Some Jaspvid snazz

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        Jasper stared lovingly at the red head next to him, who was busy explaining what was a rock and what was a spider egg. The reason for this was because Nikki had collected a rock, proudly displaying it in the middle of the Mess Hall. Only for it to crack open in her hands and have a million baby spiders crawl out of it. Jasper was pretty sure Nikki had arachnaphobia now.

      But now, the counselor was too wrapped up in watching David. It was adorable how he manged to remain so positive even when a million potentially dangerous baby spiders were roaming around the room. Not to mention, David's many facial expressions were just too cute to pass up. David turned to look at him, startling Jasper into reality.

"Isn't that right Jasper!" David said cheerfully as always.

"Uh, yeah! Definitely right!" Jasper said. Sometimes it was best to just agree with David, even if you didn't know what he was talking about.

David looked back towards the campers, clapping his hands together.
"Alright, to the pier!"
The campers streamed out of Mess Hall, David following joyfully after them.

"David!" Jasper called, catching the auburn haired males attention.
"Yes Jasper?"

Shit, Jasper hadn't thought this through. He wasn't even entirely sure why he had called out his co-counsellors name. He immediately flushed red in embarrassment, avoiding David's sea green eyes.
"Er, uh, I was thinking maybe we could be rowing mates! On the boats!"

David turned around completely to face him, tilting his head to the side a bit in confusion, " But, I thought you wanted to row with Ered and Dolph? And I was planning to row with Max and Nikki."

"Yes, but, perhaps it would just be better if you...and me...shared a boat!"
Oh god, Jasper sucked at lying. Especially when it was to someone he had fallen in love with.

"Oh, well.....ok then!" David smiled cheerfully before walking off after the campers again, a little skip in his step.

Jasper wasn't sure if David had interpreted that in a friendly or flirty manner but HOT DAMN HE WAS GONNA SHARE A BOAT WITH DAVID. WOO!
    A new grin in place, Jasper ran after them.

((I wrote this and I'm not sure how to fudging continue it. R.I.P, perhaps that's just how it'll end or maybe I'll write a sequel to it. Only time will tell))

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