chapter 13

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Allura (yeah,I know. Different one this time)

Allura couldnt believe Shiro was back. She wanted to hear about everything he had done in the past 10 years. "So,.tell me what happened while you were away" Allura said.

Shiro nodded,he told Allura about what he saw while in space. Allura listened,intruged. Several little kids sat around Shiro,listening to his tales.


Keith dodged a sword as it swiped at him. Keith grabbed his opponents arm and swung them over his shoulder. They fell with a loud crash.

"Very good Keith" his sensei walked over. "Thank you sir" Keith bowed. "You have approved," his sensei started,"but,you are not yet ready to face the threat that is to come"

Keith nodded "yes sir"

"No then,go on back to your home" Sensei nodded, keith obeyed,hrabbing his backpack and leaving the dojo. He walked down the street,turning around corners until he got to a tiny house. The otside was bland,inside messy.

He walked in,throwing his bag on the table and putting his sword away. He sighed,going into the kitchen to eat some ramen (again).


Hunk wondered why Lance was acting so weird...well...weirder than usual. He decided,okay it was Pidges idea,to spy on their friend to see what was wrong with him.

Pidge climbed a latter thing on the side of the house,gripping onto vines. She looked through the window.


Pidge gasped when saw sww wgat Lance was doing. He created the most powerful battle code in the universe! So Lance was a...a genius. Maybe even smarter than Pidge. Pidge was surprised to say the least. She fell,down,down,down she went until strong arms caught her.

She opened her amber eyes and looked up,seeing Hunk. She sighed in relief "thanks". Hunk nodded "your welcome. " he put her down. "So...what did you see?" He asked.

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