Part 8 ~

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Violetta and Leon were watching Leonardo on the swings, Leon had his hands in his pocket and Violetta was holding his arm, Leonardo ran to them as he showed Leon his shoelace, so Leon sat on his legs to do his shoelace while Leonardo had his hands in his hair to hold himself up.

Violetta was holding Leon's shoulders after he did his shoelace he went back on to the swings and before he got up she put her legs on his back and Leon grabbed her legs and sat her on his back, so now Violetta was on his back, and he let her stay on his back.

Leon: Baby, you'll have to get down now because you're hurting my back *Lowers himself so she gets off*

Violetta: *Touches the ground* Aww, but I was enjoying the view.

Leon: Tough, I'm not a young boy anymore I'm getting old.

Violetta: Leon, you are only 22, I'm 20.

Leon: Yeah, but 22 is still getting old.

Violetta: Shut up. *Pushes him playfully*

Leon: Don't tell me to shut up.

Violetta: *Cuddles him* Why not?

Leon: Hey, I'm your husband you're meant to be horrible to me.

Violetta: I know, but it's fun that way.

Leon: We better go home it's getting late *Shouts for Leonardo* Leon, let's go it's time to go home.

Leonardo ran to them, and he ran into his arms and Leon lifted him up.

Violetta: Oh, so you carry him, but you can't carry me.

Leon: I'm not answering that question.

Violetta and Leon walked home, when they got inside they saw Herman standing with his arms folded when Leonardo ran into Herman's arms. 

Violetta: Dad, what are you doing here?

Herman: We need to talk?

Leon: I'm going to feed Leonardo before he starts having a tantrum.

Herman: No, Leon you need to know this is well.

Leon: Can I feed Leonardo first or tell Violetta and she'll tell me? *About to leave*


Violetta: Then tell us, what have we got wait for?

Leon: Tell us already.

Herman: Sit down now.

They sat down.

Herman: Look, me and Angie have been talking and we think it's best if you give Leonardo to us

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Herman: Look, me and Angie have been talking and we think it's best if you give Leonardo to us.

L/V: What? Why?

Sequel Our children are in our hands. *Leonetta Story* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now