Part 11 ~

636 12 14

Leon's Pov ~
I was really worried about Violetta when she said that she wasn't pregnant because I didn't understand why else she would be throwing up. Because she hasn't eaten anything bad, so I don't know why she's been throwing up especially if she's not pregnant but I'm going to take her to the doctor and see what's wrong with her because i really am worried about her, she's not herself right now I'm watching her sleep she looks so peaceful right now. 

Leon: *Looks at the clock* Baby? 

Violetta: Mm, leave me alone. 

Leon: Come on baby, if you want to go to the doctor.

Violetta: Mm, but Leon it's too early. 

Leon: Babe, it's 11 o clock. 

Violetta: What? 

Leon: Yeah.

Violetta: *Looks at her hands* Leon, why is your ring in my hand? 

Leon: Because you took it off last night you fought with me to get it off my finger. 

Violetta: Huh? I don't remember. 

Leon: Baby, my finger is red from you gripping it off my finger. 

Violetta: Sorry, Leon. 

Leon: It's okay baby but can I have it back now? and you better go get ready if you want me to take you to the doctor.

Violetta: Okay. 

She got changed so did he and they had breakfast and got in the car and drove to the doctor's.

Doctor Smith: Hello Mr. Vargas and Mrs. Vargas what can I help you with today? 

Leon: Uh, my wife just wants to talk to the doctor about something.

Doctor Smith: Sure, go on in. 

They walked in and saw the doctor say down at his desk. 

Doctor: Ah Leon and Violetta hello how are you? 

Leon: I'm fine, but my wife needs a word with you. 

Doctor: Sure, Violetta. 

Violetta: Well, I've been throwing up a lot and I did a pregnancy test, and it says negative, but I didn't get it. 

Doctor: Have you tried it today? 

Leon: No, she hasn't. 

Doctor: Okay, I'll go get one and you can do one again. 

Violetta: Okay. 

He left the room and Violetta held Leon's hand because she was nervous. 

Violetta: What if I am pregnant? 

Leon: Then it would be the happiest time of our lives. 

Violetta: But, what if it's an illness, Leon. 

Leon: Then I will do what I can to make you healthy again. 

Violetta: *Sniffles* What if I can't get healthy? 

Leon: *Strokes her cheek* Hey, come on now baby, we'll work through it. 

Violetta: *Wipes her tears* Okay, I love you, Leon. 

Leon: *Still strokes her cheek* I love you too baby. 

The doctor came back and gave Violetta the test as she gave it to the doctor, we found out it was still negative. 

Doctor: No, I'm sorry Violetta but I might have to take some tests for you. 

Violetta: That's fine. 

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