Part 20 ~

387 8 19

Leon Pov ~
I woke up and saw Violetta peacefully asleep, so I got up and sat on the sofa and watched her sleep then the nurse came in to do some tests on Violetta.

Nurse: Oh, hello Mr. Vargas.

Leon: Hi nurse is their problem?

Nurse: Mrs. Vargas needs to be tested to see if she's okay to go home.

Leon: Oh, okay well she's sleeping right now

Nurse: We'll wait until she's awake so the time she wakes up call us on the machine and we'll come and see her the quicker we run tests the quicker she can go home

Leon: You got it, nurse.

She left and Leon was watching sleeping and he sat on the side of her bed and stroked her hair, and she opened her eyes slowly

Leon: Morning sweetheart

Violetta: Morning honey

Leon: How did you sleep?

Violetta: Good, because I had you with me.

Leon: Aww, baby.

Violetta: Was the nurse here?

Leon: Yeah, baby She let you sleep but when you wake up, I must call the nurse so they can run tests on you, so I'll ring them now.

He pressed the button, and one nurse came into the room swiftly and walked to her bedside

Leon: She just wakes up.

Nurse: Hi, Mrs. Vargas we must do some tests just to see if you're well enough to go home yet

Violetta: Okay, will it take long?

Nurse: It will take as long as it takes Mrs. Vargas

Leon: Baby, relax I will be here when you get back.

Violetta: Can't you come with me?

Leon looked at the nurse and she shook her head, but Leon was trying to let go of Violetta's hand, but she was holding on for dear life.

Violetta: Please, Leon, you can't leave me.

Leon: Baby, I'll be right here when you come back.

Violetta: Really?

Leon: Yes, baby I'm not going anywhere.

Violetta: Okay, please don't leave me I can't be on my own.

The nurse took her out of the room to run the tests

After a while ~

Angie came to see Violetta and saw Leon in her room.

Angie: Where's Violetta?

Leon: Oh, the nurse took her for some tests to see if she can come home so she didn't want me to leave so I'm waiting for her to come back.

Angie: Is she getting any better?

Leon: I'm not sure she sounds better, but it depends on what her body is doing.

Angie: I guess but have you been here all night with her.

Leon: Yeah, I brought spare clothes with me, so I got changed while she's been gone for tests.

Violetta came back crying and the nurse pulled Leon outside and Angie just sat next to her and calmed her down, but she wasn't calming down.

Nurse: Violetta hasn't got that long left the days are counting down till she will have her machine off.

Leon: What? But I thought she was getting better.

Nurse: The disease is spreading around her lungs and it's not long until the disease takes over her body and kills her.

Leon: you can't let her die; you must give her something to help her stay alive she has a grown son and we've already lost our daughter through this disease I am not losing my wife through it either so you either help her or you can either get her someone else to help because my wife is not dying in that hospital bed not yet

Nurse: Mr. Vargas I know this is shocking news, but if your wife's disease spreads it will kill her either way the disease is spreading too quickly for us to stop it, so she either survives from it or she either dies from it, but us nurses are doing what it takes to keep her safe and alive, but it will be too late soon and sometimes you will have to let her go.

Leon: *Looking through the window* No way, I am not letting her go.

The nurse walked away, and Leon walked into the room with tears running from his eyes.

Angie: What did the nurse say?

Leon: That Violetta will die because the disease is spreading.

Violetta: I'm not ready to die, Leon.

Leon: and you're not going to baby I saw you are not dying in this hospital bed

Angie: Leon this is a hospital the nurses know what they are doing and how she should be treated

Leon: Oh, really, they just want to turn the f*cking machine off.

Violetta: What? No, they won't do that, Leon.

Leon: They will, that's what they will try to save her but if not, they will turn the machine off and I can't lose you baby, not this way.

Violetta: Shh, Leon I'm going to be fine and if I don't survive at least I fell in love with you and I had two perfect children.

Angie was calling everyone to come down they did she told them what was happening, and they all walked in and saw her and Leon cuddling and Clemont walked up to him and slapped him.

Clemont: This is your fault.

Leon: My fault? How is this my fault?

Clemont: Let's face it you never loved her you just loved making her suffer she should be with me at least she wouldn't be in here.

Then Leonardo walked in with Herman and Violetta held onto Leon's arm before he had s fight with Clemont.

Violetta: Please, don't fight it's not going to help me.

Francesca: Violetta you can defeat this disease that killing you because you are brave and unstoppable nothing can break you.  

A/N: ~

Thank you for reading. 


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