chapter 19

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Keith walked down the street,going to town. He had decided to go to the bakery for a treat.

He walked in,hearing the bell ding. "Hello sir!" A familiar voice beemed,he looked at the counter to find Hunk standing there. "Hunk? You work here?" Hunk smiled,"yep! So,what can I get you?"

Keith looked at all the stuff,he saw buttercream icing cupcakes (Buttercream icing is SO good! Trust me!) "I'll take some buttercream cupcakes"

Hunk nodded,taking 6 and putting them in a cupcake box. Keith walked down the street to the park,where he decided to eat a few. He passed the old dayCare. He remembered all the fun they had there,and of course Shiro.

Keith wondered why Shiro left,he never said why really. Just something about work. Shrugging,Keith sat on a park bench and ate a cupcake. Which was really good.

He was unaware that Lance sat beside him,"hi!" Lance greeted. Keith jumped,"oh...hello......." He saw Lance eyeing the cupcakes and chuckled,"want one?"

Lance hungrily nodded. Keith handed him one,and Lance happily took it. He would probally eat like a vulture,but he didnt.

Keith went back to eating his delicious cupcake,soon eating another,then another. Both boys ate all 6 together,eating 3 each "mmmmm,those were really good..." Keith said. Lance agreed,"Hunk makes the best cupcakes!" Keith had to agree with that.


Shiro watched as the kids played with Black,who seemed to be enjoying it a lot. The kids giggled while his dog barked happily,running in circles. Allura laughed at their antics.


Pidge sat on her bed with her laptop on her lap. Green,her bird,sat on her shoulder as she worked. Pidge didnt mind,she liked Greens company.

The bird squaked,tilting her head to the side in confusion. "Im seeing how to help Lance" Pidge answered,sensing her confusion. Green gave a satisfied squak

A/n:sorry its short,im kinda hsving a writers block-So yeah. If u have ideas,go ahead and comment them

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