chapter 6

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It made me sad to go,I grew very close to the kids but I knew I had to go on this mission....I said goodbye to Lance,Keith,Hunk and Pidge.Hunk was wailing,Pidge was crying,and Lance and Keith were sobbing.I got in the car after a few minutes and drove off.

10 years later(Shiro:25)

I drove down the familiar road...the road to the daycare.As i drove past the high school I saw two very familiar looking boys,.....was that Lance and Hunk?!They both........changed.....Lance was tall and thin,Hunk was shorter than Lance,and plumper.I wanted to beep,to say hi...but....they might not remember me.So I just drove past.Then I saw Keith,running down the street,a bunch of kids after him.I jumped out and stopped them.

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