Jaspvid Oneshot

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"David, you can't keep me in my cabin forever."

"Yes I can and I will."

Jasper sighed in frustration, kicking at the floor. Here the 26 year old counselor was, being held prisoner in his own cabin by his fellow shorter counselor, David.

"Someone needs to watch the campers," Jasper pointed out.

"Gwen can watch them. She has before," David retorted, smiling cheerfully.

Jasper glared at him, crossing his arms. "David, I'm fine. See, my arm hardly hurts anymore!"

David's smile faltered for a bit. He hated talking about what had happened that triggered this.

        It had been a normal day at Camp Campbell. David, Jasper, and Gwen had taken the campers on a hike. While walking up the side of a hill, Jasper had lost his balance. He had ended up rolling down the hill and spraining his arm, as well as getting several bruises in several different places.

The next morning, Jasper had woke up to find David sat in front of his door, refusing to let him leave. He always did this whenever Jasper got hurt really badly and while he found it cute, it was also very annoying at times.

          Jasper flopped onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. He ran a hand through his hair, wincing as pain throbbed up from his right arm. Ok, so it still hurt a lot. But there was no way in hell he was telling David that. If he did, he probably wouldn't get too leave until it healed.

"David please. I'm fine and I promise to be careful."

"Jasper, I'm not letting you leave this place until tomorrow. Ok?"

The olive haired male pushed himself into a sitting position. "You can't lock me in my own cabin every time I get hurt!" He cried, his voice unintentionally rising.

David flinched at the sudden shout but remained stubborn. "I just want to keep you safe!"

"Keep me safe? All you're doing is locking me in my cabin so I can't go outside while you leave Gwen to deal with the little shits!" Jasper shouted, clenching his teeth together.

"Do not call them that!" David growled, getting to his feet.

Jasper did the same, marching right up to David's face. "That's what they are, aren't they. Annoying little shits that we're stuck taking care of!"

"I said don't call them that!" David shouted, shoving Jasper away.

Jasper grabbed the front of David's shirt, pulling him towards him.

"I don't need a fucking babysitter David! I can take care of myself just fine and don't need a baby like you to watch over me!"

David pulled away from him, hurt written over his face. "Why can't you just understand?! I can't lose you Jasper! Not again and not ever! If I let something bad happen to you, like I did all those years ago I would never forgive myself!"

David blinked back tears, wrapping his arms around himself. The anger drained out of Jasper.


So that's what this was about. Jasper didn't think David still cared about what had happened years ago. When Jasper fell from the cliff. When the bears attacked him. When he almost died from blood loss.

"I...I'm sorry. I didn't know you remembered that."

David sniffled, rubbing at his eyes. "Of course I do you square. How the hell do I forget the day I almost lost my boyfriend?"

A smile found its way onto Jasper's lips.

"Aw shucks Davey, we weren't boyfriends yet you dork," He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck as a blush made its way onto his face.

David smiled, placing his head against Jasper's good arm and intertwining their hands.

"I'm sorry for being so overprotective I just...don't want to lose you," he said.

Jasper pulled him over to the bed, pulling the auburn haired male onto his lap.

"It's alright, it's kinda cute but...it does get annoying sometimes," he admitted, playing around with David's floof.

"Sigh. I know and I'm sorry. I'll...try not to do it so much anymore," David said, resting his head against Jasper's chest, "Do you think I should go check on Gwen?"

Jasper thought for a minute." Nah. Im sure she's fine. Let's just...hang out here for a bit."

David smiled softly, closing his eyes as Jasper played with his hair. There was no need to worry about what happened in the past or what might happen in the future because both of them just wanted to focus on the here and now. With each other.

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