Max X Neil: Under a Tree

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  {Yes, Max and Neil are aged up in this one. If I ever write ship fics, I usually make the campers five years older. So, Max is 15 and Neil 16}   

       It was a pretty normal day at Camp Campbell. Gwen was reading another vampire novel. David was fishing Space Kid, with the help of Nikki, out of the lake. And Neil was just sitting under a tree, reading a book. A Wrinkle In Time, to be exact.

      He was very absorbed in the story so he didn't even notice when Max took a seat next to him.
"What're you reading now ya nerd," Max teased, nudging Neil's arm to attract his attention.

"A Wrinkle In Time," Neil replied, eyes still glued to the book. Max let out a sigh. He knew trying to get Neil away from a book he was into was nearly impossible. You could even pour water on him and he would barely react. Max knew from experience.

      He leaned against the tree, picking up a stray branch and swishing it around in a bored manner. He occasionally stole glances up at Neil, smiling whenever he caught Neil making an adorable facial expression.

     After a few minutes, which felt like hours, Max began to doze off. He yawned and tried to stay awake but...his brain had other plans. His eyes fluttered close and without really thinking, he leaned against Neil, instantly falling into a light sleep.

     Neil stopped reading, blinking a few times as he readapted to his current surroundings. Sometimes he forgot that the book was the fantasy world, not the real one. It was then he became aware of Max leaning against him. His eyes widened and his face flushed red. He could wake up Max but...
Neil looked down at him again. He looked too cute when asleep. Plus, waking Max was one way to receive an early death.

    He carefully slipped an arm around Max, pulling him a bit closer. Max let out what sounded like a soft growl before settling back to his rest. Neil laughed and leaned his head against Max's, Max's thick curly locks tickled his face but he was perfectly fine with it. In fact, Neil started feeling a bit tired as well.

     And soon, both boys were fast asleep.

{It's late and I can't sleep so wrote a lil ship fic for my OTP. Might write more Oneshots for various things later if I still can't sleep}

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