Ered x Max: A Flash

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Max looked up from his coffee as Nikki began nudging his arm with her elbow, her attention focused somewhere else in the cafe. He grunted in acknowledgement and she looked back at him, smiling. Leaning in close, she glanced around furtively before speaking.

"See that blonde girl in the corner over to our left?" She asked in a whisper.

Max looked around, taking a few minutes before finally locating the girl Nikki was talking about. She was indeed blonde, with streaks of pink on her bangs. She was typing away at her phone as she sipped her coffee, a pair of sunglasses on the table.

"Yeah. What about her?"

"She's cute, right?"

Max pursed his lips, looking back at the girl. She looked, well, nice? He wouldn't exactly say cute. Her outfit screamed "Mess with me and I will hurt you" and her blueish gray eyes weren't exactly his type. He preffered people with brighter eyes, like Nikki or Preston.
He shrugged in response, earning a smack on the arm from his friend. He rolled his eyes at her, taking another sip of his coffee.

"Well, I think she's cute. Imma take a picture of her," she chirped, pulling out her phone. Max nearly choked on his coffee, wiping some of the liquid away from his mouth as he cast a bewildered look at her.

"What?! Nikki, you can't just go around and take pictures of strangers!" he whisper-shouted, not wanting to attract attention.

But of course she didn't listen, raising her phone and snapping a picture of the stranger.


Nikki had left her flash on---

Max suddenly felt the phone being shoved into his hands as the girl looked over at them, raising an eyebrow. Max looked down at the phone and then back up at the stranger, who was now walking over to them.


Max tried handing Nikki her phone back but she refused, sitting down on her hands and scooting her chair further away from him. She looked ready to laugh and that just made Max all the more irritated.

"Excuse me."

He froze, slowly looking up at the tall pale, blonde in front of them now. She had her sunglasses in one hand and looked so indifferent that it kind of scared him.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" she asked, flicking her bangs away from her eyes as Max stuttered for a response.

"Well, yes and no. You see, um, my friend here thought you were cute and she wanted to take a picture of you. But she left the flash on, obviously, heh. And then she put the phone in my hands to try and blame me for it," he stammered, setting the phone down on Nikki's lap. She smiled nervously up at Ered, shrugging.

Max and the girl stared at each other for a few seconds before she let out a small laugh. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a  small white card, handing it over to Max.

"Next time, just feel free to come talk to me and not be all stalkerish," she chuckled, winking at him before placing her sunglasses on and leaving.

Max looked down at the card, eyebrows shooting up to see it was a name--Ered Miller--and a phone number.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2018 ⏰

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