Thank You (Dadvid AU)

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{Requested by @_gloomy_teen}

      David sighed, running his hand once more through his auburn red hair. Who knew getting a kid would be so stressful. Especially when said kid seemed to hate your guts.

      David wasn't even sure why Max hated this situation so much. He was finally got to leave behind his horrible parents! Something David had wished for when he himself had been a kid. He still hated his damn stepdad. No, going off track David.

       The red head jumped as Max stomped into the kitchen, pointedly ignoring David as he grabbed some cookies from the fridge, purposely spilling crumbs everywhere. He began to stomp back out when David got up, stepping into his path.

"Max. We need to talk," he said sternly, hands on hips in what he hoped was an intimidating manner. It usually worked when Gwen did it. Well, it worked on him.

Max sighed and David was suprised to see his shoulders droop, as though he was sad.

"I just want to know why you've been acting so rude Max," David continued, "I thought you would be happy to leave behind your parents. You seemed perfectly happy when I first adopted you."

He bent down so him and Max were eye level.Max's auqa eyes met his and David was startled to see tears glistening in the corners of his eyes. Max stepped away from him, angrily wiping away the unshed tears.

"Fine, you wanna know why I've been such a dick lately. It's because I know you're just gonna give up on me eventually. You'll end up moving on with your life and leaving me to take care of myself. You'll forget I even exist," Max lamented, the cookies he had grabbed earlier becoming crumbs in his hands and he cracked them,  So, might as well make you hate me as quickly as possible before I get too attached."

Immediately David realized this must have been what Max's parents did to him. They had left him behind. Hadn't cared. Hadn't even acknowledged his existence at times.

David gently grabbed the 10 year olds arm, pulling him closer.
"Max. Look at me."

Max looked up into David's face, holding back tears.

"I had to put up with you for an entire summer. Did I ever give up on you?"

Max shook his head.

"Exactly. If I could watch over you for two whole months, I'm sure I'll be able to watch over you for the rest of my life," David said, smiling softly.

Max stared at him for a bit before hugging David, nestling his face against his neck as he cried. David smiled, wrapping his arms around the small boy.

"Thank you David," Max whimpered, "Thank you."

{This wasn't gonna be sad. Then I started writing it and I made it sad. Why am I like this! I promise to write a cute Dadvid oneshot as soon as I'm done with the other requests.}

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