Experiment CC AU

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Honestly, are you guys even suprised that I have made yet another AU?

This one was inspired by me finally watching Logan
So let's get into this

Summary of AU: Children were born and raised in a facility known as Hospital Campbell, kept secret from the world as they were genetically mutated to be made into weapons for war.

David: Formerly experimented on as a child. Has a genetic mutation that is believed to be inactive and unresponsive yet can be activated if something causes David to need to use his ability. When activated, he has the ability to manipulate plant life.
He currently works at the facility and hates the way the children are treated. One of the ones who wants to help them escape

Gwen: A worker at the facility who does the job of a nurse. Normal human being

Daniel: Cameron Campbells second in command at the facility. Normal human being but has a robotic left arm from past experimentations on him that failed to give powerful mutations. Very strict when enforcing rules upon the children

Gen: Another strict worker at the facility who has the ability to track mutants

Jasper: One of Davids old friends who died whilst being experimented on when they were younger

Cameron Campbell: the maker of the organization and in charge of the others

And now, for the campers

Max: Doesn't show his powers and one of the ones who is believed to not have any. However, once his power is activated he has the ability to create thin sharp lines of string that could wrap around a person and strangle or cut them up.

Neil: Power of mind reading and data intelligence. Can scan a computers code with his eyes due to experimentations but doing so often leads to splitting headaches for a while afterwards. The experiment however caused a defect in his eye color, leaving the right eye semi blue with flecks of yellow,green, and black and other completely green with specks of black

Nikki: Has the ability to run extremely fast. Was originally going to have the power of super speed and to manipulate plant life but the mutation for plant life failed, resulting in her losing her right eye, which is now replaced with a robotic. As a side effect to her failed power of plant manipulation, she is weaker in industrial parts of the world that is far from plant life

Nerris: Has the ability to create certain things with her mind. She is able to form small items as creating bigger items causes her to pass out. She can only form intimate objects and it is the facility's goal to be able to get her to create weapons with her mind. She is one of the better fighters and her hair is cut short due to them having to do surgery on her brain

Harrison: Has the power of telekinesis but it causes him headaches when he uses it for too long and can lead to him passing out at times and sometimes even nosebleeds. His arms are covered in long scars from the many surgeries they had to perform on his arms and one scar rides up to his head.

Preston: Has the power to bend metal or control metal objects though his power is limited to small items. He does not have the ability to speak as he was originally going to be given the power of a sonic screech but the mutation failed and damaged his voice box. He can only speak very short and small sentences and even those cause great pain in his throat. One of the few who's parent figure tried taking them back from the facility. After his mother's passing, his grandma attempted to retrieve him only for her to be killed

Ered: X-ray vision. Allows her to see through walls and into other people, which is helpful when she needs to spot a broken bone or internal problem. She has the ability to heal quickly when injured but her old injury will feel sore afterwards. Her eyes have also been changed due to the experiment, both eyes being gray with flecks of bright blue. Her fathers work at the facility and wish to break her and her friends out of here

Space Kid: Has the ability to levitate and is one of the youngest in the facility. He is very naive and doesn't believe the facility is only using them for war, choosing to see it as his home. Due to experiments, he has to wear an oxygen mask at all times as his lungs are unable to function properly. The mutation that allows him to levitate often tampers with Neils ability to read minds, leaving him with a minor headache

Nurf: Power of super strength and is one of the ones willing to become a war weapon. Daniel often uses him as help for enforcing rules though the boy hates it here just as much as the others

The FlowerScouts: Also known as Experiment 789, the three were genetically modified after their original Experiment CC teens escaped and were made to track them down and bring them back. This means they were designed to be better, stronger, and more efficient then those of Experiment CC

Sasha: Has the ability to manipulate plant life with ease and can mind control, though her mind control only works for a limited amount of time on a person and leaves her slightly weak afterwards

Tabii: The ability to create pink electric swords with her hands. She wears an eyepatch over her left eye, as it is discolored to be a bright pink from experiments and the eye has the tendency to create sparks when the swords are being used

Erin: Has the ability to levitate. Her left eye is a different color, being a dull yellow as it is able to shoot lasers at people. These lasers are nothing more then electric shocks

The woodscouts: Classified as mutant trackers would are meant to track down and kill mutants in order to keep the world safe.
They themselves are just regular human beings

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