Part 15 ~

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Violetta was about to get up to pick Leonardo, but Leon was holding her so tightly and she had to get him to let go at some point.  

Violetta: Leon, babe I got to get Leonardo. 

Leon: *Let's go* Okay, I'll be here asleep when you come in. 

He let go of her and she got up and went to get Leonardo and Leon fell back off to sleep. 

After a while ~ 

Violetta came in with Leonardo and saw Leon still asleep on the sofa and Leonardo jumped on him which made him groan as he jumped on his stomach, and he woke up.   

Leon: Ugh, you elephant that hurt a lot.  

Leonardo: Sorry, daddy.

Leon: It's fine, but get off my stomach, you little elephant.

Leonardo got off his stomach and sat on his legs that were resting on the sofa and Violetta sat on the edge of the sofa and checked his head to see if he cooled down.

 Violetta: Babe, your still boiling, are you okay? Do you need to go to the doctor's?

Leonardo: Why does daddy need to go to the doctor? *Cuddles him* 

Leon: No, baby boy I don't need to go to the doctors, I'm healthy as a horse. 

Violetta: You're the one who had nightmares of me taking Leonardo off you. 

Leon: Oh, please don't remind me. 

Violetta: Look, me and Leonardo love you, so why would we go away from you? 

Leon: Because of Lara or Lucinda? 

Violetta: Baby, why are you bringing them up? 

Leon: Because they were in my nightmare. 

Violetta: Babe, it was just a dream it doesn't mean it's going to come true. 

Leon: Look, baby, I get it, but it really scared me. 

Violetta: Let's make dinner for all of us. 

Leon: I'm not hungry I'm just going to go to bed. 

Violetta: Okay, baby. 

He went up to bed and Violetta made food for Leonardo and herself and went up to check on Leon.  

Violetta Pov ~

I'm really worried about Leon he's really scared of me taking Leonardo off him but why? I'm not going anywhere so why does he think I would go anywhere? maybe he's just thinking about what if, so I walked up the stairs and walked to our bedroom and I saw the curtains drawn and there he laid asleep he's so cute when he's asleep and his messy hair.

I just wish he wasn't down so much he's changed I don't even know if he's doing the music video because he told me he doesn't want to but maybe it's because he doesn't want me to suffer because he must kiss Lara, but he had to put up with me kissing Diego.

She sat on the bed and smoothed his hair and put her head on his chest and just put her arms around him but when she did, she felt wetness coming from him like sweat.

Leon: *Scared voice* I'm sorry.

Violetta You don't need to be sorry.

Leon: But I do.

Violetta No, you don't because you haven't done anything baby.

Leon: I feel like I've let you down.

Violetta Baby, you haven't done anything of the sort.

Leon: Oh, yeah are you happy now than when we were dating?

Violetta Leon, whenever I'm with you I'm always happy because I love you and I'm glad I married you because you make my life complete even though I have cancer.

Leon: Are you sure?

Violetta, I'm positive, Leon.

They kissed and Violetta got on top of him and Leon put his hands around her waist and started to lift up her top and let it go over her head and she took his top off and Leon rolled over her so he was leaning over and pulled her jeans off, so she was just in her bra and panties on, but he still had his jeans on until Violetta took them off, so he was just in his boxers, and they took everything off and started having the best night ever. 

They fell asleep. 

A/N: ~ 

Thank you for reading. 

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