Part 18 ~

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Leon was still holding Violetta in his arms, and he was stroking her head and the boys saw her and Broduey rang the ambulance, and the ambulance came as soon as possible and took her away and the guys helped him to his feet, and they sat on the bench.

Andres: What happened?

Leon: I kissed Lara and Violetta saw it.

Broduey: What? Dude, you have a son.

Leon: Well, she kissed me first and I kissed her back because I was surprised and let's just say I didn't push her away, but then I saw Violetta crying and she was in pain, so she was holding my hand so tight and started falling to the ground, as I put her in my arms and she said that I looked happy with Lara when she saw me kiss her and then she closed her eyes on me when I kissed her.

Broduey: Dude, you have messed up.


Maxi: Then if you love Violetta, why did you kiss Lara?

Leon: Because I am a d*ck that's why I don't need anyone to tell me that because I know I'm an idiot I shouldn't have let her go anywhere near me, I shouldn't have met up with her or anything, but I did because I don't see signs.

Andres: Remember how you were like when she kissed Diego in the show and now you do the same to her with Lara, are you insane?

Leon: No, the question is what I am doing here talking to you? When my wife is a hospital bed probably dying it's my fault because I should've been there looking after her instead, I was with Lara, but now I realize I was wrong and now I'm scared about what's going to happen to Violetta I'm scared I'm going to lose her, and I can't lose her especially not now.

Maxi: Then go to her, we will tell the girls and we'll meet you down there.

Leon left and went to his motorbike and drove to the hospital.

Leon Pov ~ I walked to reception and asked the girl on the desk if she knew where Violetta was, she told me it was the second floor in 302 so I went up to her and I saw her lying there still not breathing but the machine was helping her breathe I ...

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Leon Pov ~
I walked to reception and asked the girl on the desk if she knew where Violetta was, she told me it was the second floor in 302 so I went up to her and I saw her lying there still not breathing but the machine was helping her breathe I stood next to her and held her hand.

Leon: I'm such an idiot, I shouldn't have kissed her back why did I kiss her? Why when I have the most beautiful wife, I'll tell you why because I'm a d*ck that's why I'm so sorry baby because you wouldn't have been in pain if it wasn't for me, it's my fault you're lying here dying I was wrong to kiss someone else.

The guys and girls came in.

Francesca: You should be ashamed of yourself, Leon.

Camila: What you are doing here anyway? shouldn't you be with Lara?

Leon: No, because I don't love Lara, I love her *Looks at Violetta* this is who I love.

Camila: Hmm, you have a funny way of showing it by letting her see you kiss another girl.

Sequel Our children are in our hands. *Leonetta Story* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now