King Of Kings: A Plan

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It was insane.
Utter madness to think anyone would dream of trying to take over not one, not three but six different kingdoms. To even believe they'd stand a chance against fully armed castles with heavily guarded rulers.
Yet one man had such plans.
Had such desires to rule over these lands filled with unpure and filthy citizens.
A lust for power can make a person do crazy things. Things no sane human should ever dream of doing.
His friend tried her best to convince him otherwise. Pleading with him to not risk his life going after the King Of Dismay. That he'd ultimately fail and be killed and she couldn't bear to live if he was gone.
Such weak words from an equally weak human.
He didn't listen. He never did.
And so, at precisely sunrise, Daniel Dreamer, a man with big plans for his future, took off towards The Kingdom Of Dismay.
To kill a king.
A king named Max.

{I'll leave this chapter here but I'm wondering whether or not to make a separate book for these chapters? Let me know what you guys think :> }

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