-Entry 71-

43 8 47

The writing is neat and fancy.

Dear könyv,

     Let's get some things straight, commoners. I am responsible for my sister in every way as her guard.

     You are not to lay a finger on her. You are not to look her in the eye when you speak to her. Any rude behavior towards her will be taken as a threat and I will hurt you. You may not call her by her first name, you are not on a first name basis with her, and will probably never be.

     You must speak with the utmost respect to her. Any problems you have with her will not be mentioned to her ever. You bring every issue to me and only me. She does not need to be bothered by your pathetic problems.

     I know she may say she would like to become friends with you people, but I control the people she meets, and I say no. Do not try to become friends with her. Do not act all 'buddy buddy' with her. She is above you.

     Now, that's out of the way. I am Daniel Héderváry of Hungary. It's a pleasure to meet you.


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