Chapter 6 - Tephra Cave

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-Fourteen Years Ago- The soft crunching of boots under snow was drowned out by the roaring of the blizzard. A team of seven people, Homs by the look of it, trudged through the snow. The raging snowstorm around them drowned out any conversation. Surprisingly, among the six adults, one child was present, stomping obediently in the snow with his hand tightly grasped in a woman's. The seven marched towards a tall tower, and all instantly tumbled inside, desperate for the warmth and shelter. Not even a few days later, another man came trudging through the snow, the weak sun shining down. The complete opposite conditions that the seven had been forced to endure. Through the bitter cold, the man put one shaking hand on the door of a tower, and pushed open. "No!" Dickson gasped, staring at the contents of the room. Nothing but bodies littered the entranceway to the door. There was no signs of blood. Perhaps they had all frozen? In hopes of one being alive, Dickson rushed to one man, and uncovered his gloved hand, pressing it to the man's wrist for a pulse. The man was blonde, and he was laying atop a woman, who was facedown on the ground. They were nearest to the door main chamber of the tower. Dickson turned, and looked into the room. He took in a deep breath, scanning the brilliant red sword in front of him, a hole near the handle as it was surrounded by particles of light. But underneath the sword lay a small child, curled into a ball. With a jolt, Dickson realized that the boy was breathing, and a soft smile crossed his face. "'Ello there, Shulk," He said softly to the sleeping boy, and scooped him up along with the glowing sword, and carried them both from the tower. Shulk and Reyn climbed up the ramp in Mag Mell Ruins, trying to ignore the memories that not even a week ago, Fiora had come here with them to collect Ether Cylinders. They walked over to the two doors, and Shulk frowned when he realized the door that had originally had the red symbol on it now was green. "This door," He said slowly. "It was closed when we came past before, but it's open now." "Maybe," Reyn frowned. "It was programmed to open up in case of a Mechon emergency. The way to the Bionis' knee is just ahead. You ready?" "Yeah," Shulk nodded as he looked anxiously at the door. "Let's go." He proceeded through it, and the gentle hum of machinery almost automatically faded away as they appeared in the Escape Pod Bay. A few Defense Force soldiers were standing guard, nodding briskly as Shulk and Reyn passed. They continued into the cave, the musty smell of a cave they had never been to met their nostrils, and there was a steady drip drip of water in the distance. "Look," Shulk pointed out after a bit. He was looking at a lamp, held up by wooden stilts and glowing pleasantly. "It's an ether lamp." Reyn approached it and inspected the lamp closely. "Don't traders use these things as guideposts?" "Yeah," Shulk was struck with an idea. "Hey! We can follow them to the Bionis' knee!" "Okay," Reyn turned to face his friend. "But if armed traders need guideposts, then it must be pretty dangerous in here. Let's keep our wits about us." "Definetly," Shulk agreed. As they passed by the ether lamp, Shulk felt a shudder run through him. They hadn't had traders come in for almost two weeks now. Had something happened to the traders? Did the guideposts not work and they got lost and starved to death? Or, even worse, what if something happened at Colony Six? "Shulk?" Reyn asked as they descended down a slope into the central area of Tephra Cave. "What's up? You don't look so good. Kind of pale." "Nothing," Shulk shook his head. "If you say so." They passed by a murky-looking lake, from which a steady drip of water was leaking from the ceiling above. Most called this place the Pool of Grief, but Shulk never really understood why. The two continued on their way, until they came upon another cavern with a much smaller pond sitting in the far corner of the room. Bodies were nearly everywhere. "What the…" Shulk gasped. "Look at the emblem," Reyn bent down to investigate one of the dead men. "They're traders from Colony Six! No wonder it's been so long since the last delivery." "Reyn," Shulk noticed gashes and puncture wounds in the bodies. One man was completely run through. "Their injuries!" Was this done by Mechon…? Shulk thought. "They weren't made by no Mechon," Reyn said, as if he were reading Shulk's thoughts. "It was probably the monsters that live here. Man, that's grim. I don't wanna go like this. Not even killed by a Mechon, just some monsters in a cave." "They probably had families...children…" Shulk could feel this throat tightening. "Maybe," Reyn agreed. "It wouldn't surprise me. But why'd you say that?" "Oh," Shulk hesitated. "No reason." There was a moment of silence as Shulk felt Reyn's eyes burn into his back. "Reyn," He said, unable to stand the tension anymore. "Shouldn't we return them to the Bionis?" "Huh?" Reyn looked confused. "Oh, right! What's born from the Bionis returns to the Bionis. That's the way of the Homs." Shulk nodded. * * * Together, the two hefted the men into the pool at the far corner of the room. As the last of their bodies shimmered and vanished, Shulk straightened up, panting slightly. "That was way harder then I thought it'd be," Reyn said, his breaths coming out in gasps. "I'm just about ready to collapse!" "Let's take a rest," Shulk advised. "If the monsters in here killed all these traders, we need to be at our best." Reyn agreed and the two gathered up as much firewood as they could and put it in a neat pile before lighting it. "I'm wide awake," Shulk said, sitting down by it. "So, I'll take first watch." "Thanks man," Reyn yawned. "The nap'll do me good." * * * Shulk sat alone by the fire. He could feel the lack of sleep catching up to him, but it also gave him a chance to collect his thoughts. First it was the Monado. Why wasn't it working? Did that light Metal Face had running through it's mechanical systems have something to do with it? Maybe it was something about the ether. The Monado could only control a certain amount of ether, whether it was destroying Mechon or just killing regular monsters. Shulk was aroused from his thoughts as he heard heavy footsteps. He glanced up from the fire to Reyn, who sat down. "Shulk, you're turn." "Awake already?" "Didn't sleep a wink," Reyn admitted, before groaning. "And I still feel like I just did one of Vangarre's drills!" Shulk chuckled and yawned. "Hey," Reyn said after awhile. "Why do you think the Mechon attacked? Are we just food to them? Or, what, did we do something wrong? Sort of reminds me of the battle between the Bionis and the Mechonis. I wonder if it's anything to do with that." "Well…" Shulk trailed off. "It's hard to believe that living things are just a source of energy for machines. There has to be another reason." "The Mechon…" Reyn choked up slightly. "Killed Fiora and so many of our friends." Shulk frowned. He and Reyn had avoided this subject since they left the colony, but he knew that it was to come out eventually. This wasn't something they couldn't just ignore. "Yeah," Just thinking about Shulk's dead childhood friend made him was to succomb back into depression, but he refused. For Fiora's sake. "You know what?" Reyn asked, suddenly angry. "I'll never forgive 'em. I don't care what their reason is." "Hm…" Shulk looked down at his shoes. "When it happened, the Monado showed me that Fiora was in danger. But...I couldn't save her." "It's not your fault!" Reyn protested. "Just 'cos the Monado showed you some future, that don't mean you could do anything about it. You did great. You fought them off. I couldn't have done that." Shulk didn't look at Reyn, but felt the truth of his words. "You know," Reyn said, throwing another stick onto the fire. "I've been thinking about it." When Shulk gave him a confused look, Reyn continued. "Why you can use the Monado I mean. Dickson told me. You're a survivor from the Monado Expedition Team that went out fourteen years ago. There was a blizzard or something, and your mum and dad...died. Then Dickson found you and brought you back." "That sounds right," Shulk said. He as well had tried to remember the Expedition he went on with his parents when he was young. He couldn't remember all the details, other then stomping through a snowstorm and then marching into a tower. Everything after that was hazy. "I was pretty young, so I don't really remember anything." "Is that why you do it?" Reyn asked. "Why you're always helping Dickson with his research and trying to figure out the Monado?" "Maybe," Shulk shrugged. "Part of it...does see it as something to remind me of my mum and dad, but mainly, if it really is the sword that the Bionis used to kill the Mechonis, like in the legend…" He trailed off, and picked up the red sword slung across his back, running his hand over it's smooth frame. "I want to work out it's secret. That' the real reason." Reyn nodded and pulled his scrap driver over his shoulder, resting it beside him. "I got it!" He said suddenly, looking at Shulk excitedly. "You were chosen by the Monado!" "What?" Shulk was incredulously. "Chosen?" "Don't you see?" Reyn asked, standing up and pacing around the fire. "Not even Dunban can handle it. It ain't chance that you can and he can't." Shulk shook his head, and Reyn sat down again, obviously displeased with his friend's reaction. "I'll take the next watch. You get some rest. Looks like I gave you a lot to think about." "Okay," Shulk nodded. "I'll try. Night Reyn." He lay down on the ground and closed his eyes as Reyn started patrolling the area, but soon, sleep overwhelmed the blonde, and he drifted off to sleep. When Shulk next opened his eyes, everything was white and foggy. He was standing on some sort of black platform, but he could hardly make it out. He looked up, noticing a figure in the distance. He almost called out to it, but didn't as the figure spoke. "Do you wish to change it?" Shulk looked at the figure confused, and he turned to face Shulk, his features obscured. "The future," The figure clarified. "It is every man's desire to change the future. Is that not so? Even if everything has been predestined, will you not oppose it?" "I…" "The Monado is now in your hands, "The man said. "The Monado will grow with you. If you can find the TrueMonado, the future is yours." He turned and walked away, a blast of fog hiding him. "The True Monado," Shulk called out after him, reaching out. The man turned once more when the blonde could see him again, and pointed behind Shulk. "Shulk!" That was Reyn's voice, calling to him. "Shulk!" Shulk's vision was washed in white, before he saw a vision of him running towards Reyn, swarms of Arachno chasing after him. "Reyn!" He heard himself yell. With another flash, there was the Arachno Queen, scuttling towards him. "Shulk!" Reyn screamed, before one of the Arachno Queen's pincers lunged down towards him. "Shulk!" The red-haired man raised his driver to block the attack, but the pincer destroyed the driver in one swift motion and impaled Reyn. "Reyn!" Shulk yelped, waking up. He looked around, and knew at once they were surrounded by an army of clicking and spitting spider creatures known as Arachno. "What're ya playing at?!" Reyn demanded, brandishing his driver, keeping the arachno away by wide swipes and jabs. "Give me a hand!" Shulk stood and activated the Monado, what he had seen still making him tremble. He lunged forwards, dodging one arachno pincers, and slicing another one's clean off. He and Reyn battled the stupid creatures until at last, only one remained. Shulk lunged as Reyn forced a topple on the arachno, and Shulk leapt into the air, impaling it through the middle. The arachno died instantly. "I'm sorry Reyn," Shulk apologized as he put the Monado at it's rightful place across his back. Reyn wasn't facing him as he rolled his shoulder. "Don't worry about it," Reyn looked over his shoulder at Shulk with a warm smile. "It looked like you were having a nightmare!" "Really?" Shulk frowned, remembering the man's words. "The Monado is now in your hands. The Monado will grow with you. If you can find the True Monado, the future is yours." "The True Monado?" Shulk murmured. "Was I just dreaming?" "What's with you?" Reyn chided. "We'd better get a move on." He started walking off, and Shulks vision was suddenly washed in white. Arachno were swarming Reyn. He was trapped, with nowhere else to go. The Arachno Queen lunged towards him, and he instinctively blocked with his driver. The power of it's pincers was too much. The driver shattered into bits, and Reyn was stabbed. It wasn't a dream, Shulk realized as he was jarred back into reality. Was it a vision? What should I do? I could tell Reyn...But...I don't know… He frowned and shook his head, joining Reyn. The two walked for a ways, until they reached a pit, filled with egg sacs. "What on Bionis are those?" Reyn looked disgusted. "Monster's egg sacs," Shulk stared at one. "From the looks of things, they may be aracno egg sacs. I looks like they've got Mechon parts in them as well." "Man," Reyn approached one. "That's weird…" Shulk nodded as he remembered his vision. It was the Arachno Queen that was going to kill Reyn, and his eyes widened. Arachno. They were standing right in the middle of an arachno nursery. If Reyn didn't move then- "Reyn!" Shulk ordered, spinning around. "Get back!" A string of web dropped from the ceiling, wrapping Reyn in it's grasp. "Argh!" Reyn yelped, unable to move. He struggled fruitlessly, until he was dragged upwards. "Reyn!" Shulk yelled. "No! If that vision comes true, then Reyn…!" He trailed off, before sprinting through the cave system. He didn't, he refused to have another friend be killed. By any sort of monster! Shulk ran into a large cavern, where a shimmering lake was supported by water, falling in great heaps into small potholes that spilled over and into the lake. Shulk didn't have time to admire it's beauty as he spotted Reyn, sprinting above the lake. "You things just don't give up, do ya?!" Reyn growled, speeding up. Behind him were hundreds of arachno -just as Shulk saw in his vision. "Reyn!" Shulk yelled, but his friend didn't give any indication that he had heard Shulk. The blonde shook his head, and sprinted towards the lake, diving in and swimming through it. He climbed out of one of the potholes after climbing up it, and grabbed onto some ivy. Scaling it as quick as he could, he sprinted after Reyn. He could distantly hear the arachnos scuttling and Reyn's irritated cursing. "Reyn!" Shulk yelled, pulling out the Monado, although he wouldn't know what kind of use it would do. He rounded a corner, and saw the same room he had saw Reyn get murdered in. "Reyn!" "There's too many of them!" Reyn replied. "I kill one, and ten more pop up!" He looked around at the increasing arachno numbers, looking for Shulk. Blocking a blast of spider web with his driver, Reyn sprinted through their ranks, but Shulk knew he was running towards his death. "Reyn, no!" Shulk called, jumping off of a ledge and running towards him. "Not that way!" He reached out towards his friend. "Reyn!" "Shulk!" Reyn turned around, spotting the blonde. Something hissed behind him, and Reyn spun around. There, climbing down the pillar was the Arachno Queen herself. She hit the ground and hissed at Reyn, who glared at her in response. "Reyn!" Shulk screamed again. The Monado suddenly activated, it's blade yellow instead of blue. He hardly spared it a glance as he spun around, and a blast of power exploded around the room. The Aracno Queen raised her pincer. Reyn tried to defend with his driver. Monado Shield wrapped around both Shulk and Reyn, protecting them in a shield made of small polygons. The Arachno Queen's pincer bounced harmlessly off of them. Reyn was saved. Shulk breathed a sigh of relief, and went to join his friend. The Monado's blade turned back to blue as the Arachno Queen regained her bearings. "Let's do this, Shulk!" Reyn smirked. "Right!" Shulk charged, slicing the Monado while Reyn kept the monster's, and every other aracno within the room, attention turned to him. Shulk attacked from the side, protecting them every few times he saw a vision that would most certainly kill either him or Reyn. Shulk sliced the Monado into the Arachno Queen's side, and circled around behind her, slicing down with a little ability he liked to call 'Backslash.' Reyn, at the same time, released a powerful attack that send the queen screaming in agony. Shulk circled around back to the front, and brandished the Monado, yelling as he and Reyn attacked together, slicing and dodging. Finally, the Aracno Queen released an unearthly scream, and fell over, dead. The surviving arachno fled back down the corridor. Reyn high-fived Shulk and laughed. "Looks like the Monado works on more then just Mechon!" He grinned. "I gotta say, that's pretty awesome!" "Reyn," Shulk said, out of breath. "I just realized something!" "Huh?" "The future I see," Shulk explained. "It isn't set. I think it's more like a warning! "A warning?" "Yeah," Shulk nodded. "A warning about what will happen. What will happen if I don't do anything, or if I can't do anything. So I can use this power to change the future. And that's exactly what I plan to do." "You've got my vote," Reyn promised. "And if you really can do that...I think Fiora would've liked it too." Shulk smiled sadly and nodded. "Yeah." "Right," Reyn punched his palm with his fist. "Let's get moving. We're nearly at the Bionis' knee." Shulk nodded, and the two left the cavern, coming out through the cave exit. They looked up, seeing the Bionis' leg spread out above them, and knowing how far they had come since leaving Colony Nine. He looked down, towards the towering Mechonis, still clutching its sword after slamming it into the Bionis. "On the other side of those clouds…" Shulk said softly. "Yep," Reyn nodded. "It's our enemy. Mechonis." Shulk clenched his fist. "Our...enemy…" They turned and started away, unaware of the Mechon unit watching them, before is whisked away, towards the direction of Colony Six.

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