Chapter 20 (4th of July special)

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No ones pov

It had been a few months since Hunk and Pidge found out Lances secret. It was now 4th of July,and the teenagers had plans to spend the holiday together.

Much to his surprise,they invited Keith. Keith was hesitant at first,but agreed to go.

It made Lance...happy? Ecstatic? Excited?? He didnt know,but he sure did feel so many different feelings at once.

The 4 teens went to a grassy field,where plenty of people were. They sat on top of a hill,that was the best place according to Lance and Pidge.

They had blankets to sit on,and got a cooler with drinks. Lance eagerly waited for Keith. When he saw the raven haired boy,he waved him over "KEITH" he called.

Keith looked over,his violet eyes trailed around the many people before settling on Lance.

Keith walked over to the excited cuban boy and the small female,wondering where Hunk was. "Wheres Hunk?" Keith asked.

Pidge looked up at him,"getting some icecream. Hes getting you some too,Lance told him what to get"

Keith nodded,one thought still lingered on his mind. Lance did? How did he know my favorite flavor anyway?

Keith sat down with the two pridodigy's (i cant spell today soooo-)

Soon,Hunk came over with 4 cones. Vanilla for keith,chocolate chip for Pidge,mint chip for Lance and Chocolate Chocolate chip for Hunk. Just as they got their cones,a loud BOOM sounded.

Lances blue eyes lit up "their starting!"

Lance ate his icecream while watching the fireworks as they shot up in a beam of light,then 'boomed' as they exploded it bright colors. To be honest,they looked beautiful.

One firework exploded into tiny sparks that went do in a swarm,"Like fireflies!" As lance had put it.

Soon,much to Keith surprise,Lance and Pidge were talking about how a firework works. Using words not even Keith knew. So he was just really confuzzled.

The two 'nerds' stopped talking to watch the finally. Several fureworks shot up and went off at the same time,lighting up the night with its brightness.

Lance whooped,and yelled "MERICA" in a goofy way,causing Keith to laugh. (me and my family do it for some reason-Idk why,we just do cuz we're weird)

When it ended,everyone clapped and some whooped and hollered. They all stood up,and packed up their blankets. Shoving them into the beach bag they had used to carry the load.

Since their homes hadnt been far from the firework show,they all walked home. Soon decided on having a sleep over at Hunks.

Keith was reluctant at first,vut decided to go anyway. Lance asked his mom,and Pidge asked hers. Much to their delight,they had said they could go and the four set off to their friends house. Lance had brought Blue with him,since she and Sunny enjoyed playing together.

When they walked in,Blue saw Sunny and mewled happily. Jumping out of Lances arms,Blue ran to Sunny and the two began to play.

First,the four teenagers all played video games. Lance had won at Mario Cart due to his 'strategic thinking' as the cuban put it.

Lance was having such a good time,he didnt even notice he was showing hjs intellegence. Hunk and Pidge seemed to enjoy that fact.

As it got later,they all settled downstairs with blankets,popcorn and a movie.

After arguing over a movie,thry allagreed on 'Ready Player One'. (I saw it,it was awesome)

Lance ajd Pidge seemed to be intrigued by the 'science' behind the movie. Whatever that meant.

Keith was into the action.and Hunk jumped at the King Kon 'Jump Scare'.

Lance had fell asleep on Keiths shoulder,causing the raven haired teen to blush. He wanted to push Lance off at first,but he looked so peaceful. Keith just didnt have the heart to.

Soon,Keith fell asleep. Unaware pf thr other two taking pictures of them.

A/N:Happy 4th ppl! So,i went to a firework show,and it was awesome. It inspired me to do this. I hope ya'll enjoyed this! Next chapter will be the confrontiom. Once again,any rewuest u have u can ask. I will do it at some point,as long as there is no lemon or anything like that. I also do AU's! I would have to look into it if i dont know it. Anyway,see ya'll later!


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