Part 14 ~

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Leon: Baby, wake up. 

Violetta:: Mm, morning handsome. 

Leon: Morning, Beautiful I need to take Leonardo to school and then when I come back, we'll start your maths lessons okay? 

Violetta: Are you sure you can tutor me? 

Leon: Babe trust me if I can teach you how to ride a bike and how to cook, I can teach you maths. 

Violetta: What about other lessons? 

Leon: Okay here's the thing I'll do maths and Angie can do the rest of the lessons. 

Violetta: Okay, Angie told me to just let you do maths and she'll do the rest. 

Leon: Great, now while I'm out get everything ready okay, and I'll be right back. 

He fed Leonardo and took him to school and Violetta had a shower and got dressed and got everything ready for Leon and had breakfast.

While he was out and then the door went and he walked in and put the keys on the table and saw Violetta looking at her maths books and Leon sat by her and put his arm around her chair and put his hand on the table and watched her. 

Leon: Babe, do you need help? 

Violetta: *Stressed out* Yes, Leon, please. 

Leon took her pen and looked at the question, but he didn't get it until he thought about it. 

Violetta: Are you sure you can do maths? 

Leon: Yeah, I got it. 

He explained the question and then asked her to try and answer it. 

She answered it and he checked it with the answers at the back of the book and they studied for an hour until Violetta started to get distracted while he was reading in his head, she was touching his leg and moving up to his t-shirt.

Leon: Babe, stop otherwise I'll let Angie study with you if you're going to touch me.

Violetta: Awe, but Leon I deserve a break we've done loads of questions. 

Leon: Okay, we can take a break, but this isn't your break. 

Violetta: What you mean I can't kiss you for my break we haven't kissed at all today I'm getting the feeling you don't love me anymore. 

Leon: No, of course, I love you baby but right now isn't the time. 

Leon and Violetta rested on the sofa and Leon fell asleep and so did Violetta, so they were asleep on the sofa for a bit and Leon had a nightmare. 

*Leon's Nightmare*

Violetta answered the door and saw the travel agent.

Violetta: Lucinda, what you doing back here I thought the police took you away?

She saw Lucinda grab her by the neck and she had a gun near her head, and she screamed for Leon, but Lucinda covered her mouth.

Leon: Babe what's wrong...... Lucinda, I thought you were arrested.

Lucinda: long time no see Leon what you say we handcuffed her to the radiator and me, you have s*x and finish where we started yesterday.

Leon: What did you do escape because you got out of jail fast? *Puts his hands on his hips* Violetta: *Muffled* Please don't kill me I still have a son I care about.

Leon: It's okay, baby She won't kill you.

Violetta: *Muffled* Let me go, please.

She started to cry because she was scared and Tomas and Clemont walked through the door with Lara.

Sequel Our children are in our hands. *Leonetta Story* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now