Part 1 ~

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Leon, Violetta, and Leonardo arrived at Herman's house, and they took their luggage and went inside and Vilu saw her dad and hugged him tightly

Leon: I'm going to take the cases upstairs.

Violetta: Dad, I missed you so much.

Herman: Not as much as I missed you, how was Los Angeles? Did Leon record his Songs? How about Madrid? Did you do anything?

Violetta: Dad, breathe, Los Angeles was amazing Leon recorded his songs, Him and I did a Duet, and Madrid it's no different to when we went last time and no dad, we didn't do anything, and we couldn't Leonardo was in the room.

Herman: Where is my handsome grandson?

Leonardo walked in and ran into Herman's arms then put him down and Violetta saw Esmeralda.

Violetta: Esmeralda, what are you doing here? What a surprise?

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Violetta: Esmeralda, what are you doing here? What a surprise?

Esmeralda: Oh, Violetta how are you?

Violetta: Good you didn't answer my question.

Herman: Okay, I and Esmeralda are working on a project.

Violetta: But, what about Angie? Dad, you and Angie are married.

Herman: Violetta, Esmeralda and I aren't getting back together we're just working together.

Violetta: Is Angie aware of it?

Herman: No, but I will tell her eventually.

Violetta was so angry at Herman while Leonardo was playing on the floor Leon walked downstairs to see Violetta about to jump on her dad, as she was about to run at him Leon held her waist to stop her.

Leon: *Holding her waist* Woah, baby calm down.

Violetta: *Holds his hands* Let me go, Leon.

Leon: Are you going to be calm?

Violetta: Yeah, I'm not a kid, I know how to act like an adult.

Leon let her go and she held his hand while he sat down to do Leon's shoelace, but he had to let go of her hand to do it and Violetta just held his leg tightly.

Leon: Baby, you're hurting my leg.

Violetta: *Not feeling well* Is it me or is the room spinning?

Leon: Baby you, okay?

Violetta: No Leon I'm dizzy.

Leon: *Holds her hand* Baby, sit down.

Herman: I'll get her some water.

Leon: *Feels her head* Baby, you're burning up, Herman, bring a damp cloth.

Violetta: *Holds his shirt* You not going to leave me, are you?

Leon: No, baby I'm here.

Herman came with a glass of water and a damp cloth and gave it to Leon.

Sequel Our children are in our hands. *Leonetta Story* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now