Starring Max as J.D!

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{This idea was suggested by @JadeLandrum. And all of you guys can always leave a suggestion for a oneshot, seeing as I need to post more of those in here. After all its Headcanons and Oneshots is it not. Also, worst title ever buy I couldn't think of anything else.}

It was another sunny day at Camp Campbell. Max and the rest of the campers were lined up backstage, all of them looking bored, or in Max's case, pissed.

Preston stood before them, arms crossed and foot tapping.
"Alright people! Listen up! We are to be performing a number from the play, Heathers!"

"Heathers?", Nikki asked aloud, looking up at Neil. She could usually turn to the older boy for answers. And he did not disapoint.

"It's just the title of a musical that was adapted from a film. And it's called Heathers because that's the name of the semi-antagonists," he explained, his answer actually helping everyone in the group, as no one had known or ever heard of the play.

"How do you know about it?", Max asked him. He knew Neil was a nerd but didn't know his nerdiness expanded into musicals.

"My mom forced me to go watch it."

"ENOUGH TALKING!", Preston shouted, "Now, there are only three very much needed actors in this part, which is the Dead Girl Walking Reprise!"
Edit: Completely forgot to add what number they're playing blegh!"

He carefully inspected the group. For the first actor, he needed a female. That already limited him down to Nerris, Nikki, and Ered, none of them seeming like very good canidates.

"Nikki! You will be our leading lady, Veronica!"

She smiled and jumped up and down excitably. She was a bit short for the part and he mainly chose her because of her blueish hair but she would do.

"Neil, you can be Ms. Flemming!"

"Why do I have to be that old bat! She sucks," Neil protested.

Preston ignored his shouting. Now, he needed someone moody. Dark. Evil. Ready to kill.  His eyes immediately landed on Max.

"And Max, you will be J.D!"

Max looked up at Neil for answers, confused when he saw him silently laughing.

"J.D is the boyfriend of Veronica," Neil chuckled.

"Oh fuck no!", Max shouted instaneously, " I am not being J.D!"

"But you're perfect for the part! You will be him, whether you like it or not!", Preston shouted.

"Suck a dick Preston, I'm not being fucking J.D!", and with that, Max stormed off, cursing angrily under his breath.

Preston let out an angry wail, storming off toward the "costume" room, which was really just a closet with various clothing items in it. The others began to leave as well. No point in staying if the play wasn't even to be thrown.

As Neil and Nikki exited, David came up to them, looking worriedly back at the tent area.
"Um, guys, why did Max run off?", he asked them.

"He didn't want to be in the musical number," Neil replied, "Honestly David, you'd think you'd be used to him storming away from camp activities by now."

David ignored Neil's last statement. Yes, he was very used to Max storming off but it didn't mean it wasn't going to bug him. He wanted Max to have fun like the others...though in hindsight, they didn't seem to enjoy the camp as much either.

"Can't you two talk to him? At least try and get him interested. I would go myself but...I don't think he would listen," David said. This was more for Preston's sake then his own. David knew how much the boy adored holding plays despite Max always trying to ruin them.

"Oh Neil! You know all the stuff about Heathers right? I'm sure there's something he might be interested about from this Jadedee guy!", Nikki chimed, jumping up and down in excitement. Again.

"Well, J.D does try and blow up a school. Max should be interested in that."

David smiled, placing his hands on his hips.
"Good! Go ahead and- Wait did you say blow up the school!"

But the two had already run off.

       They found Max in his tent, doodling on Neil's whiteboard. He turned around as they came in, a mischievous smile in place.

"Hey guys. Check it out. I made a plan on how we can mess with Preston even more. Just gonna need some skunks and syrup."

Nikki was already interested and was about to volunteer her assistance, and she would have, had Neil not elbowed her head. Purposely may I add.

"While that looks like an interesting plan Max, I really do think you should play in Preston's musical number," Neil said, smiling nervously when Max glared at him.

Max set the marker he'd been using down, crossing his arms and glaring at the two.

"David put you up to this, didn't he?"


Neil elbowed Nikki's head again, turning to glare at her.

"What? He found us out anyway," she said, rubbing at the side where Neil had hit her.

Max sighed, rubbing at his temple with two fingers.
"Listen, I'm not doing Preston's stupid fucking play, ok? I have no itention of playing as Nikki's boyfriend!"

"We know Max but, what if I told you J.D hates his highschool just like you hate this camp. So much, he tries blowing it up," Neil said.

Max raised an eyebrow, pursing his lips in thought.
"I'm interested."

Neil took that as his cue to keep going.
"You see, the whole point of that musical number is that Veronica is trying to stop J.D from blowing up the school. He even has a gun and tries to kill her."
Nel didn't bring up the part of when J.D ends up getting shot, afraid it might deter him away.

Max turned his back on the two, looking heavenward in thought. After a few minutes, he let out a sigh and turned back around, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his hoodie.

"Fine. I'll play the stupid part," he grumbled.

"Yay!," Nikki cried, running over and swinging an arm around his shoulders, " You get to be my boyfriend for a play! Ha!"

Max turned away from her in embarrassment.
"Yeah yeah, let's just hurry up and get there before I change my mind," he muttered, stalking out of the tent.

Neil held up his hand for a high five, which Nikki dutifully delivered, before rushing off after Max.

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