Final Camp: The Bridge

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{Salutations my good friends. Out of boredom, I was watching Final Destination clips at night. I was thus inspired to create a Lil Final Destination AU type one shot thingy. There will probably be other oneshots for this km the future and the characters in it may vary depending on what clip I'm basing it off of. So, things may get a bit gory.}

Max sighed, leaning his head against the back of his seat.
He, along with several of his fellow highschools, had been forced to go attend a field trip to a camping and hiking reserve of sorts.
Yeah, not very fun sounding. To any of them really. So now, here they all were. Stuck in a bus. On a bridge.

Max jumped a bit as he felt the bus sway back and forth a bit. He looked around at theothers, trying to see if anyone else noticed it. He spotted Neil, who had ended up sitting near the front with Nerris.

"Neil. Hey neil!"

"Hm?" Neil hummed, turning around in his seat to look back at him.

"Did you feel that?"

"Feel what?"
Max pursed his lips before settling back into his seat, his body still tense.
Something didn't feel right.

      Max jumped in alarm at the sound of something cracking, way too close for comfort. The bus rocked back and forth a bit more and the chitter chatter of the students quieted as they saw the road in front of them begin t crack. He jumped up, grabbing on Nikki's hand.

"Nikki, come on!" He cried, pulling her of the bus.
Students pushed and shoved as they scrambled to get off the bus, the vehicle pitching forward more as the road continued to crack.

Harrison skidded into a roadblock, jumping over it on instinct and grabbing onto the bridges railway.

"Harrison. Harrison!" Neil cried, keeping a hand on the side of the bus, watching as the bridge fell literally fell apart.

"Neil!" Harrison shouted in absolute terror ashe clung tightly to the railing.
It was too late. The bridge underneath Harrison gave way and both teens screamed as Harrison plummeted downwards.

Harrison screamed the whole way down, right up until the moment he landed directly on top of a sail, the end of it impaling itself through his stomach.

Nikki and Max screamed, Neil himself only able to emit a small shaky breath.
"Come on. Come on!" Max shouted, pulling Neil along and taking off with both his friends hands clutched tightly in his own as he ran.

       Unfortunately, there was still someone on the bus. Gwen stepped out from the school bus's bathroom, still impressed they were able to afford a bus as nice as this. She dropped her phone as she saw the view of the bridge crumbling away.
"What the fuck?!"

The bus rolled forward as the bridge underneath it gave way and Gwen grabbed onto a seat to no avail, rolling down the length of the bus as it fell. She landed on the windshield and screamed as the bus rapidly approached the water. Her scream was cut off as the bus made contact with the ocean, water surging forcefully upwards in a surge of glass.

     Nikki and Max continued running, Max having lost his grip on Neil a while back. The two passed by Nerris, who wound up crashing into Cameron Campbell. Her glasses flew off her face as Mr. Campbell pushed her out of the way.
"Shit," she muttered, her vision becoming blurry.

     Max and Nikki skidded to a stop as the bridge fell apart in front of them, cutting off their route to escape.
"Over there! The rail!" Max cried, pulling Nikki to the metal beam that connected the undersides of the bridge.

He helped her down onto the beam, watching with bated breath as she balanced across it. He let out a sigh of relief as she reached the other side, scrambling up onto the pavement.

They both looked up at the shouts for help from Nerris, who was struggling to make her way across the bridge without her glasses.
"Nerris!" Max shouted, running towards her.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the metal beam, carefully easing her down onto it. She bent down onto her hands and knees, crawling across it.

"Just follow my voice Nerris!" Nikki cried, holding her hand out as Nerris crawled closer.
The bridge shifted and Nerris let out a cry of alarm as she nearly fell off, hugging onto the beam. She continued crawling forward and reached up to Nikki's hand, nearly grabbing it.

The bridge moved again and the beam Nerris sat upon bent, angling downwards.
"No no no!" Nikki shouted as Nerris slid backwards off of it, screaming as she fell to the water below.

Max let out a shaky sigh of relief as he saw her swim back uo, coughing. Their relief however, was short lived. A car came rolling backwards off the bridge and fell down to the water. Nerris was only able to let out a small scream before the bender of it landed right on top of her.

Preston and David came bolting across the bridge, Preston dodging a swinging support wire.
"Max, wait for us-"

He was cut off as another support wire came swinging down, being detached from its original settlement, and knocking Preston clear off the bridge, spatters of blood in his place.

"Max!" Nikki cried in alarm.

That's all I can write as of right now as I'm growing tired but I do want to get this out to out to you guys as of now TwT
Let me know if you think I should continue this in another oneshot}

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