Roommates AU

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This is what happens when you watch too many episodes of Friends kids.

Basically, Neil, Nikki, and Max share an apartment cuz Max was renting some rooms out to help pay for rent. This AL takes place in New York btdubs

Max- A twenty year old male who works in retail. He's the loner type and didn't keep in touch with many people from his highschool years. He was adopted and David is his dad now. Max has a lowkey crush on the nerd he shares the apartment with.

Neil- Neil is a twenty three year old male who works at home. He graduated University and gets a lot of money yet doesn't want to buy his own place. Social anxiety case. He doesn't take care of Nikki and Max need to usually remind him to do so. He visits the cafe in town a lot.

Nikki- A 19 year old who moved in because she was kicked out of her house by her mother. She doesn't have a solid job and kind of just switches around a lot. For some reason, a lot of guys tend to hit on her and she dates them a lot but never really gets a solid partner cuz she's not very interested in having one.

Preston- Hes their next door neighbor who likes to play music really loudly. All three of them hate him except for Nikki cuz she likes to dance with him. He goes to the coffee shop a lot as well and puts on performances for money there. He's also an aspiring actor who's already been in a few shows and the likes. Has a very small crush on Tabii

Harrison: He doesn't live in the same apartment building as the others but actually live in Boston, New York. He likes to perform shows at the cafe to get money and is actually Neil's ex from high school. Kinda awkward when they first run into each other. He has a part rabbit

Nerris- She works at the cafe and is actually a really lazy worker. She hardly does her job of waitress and when she does she never does it right. Still wears braces and glasses. Still has short hair. She's Harrison's bestie and low key has a crush on him.

Ered- She lives below the three roommates and shares an apartment with Nurf. She's super chill and Nikki likes to hang out with her a lot. She smokes and Neil worries she might be a bad influence on Nikki

Nurf- He's been to jail a few times but is still Ered's best friend. She gives him relationship advice a lot since. Him and Preston dated in high school but it became abusive and Nurf ended it in fear he'd hurt Preston too much. He's more in control of his emotions now but still goes to therapy every once in a while and sometimes has outburst

Dolph- The neighbor across from them. He shares an apetment with Space Kid. He's an aspiring artist who likes to display his art at the cafe and galleries. Secretly dating Space kid but only Nikki knows about it. They keep it secret cuz Dolph is scared of being judged. Suffers from internal homophobia a lot.

Space Kid- Wants to work in nasa. Yes he still wants to be an astronaut. Gets sad a lot cuz he knows he'll probably never be able to go to space but doesn't let it show cuz he wants to stay happy around Dolph. Doesn't wear a fishbowl on his head anymore wheeze But they do own a fish. They named it Jupiter.

Scotty- Yes he's gonna be in this damn AU, fight me I dare you. He's a performer that frequents the cafe. He's good friends with Harrison and Preston. Max hates him. Scotty is a mute child. Uses sign language to talk. Has a crush on Nikki

Sasha: Sasha and her two other friends live in the nicer apartment building across from the one Max and his friends live in. She's Max's ex. Works as a Flowerscout counselor and part time at cafe. She hates Nikki just cuz Nikki lives with Max. Still likes max

Tabii: Roommate to Sasha. Has a humongous crush on Neil, has since middle school. Jealous type. Is also an aspiring actress and works with preston sometimes. She has to wear an eyepatch because her left eye was stabbed out by a flying fork incident in a restaurant

Erin: Roommate to Sasha. She works at the cafe full time. She's super chill. Good friend to Ered. Social media blogger. Has a YouTube channel. Actually did go to college. Fashonista type at times

Edward: Lives in the apartment building that is behind the nicer one where the flowerscouts are. Works as a Woodscout counselor and part time retail. Has a crush on Nikki and is always trying to date her. Max and him hate each other as does Sasha. He doesn't have acne anymore but still wears braces.

Billy/Snake: Roomate to Petrol and Edward. Still likes to go by Snake sometimes. He's actually friends with Nikki. Wears an eyepatch because he's blind in one eye. Works at a candy store. He's always chewing on a candy cane. Dating Erin

Petrol: Still the silent type. Has a small crush on Edward. Works in an auto shop. Friends with Nurf

I will probably make small shorts for this AU ekegekvsm

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