Reverse Camp pt2

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It was midnight.
Everyone in the camp was asleep, including most of the counselors.
Everyone except two young campers, both of whom were up for the same reason.

Kevin scuffed at the ground with his shoe, fists clenched angrily as he glared at Davey.
Earlier today, Davey had ratted him out about the Fun Dip and Neil had confiscated it.
Every. Single. Package.

Kevin hadn't been too mad about it. Upset sure but not so mad that he wanted to punch Davey.
That had been before.
Before Davey brought up Kevin's dad.
In front of. Every. Single. Camper.
The words still rang, clear as day, through Kevin's mind.
'Your just like your dad after all. Guess it won't be long before you wind up in jail after getting caught with drugs. Just. Like. Him.'

Ever since Kevin came to this camp, he wanted nothing more than to have a fresh start. To meet people who didn't know him as 'The Drug Dealers Son'. To actually try and make friends.
The Fun Dip thing had been done out of pure fun and curiosity, unknowingly following in his dad's footsteps already.
But now, every camper knew. They all knew he had a father who got arrested for seeing drugs. And now they all saw he was exactly like his dad.
Kevin was pretty sure that whatever camper hadn't been in attendance to hear Davey, Jen had probably already told them, being known as the camp gossiper.

Kevin snapped back to the present, watching as Davey pulled on his vest.
"I'm guessing you want to fight, right?"

Davey's disinterested tone only strengthened Kevin's anger, his teeth clenching together.
"What do you think Mickey Mouse," he growled and Davey inhaled sharply.

His voice was a sensitive topic to Davey. Bringing it up guaranteed certain death.

"Fine. You wanna fight? Let's fight."

Davey, to Kevin's surprise, made the first move. He tackled Kevin, the boy hitting his head against the edge of the bed as he fell. Kevin's vision went blurry and he shoved Davey off of him, unsteadily pushing himself to his feet.
He kicked at Davey and let out a cry of alarm when he grabbed his leg, yanking him back onto the ground. Kevin's vision finally came back right before Davey punched him in the face.
He felt warm liquid run down over his mouth and raised an arm to block Davey's next punch, kicking him in the stomach.

Kevin scrambled to his feet, wiping blood away from his nose. He picked Davey up by his vest and punched him in the face, getting in about two more punches until Davey kicked him right in the crotch.

Kevin wheezed, letting go of Davey and stumbling backwards, falling onto his bed. Davey picked a book off the floor and threw it at Kevin, the boy wincing in pain as the corner of the book struck his ribs.

Kevin pushed himself off the bed, picking up the book and tossing it back at Davey, laughing when it hit him straight in the face.

"What the fuck is going on in here?!"

Both boys froze, slowly looking towards the tent entrance.
Neil stared back at them,his expression a mixture of shell shocked and anger. Harrison peeked out from over his shoulder and gasped at the sight of the two. He gently shoved Neil aside and rushed in, grabbing both boy's by the wrist.

"I'll take them to get patched up. Afterwards, you guys can have a talk with them," Harrison told Neil, who nodded in response, before Harrison led the boys away.

       "And there. That's the last of it."

Nerris stepped back to inspect Kevin, whom she just applied a bandage to a scrape on his cheek. She looked over at Davey, who was sulkily swinging bis legs back and forth as he held an ice pack over his right eye. She sighed, shaking her head.
"Come on. Time to take you two to the counsellors."

Kevin and Davey followed Nerris as she led them to the main camp office, opening the door for them. Kevin stepped inside, his stomach dropping when he saw all three counselors, and Harrison, were present.

"Sit there," Max instructed, pointing at two chairs that faced the desk, where the counselors were gathered.

Davey and Kevin obediently sat down. No need to put up a fight now.
Kevin hung his head low, afraid to make eye contact with any of the adults.

"Neil and Harrison told us you two got into a fight. Is this true?" Max asked and Davey nodded in response, biting on his bottom lip when Max let out an agitated sigh.

Kevin glanced up in time to see Nikki pull out both boy's files, handing them over to Max, who promptly looked through them.
"This isn't the first time you two have gotten in trouble. Kevin, by any chance, did this fight happen because David told us about your Fun Dip, which was confiscated?"

Kevin opened his mouth, intending to lie, say it was only because of the Fun Dip but-
"No. That's not the only reason."

"Then what was the other reason?" Max asked, crossing his arms.

No going back now.
"He...He brought up my dad," Kevin muttered.

He could feel Max and the other adults tense up. They knew.
Of course they did.
His dad was arrested only a few weeks before Kevin was sent to camp. It was breaking news for a bit and of course at least one out of five people heard about it.

"Davey, go to your tent. Tommorow, you'll be serving punishment in the Mess Hall," Nikki told him and the auburn haired boy trudged out of the cabin, throwing a glance back at Kevin before closing the door.

Max let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Kevin, I understand-"

"Don't. I don't need any of your fucking pity," Kevin interrupted, keeping his eyes glued on the floor as he twisted the hem of his yellow camper shirt in his hands, "I just want you to tell me my stupid punishment and let me go back to my tent."

Nikki and Neil looked over at Max worriedly, who was biting on his bottom lip.

"You'll be serving the same punishment as David. You are dismissed," he told Kevin, watching as the young boy jumped out of the chair and stormed out of the cabin, rubbing at his eyes.

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