Dadvid Fluff

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David couldn't move. At all. Couldn't move from his spot on the couch, he didn't even dare to set the remote down. And all because Max had fallen asleep on his lap.

     It had been a month since David had officially adopted Max and the two had been getting along fairly well. Daid had even helped him set up a Skype account for him and the other campers so they could chat during the school year. But this. Max sleeping in his lap. Really showed the ultimate form of trust. Now he knew how a person feels when their pet decided to lay in their lap.

     He slowly turned the t.v off, setting the remote down. He wasn't in the most comfortable position but he didn't dare move, for fear of waking the child. Gently, he grabbed the nearby blanket and draped it over Max, smiling softly down at him.

"Goodnight Max," he muttered before resting against the couch and closing his eyes, quickly falling asleep.

{Just some short and fluffy Dadvid cuz it's late and why not}

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