Part 10 ~

412 11 11

When Leon got home, he saw Violetta playing the piano

Violetta: Hey, baby.

Leon: Hey...I have something to tell you.

Violetta: Guess what Leonardo starts his new year in school tomorrow and I am going to pick him up tomorrow.... wait did you just say you have something to tell me? What?

Leon: Baby, I know why Herman took Leonardo away from us but I don't think you'll like it. 

Violetta: Tell me, Leon.

Leon: Clemont

Violetta: Clemont, what? 

Leon: He blackmailed your dad to take Leonardo away from us. 

Violetta: Leon, babe my dad hasn't done anything to be blackmailed by Clemont, *Stands up and shuffles music sheets* I think you're being ridiculous. 

Leon: I'm being ridiculous, are you insane? 

Violetta: *Looks at him Babe Clemont wouldn't talk to my dad.

Leon: No, but I saw him with Herman earlier.

Violetta: Why were you at my dad's house? If you were going to see Leonardo, why didn't you tell me? 

Leon: Babe, I went to talk to your dad. 

Violetta: About what? 

Leon: It doesn't matter what matters is Clemont made Herman take our son off us because he wants us to break up can't you see it? 

Violetta: Leon baby I think you're overreacting, yeah okay he did it before, but I think he's changed, and I don't think he wants to come between us. 

Leon: Fine, believe what you like because I'm not arguing with you because you'll just say I'm jealous and I can't cope with that. 

He walked upstairs to their bedroom and rested on the bed and watched TV whilst calming down, but he fell asleep long after, Violetta was sat on the sofa thinking about what Leon said and she went upstairs to their room and Leon woke up because she was scared, and he laid back down on the bed and Violetta crawled onto him and hugged him and they kissed. 

Leon: Baby, *Pulls away* It hurts that you don't believe me. 

Violetta: Can we just forget it and have our time? 

Leon: I can't just forget it, Violetta what you said was painful. 

Violetta: Leon, please. 

Leon just rolled into his side causing her to fall off and she got up and sat on the edge of the and cried.

Vilu went to her drawer and grabbed a pregnancy test and tested herself but came out negative which made her cry even more and she went to bed after throwing the pregnancy test in the bin and went to bed

Leon Pov ~

I was asleep and I could hear crying behind me it wasn't me I know it wasn't me because I didn't say anything wrong, did I? I was only being honest is that why she's crying oh god what have I done? have I just upset the love of my life? I crawled behind her, and I kissed her earlobe and stroked her arm, and she rested her head on my shoulder, but she was still facing away from me.

Leon: Baby, why are you crying?

Violetta: You wouldn't understand.

Leon: Come on, baby tell me you know I don't like seeing you like this.

Violetta: No, Leon because it hurts too much.

Leon: Is it what I said because you know I didn't mean it in any way I just thought I would tell you the truth please baby don't cry for the stupid jealousy I was stupid I shouldn't have said anything to you.

Violetta: Leon, it's not you and what you said.

Leon: Then what is it, my love?

Violetta got up and went to the bin and got the pregnancy test which was negative.

Leon: Babe, you going to tell me what's wrong?

Violetta: I did a pregnancy test, Leon.

Leon: And?

Violetta: I'm not pregnant so all the throwing up I've been doing and I'm not pregnant.

Leon: My love, it's okay at least you checked.

Violetta: But it's not okay Leon, what if I can't have kids anymore.

Leon: Hey, baby calm down you will have another child baby, but maybe right now isn't the best moment to have one.

Violetta: Leon, will you drive me to the doctor's?

Leon: Babe, they're closed right now I'll take you in the morning I promise.

Violetta: Okay *Get into bed* I love you, Leon.

Leon: I love you too, babe.

They fell asleep.  

A/N ~

Will Violetta have another child?

What will the doctor say?

Does Violetta have an illness or is it something else?

Will she believe Leon about Clemont and Herman?

Find out in the next part of Sequel Our children are in our hands. *Leonetta Story* Book 2

I love you all 

Thank you for reading my part

I hope you are enjoying my book so far and I will see you in the next part  :)

Sequel Our children are in our hands. *Leonetta Story* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now