chapter 8

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Lance pov

I walked into my house,the sweet scent of my moms cooking in the air."Hey momma!I'm home!"My siblings Joey,Sam,Christy,Sabrina,Lula,Carter,and Chris dashed into the room. I was being attacked my my younger ones,and my older siblings just messed with my hair,which i hated."don't do that..."i grumbled swatting their hands away from my head. They know I hate it,that's why they do it. I was surprised that Keith....KEITH was running from someone. Maybe he was leading them away then would beat them up..just maybe. I'm not sure. But whatever,why would I care??

I went upstairs to my room to do my homework before dinner,getting dome with it in a few minutes. There wasn't much and it was fairly easy. I am actually smart,its just that I had to hide it. Pidge and Hunk are the smart ones and Keith is that tuff strong one. There can't be3 smart ones so I put on a mask,a mask that his my real intelligence. One that made me look stupid and self-centered. I even do a few things wrong on my homework and my tests so no one would know. Why do I do it? Its because I was bullied when I was younger, back in Cuba. When we moved it was a new start,a new life and a new Lance.


I winced as I was pushed into a locker,several kids stood before me. Calling me names like "freak" "nerd" "you'll never have any friends!" "Loser!!" I knew they were right. My eyes burned with tears that threatened to fall "what? You gonna cry!?" One kid sneered. Tears began falling down the face, when they left I curled up in a ball and cried. I began to not feel good so I called my mom and went home.

At home I went straight upstairs "Lance??" Emma my older sister, who was in highschool at the time,looked at me worriedly. I just passed her and sank to the ground once I reached the safety of my room and cried again. I didn't come down for the rest of the night

I sighed,putting my homework away "dinner!!" My mom called. I got up and went downstairs to eat.

After dinner

Afterwards I took off my beauty stuff I hated it but this was the new better lance. My freckles came into view, I hated those too. They were ugly. I was ugly. I took off the rest of the stuff and got ready Forbes,turning off my light and climbed  into bed. Soon sleep took over.

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