it nervously. "That light... " He murmured. "Everyone! Fall back! Now!" "Won't change a thing," Metal Face said viciously. "I'm gonna wipe you out once and for all!" It lowered the spike, ready to fire off the attack when he suddenly leapt back, the ball of energy disappearing. Green lightning suddenly exploded from the sky, pulverizing the nearest faced Mechon. It spazzed about, before hitting the ground and exploding. "What the...?" Metal Face growled, scanning the rainy sky for the source of the attack. Instantly, a creature came soaring through the sky, lights on the edge of it's wings blazing. "A Telethia?" Metal Face said as the creature came in for another attack. Again, green lightning came pouring down, the monster the source of it. Mechon scattered in an attempt to escape, but most were destroyed. Metal Face darted nimbly around, dodging the attacks with unearthly ease. "Now's our chance!" Shulk yelled, racing forwards, and leaping onto Metal Face's leg. He scurried up it, and raised the Monado, slamming the blade into the Mechon's arm. It cried out in pain as the Monado started sinking through it's red armour. "You'll pay for that!" Metal Face grunted. "How are you -argh!" and Shulk yelled, pushing down harder on the Monado, pouring all of his strength into the sword. Suddenly, the vision hit him. Shulk was starting up at a horn, raising towards the heavens. Was that the Bionis' head? He looked around, and saw a dark tower, rising towards the sky. "We must be outside the tower," He heard Sharla say. There was a flash, and he was staring at a giant, chained and forced into a kneeling position. "Welcome, true heir to the Monado," The giant said. There was another flash, and a girl with silver hair was running towards a man who looked unsettlingly similar to her. He had a pair of wings sprouting from the top of his head, and the girl who ran towards him did as well, only smaller. "Father!" She cried, embracing the man. There was third flash, and Metal Face was standing before them, glaring as other faces surrounded him. "Weak!" He shouted. "Weak and pathetic!" A fourth flash revealed Dunban, who was hovering over the girl from earlier. He had obviously tackled her into the ground to avoid something. "What or who are you?!" He demanded. Another flash of light. Shulk saw himself, holding the Monado, as he looked upon a silver-faced Mechon. "You will pay for what you've done!" Another flash showed him raising the Monado high above his head and bringing it down, severing Metal Face's arm off and sending him flying. He was suddenly walking towards the Mechon, holding the Monado, shouting angrily. "You will know the pain and suffering you caused the Emperor and Fiora!" With a final flash, the silver-faced Mechon's front armor was coming off, and there was something within, but it was obscured by fog. Shulk returned to reality, and he was still pressing the Monado into Metal Face's arm with all his might. His eyes widened in shock as he loosened his grip. "Another one…" He muttered. "Enough of his!" Metal Face spun around and Shulk leapt off of it's leg, and barely blocked it's claws. The impact propelled him backwards, and he hit the ground, stumbling slightly. "You got lucky, brat!" Metal Face growled, clutching at it's injured arm. "Next time, your head is mine!" It folded itself up, and shot into the air, followed by the few surviving Mechon. "You're not getting away!" Shulk yelled after it. "Get back here!" Reyn roared as he and Shulk chased after the Mechon. "Shulk, Reyn!" Dunban said sharply. "Let it go." The two stopped and turned to face him, both of their expression murderous. "You gotta be kidding!" Reyn shouted. "He's the one who killed Fiora!" "Know your limits," Dunban ordered. "We'll get another chance." Shulk glared after the Mechon, before deactivating the Monado. "Fine." "That thing saved us," Dunban said, staring after the creature that soared off into the night. "Whatever it was." * * * The monster soared upwards towards a cliff, slowly slowing to a stop before a man. The man gazed over at the creature, and gently put a hand on the side of it's muzzle. "You did well," He murmured. "But what of the boy?" The creature made an unearthly noise that the man somehow understood. "I see…" He said quietly. "Well then, there is much to be done." * * * "I thought it was you," Otharon said, eying Dickson as he and Dunban strode up to the group. "Nice to see you, Dickson." "It's been awhile, Grandpa," Dickson replied. "One year, if my memory hasn't left me. Good to see you haven't kicked the bucket." Otharon chuckled. "Put a sock in it." "Wait…" Sharla said slowly. "Dickson? Dunban? You're the heroes who risked your lives a year ago, in the battle to defend the colonies." Dickson looked at Sharla and approached her, folding his arms and grinning. "What's a pretty young lady like you doing, hanging around with these bunch of slackers?" He asked, his eyes twinkling. "Dunban, Dickson," Shulk said. "Thanks for helping out back there." "I don't believe we did anything," Dunban frowned. "He's right," Dickason agreed. "Save your thanks for that giant bird. "What was that thing?" Shulk asked. "A Telethia," Dickson answered almost instantly. "A mythical beast that protects the sleeping Bionis. Though I've never heard of one venturing down to where us Homs live. Strange…" "A Telethia," Dunban repeated. "So that's what it's called." "A mythical beast that protects the Bionis," Shulk said thoughtfully. There was a moment of silence as Shulk pondered this, the pounding of the rain the only sound in the night. "So, what's your plan from here?" Dunban asked finally. "Follow that metal-faced machine I presume?" "What else?" Reyn asked. "He's gonna pay for what he did to Fiora." "Well then," Dunban said. "There's only one place he'd go. Galahad Fortress in Sword Valley. A year ago, those things were building a fortress, right in the valley. Tactically, it's an excellent place to launch attacks from. I feel there's a strong chance that they've now finished building it. That would explain why both colonies were attacked recently." "Sword Valley," Otharon said. "The very place where we made our last stand one year ago." "So it's settled," Reyn said, grinning. "Bash down a fortress and smash some metal brains!" "Easy, Reyn," Shulk chided. "Shulk?" "There's somewhere else I need to go first." "But what could be more important then-" Reyn cut himself off. "Wait...You saw another one." Shulk nodded. "Saw what?" Dickson demanded. "What're you on about?" Shulk turned to look at Dickson and chewed his lower lip, explaining about the fact that he could see the future and was doing everything he could to stop the bad from happening. He listed a few examples, such as saving Juju, Sharla, and Reyn. "These visions sound pretty handy," Dickson said. "Well, out with it! What did you see?" "I was somewhere...very high up," Shulk remembered. "I was fighting at the peak of a huge tower. Fighting Metal Face. I heard a voice...and the Monado's power was unleashed. His armour instantly gave way. The Monado doesn't work on Metal Face at the moment but if that vision comes true…" "A tower, huh?" Dickson murmured. "Doesn't give us much to go on." "Can you remember anything else from your vision?" Sharla asked. "I remember…A huge horn," Shulk frowned. "That's it! As I was fighting Metal Face, I could see the Bionis' head!" There was a moment of silence as Dickson thought, before he finally spoke. "Prison Island." "Prison Island?" Sharla repeated. "I've never been," Dickson admitted. "But I've heard of a black tower at the head of the Bionis. They say it was built by the ancient High Entia race." "The High Entia are real?" Shulk said in disbelief. "I thought they were a myth!" "I wouldn't blame you, son," Dickson said. "An ancient race living at the top of the Bionis? It does sound crazy, but Bionis is home to all kinds of different people, not just us. That includes the High Entia." "The High Entia, huh?" Dunban said. "I'd dismissed them as folklore as well." "Never assume anything," Dickson said wisely. "Seeing is believing, right?" "Have you ever met one?" Shulk asked excitedly. "Well, yeah," Dickson seemed uncomfortable. "Wow," Reyn said in awe. "Dickson, man, you're just full of surprises!" "What can I say?" Dickson said smugly. "I'm well travelled. And it's all for your future. Day and night I've been searching for new lands, met new cultures, and gained knowledge for our people. The life of a wandering old fool. A lonely one at that." Dunban chuckled, rolling his eyes as he clapped Dickson on the shoulder. "Stop your whining," He said. "You do it 'cos you enjoy it. And you make a tidy profit." "Who asked you, Dunban?" Complained Dickson. Dunban smirked at him, and turned to face Shulk. "Well then, Shulk?" He asked. "What's it to be?" "We'll head there," Shulk said. "To Prison Island." "There are alternatives, you know," Dunban told him. "Find a place the Mechon will not discover and live in secret." "I realized something when we were fighting Xord," Shulk said. "Wherever we'll go, they'll follow. We can't run from these things. We must fight on." "I see," Dunban said. "Then I am obliged to join you." "You want to come with us?!" "Scared I'll get hurt?" "No way!" Shulk shook his head, grinning. "We know you're stronger then anything! Right, Reyn?" "You bet!" Reyn smiled, nodding. "I've recovered a great deal since we last met," Dunban informed them. "And that miserly old coot over there-" (He jerked a thumb towards Dickson as he spoke) "-Made me this," He patted the katana at his side. "Sharp, light, perfect for cutting through steel. Show me a Mechon and I'll slice it in two. I might not be in peak condition, but I'm useful." "I can't thank you enough," Shulk said gratefully. "We're in it together now," Dunban nodded. "You can count on us, Dunban," Shulk assured him. "Miserly old coot?" Dickson repeated. "That sword is forged through Mechon armour. It's worth every penny." "So you keep saying…" "If you want to go to the Bionis' head, you'll need a guide to get to the upper regions," Dickson glared at Dunban. "We're at the bottom," Dunban ignored Dickson's look. "So I guess the only way to go is up." "Right," Dickson nodded. "But we'll need to go up the lower back first." "The lower back?" Shulk said. "Colony 6 is right at the top of the Bionis' leg," Dickson explained. "So we'll have to head around the waist, which is through a place called Satorl Marsh. Follow me." The group turned, and followed Dickson up the road.

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