Anger Problems (Counselor Jasper AU)

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{Requested by @IrisaWolf}

       Jasper walked across the grounds of Camp Campbell, eyes glued to his phone as he read through an annoyingly long text from his sister about her new boyfriend. It almost made him want to throw up with the sheer lovey doveyness she expressed in the text, but he put up with. At least she was happy.

    He let out a hiss of pain as he walked straight into the Mess Hall doors.
I deserved that, he thought, rubbing his nose, which now stung from literally walking into a door.

    He tucked his phone away and pushed the doors open, putting on a bright smile. He let out a squeak as David came out of nowhere, startling him.

"There you are Jasper! I was wondering where you were!" David said, his usual bright smile in place.

"Oh, well I-"

"Jasper, you won't believe who came!" David cried, cutting Jasper off.

The red head stepped aside, holding his arms out for extra pizazz. Jasper's pupils shrunk as Cameron Campbell came into view, holding several wads of cash and laughing as he chatted with the other campers and Gwen. Jasper felt his eye begin to twitch and cocked his head to the side.

"Jasper?" David said, noticing the man's sudden silence. He would have though Jasper would have been happy to see Cameron Campbell.

The 26 year old began to growl, literally growl like an actual fucking dog, and ran at Mr. Campbell. He jumped on him, aiming punch after punch at any where he could reach.

"Jasper!" David cried.

"You piece of shit! I almost died!", Jasper shouted, kicking the man's ankles.

"That was years ago Jasper!", Campbell shouted back, holding his precious cash away from the tall counselor as he continued hitting him.

David rushed over, looking to the others for help. Instantly he knew no help was going to be given from them. Gwen was too busy cheering Jasper on and the other campers were watching in interest, some in horror like Neil and Space Kid. David let out a frustrated sigh and grabbed Jasper's arm, trying to pull him off Campbell. He let out a yelp as Jasper accidentaly elbowed him hard in the mouth. David stumbled back, one hand covering his mouth. When he pulled it away, his hand was covered in blood. The campers gasped and Gwen muttered an "Oh shit."

"Jasper! Calm the fuck down!" Max shouted which caught the furious counselors attention. He looked back at David, eyes widening as he saw blood coming from the red heads mouth.

"Holy shit, David!" He cried, rushing over to him. David flinched as Jasper grabbed his face in both hands, inspecting the damage he'd done. It didn't look too bad up close and most if the bleeding seemed to be coming from his gums.
"I-I'm so sorry," he whimpered, pulling off his own bandanna and holding it up to David's mouth.

"It's ok," David muttered, voice muffled from the cloth. Gwen rushed over to them and pulled David away. She glared at Jasper as they walked off.

      The olive haired boy watched as they left, holding back years. He took a few deep breaths before turning back to the campers, forcing on a fake smile. He winced as Cameron Campbell rushed past him, muttering lowly into a cellphone while throwing furtive glances at him. The old man left, the distinct whirring of  a helicopter heard in the distance.

"Jesus Jasper what the fuck." Max said, which did nothing to help the counselors mood.

" guys what you want. I need some alone time," he told them, trudging over to a table in the corner of the room.

     He was suprised to see Max, Neil and Nikki take a seat across from him, the two boys looking irritable and Nikki looking as happy as always.

"What you did was stupid," Max said bluntly. No sugar coating from this salt child.

"Yeah man, why do you hate Cameron Cambell so much anyway?" Neil asked, cocking an eyebrow at the sad counselor.

"I fell off the edge of a cliff and Davey was the only one who tried helping me up. And he was the one who wanted to come look for me," Jasper clenched his hands in anger, " And all Mr. Campbell wanted to do was run away. Get as far away as possible so he wouldn't be responsible for the death of a camper."

Max and the other two glanced at each other in worry, unsure if they should help Jasper or run from him, as he seemed ready to murder someone.

"Listen," Max began, "David didn't seem mad at you. Just apologize to him and maybe get a stress toy or something."

"Yeah. Or make out with David. I'm sure that'll help you and him feel better!" Nikki suggested, grinning innocently.

All the anger leaked out of Jasper as he flushed red, instinctively reacing over to his old Camp shirt, only to remember it was no longer on his wrist. He had given it to David.

"I-I don't know what you mean by that. Anyway," Jasper got to his feet, pointedly looking away from the three in front of him, "I'm gonna go apologize. See you three later."

He dashed out, nearly tripping over Space Kid. The trio stared after him for a bit, each a bit lost in thought.
"Yeah, he's totally gay for David," Nikki concluded, the boys giving her strange looks.

      Jasper poked his head into the main cabin, spotting Gwen tending to David's injury on the desk.
"Hey guys," he said meekly, stepping inside as he closed the door behind him.

David waved at him cheerfully but Gwen just glared.
"Um, Gwen, David, I am super sorry about...everything. I shouldn't have acted out like that, especially in front of the campers. And I'm sorry that I accidentally hurt you, David. I was...I was being an idiot," Jasper blurted, rubbing the back of his neck in nervousness.

The two were silent for a moment before Gwen heaved a sigh, dropping the cloth she'd been using.

"Thanks for the apolgy Jasp, I'll accept it..."

"Oh thank-"

"Only if David accepts it. I'll leave you two to talk," she said, marching out of the cabin, making sure to slam the door behind her. 

     Jasper avoided David's face for a bit, instead looking heavenward at the ceiling or at the floor. After a few more minutes of silence, he let out a sigh and finally met David's eyes. He scooted over to David, taking a seat next to him on the desk.

"David, I- I-I'm sorry. I let my anger get the best of me. I always do. Remember the time I got in a fight during high school. That happened because I got mad. Not because the other kid got mad. Same thing with the fight in our senior year," Jasper lamented, running his hands up and down his arms in nervousness, "A-And, I know I should learn to control it better. I need to control it better, but it's hard to do that! I'm probably worse then Max. And that says alot."

The room descended into silence again and Jasper rubbed at his eyes, holding back the urge to cry. He took a sharp gasp as David pulled him into a sudden hug, squeezing him tightly.

"Of course I forgive you silly. You're my best friend."

Jasper smiled and a small tear escaped his eye, rolling down his cheek and into David's hair. He let out a small chuckle as he hugged the red head back.

{I wasn't sure if the person wanted Jaspvid in it so I didn't really add much of that ship. But, I plan on possibly making a part 2 of this with Jaspvid for sure in it.}

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