Nax: The Party

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"Can we go home now," Max groaned, crossing his arms.

"Max, we literally just got here," Daniel retorted, rolling his eyes at the jaded 15 year old.

He and David had dragged Max and his friends to a nearby party, seeing as David was not willing to leave them alone in the house, despite all of Max's whining.

"Come on Max! It'll be fun!" David said, ruffling his foster son's hair. Max swatted his hand away, smoothing his hair back in place.

"Obviously David," Neil interrupted, "We all have very different definitions of fun."

"Ugh, why are you all such Debby downers? Let's go paaartay!" Nikki cried. She grabbed Neil's hand and pulled him off, her little legs moving so quickly he could do nothing to resist. Max ran after them, having to grab Neil's other hand to even keep up.

"I like that girl. She's fun," Daniel said, smiling. David rolled his eyes lovingly and took Daniel's hand, pulling him towards the house.

30 minutes later, Max actually started enjoying himself. He laughed as Nikki climbed on top of a table, dancing.

"Nikki, get down from there!" Neil cried.

Max was afraid they were gonna give the poor kid a heart attack. Neil was often classified as the mom friend, so bringing him to a party where his friends were constantly being stupid must have been kind of stressful.

"Alright! Catch me!" she shouted, before literally jumping off the table. Neil screamed, luckily catching the 14 year old in his arms.

"What the fuck Nikki!" he cried, setting her down on her feet.

"She's fine Neil," Max said, taking a sip from his soda he'd grabbed earlier," You caught her."

"Yeah but what if I hadn't?! She could have gotten seriously hurt and-and..."Neil rushed, trailing off. He turned away from the two, running a hand through his curly mess of hair.

"I-I'm gonna go outside," he said before trudging off.

Nikki and Max glanced worriedly at each other.

"I'm gonna go check on him, stay here?"

Nikki nodded, taking Max's soda as he followed after Neil.

Max found him sitting on the curb, arms wrapped around his knees as he stared off in thought. Max took a seat next to him, fiddling with his sleeves.

"You alright?"

Neil sighed, running a hand over his face.

"Yeah, just...needed my inhaler. And some fresh air," he replied.

Ok, now Max felt super bad. He hated it whenever him or Nikki were the reason Neil needed his inhaler, especially since Max used to have asthma as well.


"It's ok. Not your fault I get super overprotective of you two whenever we go out. Just instinct of mine to make sure you two don't get hurt," Neil said, rubbing his arms in the cold.

"That's understandable seeing all the shit me and Nikki put you through," Max scoffed, looking over at Neil.

He placed his hand on the sidewalk, his hand accidentally landing on top of Neil's. He flushed red and snatched his hand back...only for Neil to grab it again. Max looked up at Neil, who was avoiding eye contact while blushing.

"Neil..." Max muttered, quickly biting back the rest of his words. He moved a bit closer to him so their faces were just inches apart. Slowly, the two leaned towards each other.

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