Camp Reverse

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{Picture Credit ^^^: @//boodles-art on Tumblr}

{So, some of you may have seen AU art where the adults of the show are the campers at Camp Campbell and the kids are counselors and whatnot.....
I've fallen in love with this AU.
And I am using this time to also show my love and appreciation for Dirty Kevin, whydoilovethemanwhohelpedgirlselldrugs}

It was barely the second week of camp and Kevin was already perfectly ok with death.
It was Nikki's, probably the very definition of a camp counselor, turn to guide them in the campers activities today. Unfortunately, that meant copious amounts of outdoor activities that nobody wanted to participate in.

      As of now, Nikki was trying to get everyone to go rowing around the lake. Fortunately, she was struggling to pull Dawn, a pinkish haired small girl, off a tree to which she was hanging onto for dear life.
"No! I don't like rowing! I'm not going!" She protested, sniffling as Nikki tried pulling her away from the tree.

"Dawn! You can't hold on forever! Ugh, Miller, get Max or Neil please!" Nikki cried.

Both Millers, no one knew their first names, looked up at the mention of their last name and exchanged a confused glance before shrugging. They both walked off to the counselors cabin, chatting as if they had all the time in the world.

     Kevin sighed and stuffed his hands in the pockets of his red hoodie, leaning against a tree. He hated this camp and he hated his fellow campers. None of them were pleasant in the slightest, some being too happy and some being too flirty.

"What's your name?"

Kevin yelped at the sudden question, having not noticed the girl that had gone to stand by his side. She snickered as he nearly lost his balance against the tree, having to grab onto it to keep from falling over.

"Let me ask again, what's your name?"

Kevin glared at the taller camper before answering her, crossing his arms.
"Kevin. You?"

"You can just call me Priss," she replied, brushing hair out of her face.

Kevin stared at her for a bit, blinking. It took him a moment for the name to register and when it did he wasn't sure whether to laugh or ask to clarify.
"You want me to call you...Priss?"

She nodded and Kevin rolled his eyes before shrugging.

"Anyways, I came over here because I heard you sell a little special something."

Kevin's attention was immediately captured. He looked up at her, keeping his expression cool and collected.
"Is that so? Who'd you hear that from?"

Priss pointed over at Gwen, a nerdy bookworm of a girl who was occupying herself with showing a book of hers off to a blonde and prettier version of her.

"Of course," Kevin muttered. He had shown her his stash to try and get her to buy some of it but she had walked off haughtily, head held high in a way that made him want to throw a rock at her.

"I want some of it," Priss inquired, inspecting her nails as she waited on Kevin's answer.

"You have anything to exchange for it?" He asked her, raising an eyebrow.
That's how business works, as his dad had taught him. Never give them something unless you're getting something out of it.

Kevin mentally slapped himself for using his father's advice, his hand immediately going up to rub at a spot under his right cheek bone.
He watched as Priss pulled out a pair of keys from her bra, a bit disgusting but he's seen worse.

"These are the keys to the backstage area of the magic stage. Snatched them off of Harrison the last time he came around," Priss explained, dangling the keys in front of him.

"Why the hell would I need thise?" Kevin asked, glancing around nervously.
They were basically doing business in front of everyone and it made him uncomfortable, usually doing these kinds of things in private. Nikki was still struggling and everyone else was occupied with their own thing but that didn't keep him from worrying.

"Duh. There's cool stuff back there! He has saws and cards and other cool magic shit," Priss scoffed as if that were obvious.

       Kevin had skipped out on the last two magic shows Harrison, a part-time counselor here, had held, hiding it out in his tent he shared with Davey. Davey was the one who'd always cover for him, usually lying to Neil, who for some reason was always in charge the days Harrison cane around, that Kevin was sick.

"I guess that's kind of cool. I'll take it."

Priss smiled and handed him the keys, which he tucked into his hoodie pocket. He pulled out a bag of FunDip and handed it to Priss, her smile widening.
"Nice doing business with you Kevin," she cooed before sauntering off, already opening the FunDip.

Kevin sighed, leaning against the tree again. He pulled the keys back out and held them in the palm of his hand, staring down at them.
Well well well
Looks like he might be able to liven up some things around here.

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