Part 5 ~

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Leon and Violetta went downstairs, and they ate pizza with Herman, Angie, Federico, and Ludmila.

Leon: Anyway, what's so important that you go to tell us?

Ludmila: Oh, right me and.....

Federico: We're engaged.

Leon: Oh, congrats on your engagement.

Violetta: Yeah, I'm so happy for you both.

Leon: So, when's the big day?

Violetta: Most Importantly I am your bridesmaid, right?

Federico: Leon, can I talk to you privately?

Ludmila and Violetta went into the kitchen and talked while Herman and Angie went upstairs to check on Leonardo.

Leon: What do you want to talk about?

Federico: I need your help.

Leon: For what?

Federico: I'm writing a new song for Ludmila at the hen party I'm going to surprise her at the hen party with the song, but I can't come up with anything.

Leon: Let's have a look at what you got so far.

Federico showed him the lyrics and Leon helped him out they had a song by the end and Violetta and Ludmila were talking.

Violetta: So, are you happy that you're getting married?

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Violetta: So, are you happy that you're getting married?

Ludmila: I'm supposed to be right I'm not making a mistake.

Violetta: A mistake? Why would you be making a mistake marrying the guy you love you do love Federico right?

Ludmila: Of course, I do, but are we ready for marriage? How did you feel when Leon proposed to you did you have second thoughts?

Vilu: No, Ludmila I didn't have any second thoughts I knew I was making the best choice in my life because now look I'm happy with a child Ludmila you will see marriage isn't that bad I have a great life with him and Leonardo and I see Leon looking after Leonardo I have a great husband and father for Leonardo and he's great in bed, let's just say my sex life is just amazing because he always gives me the best time but Federico will be like that.

Ludmila: What great in bed because he's not.

Violetta: No, he'll be a great father of your child and a great husband and with the bad thing I don't need to know that I'm just happy that Leon is amazing in bed.

Ludmila: Okay, I should know Leon was my boyfriend remember.

Violetta: You slept with Leon?

Ludmila: Yeah, but we're drunk it didn't mean anything.


Ludmila: No, it was way before you walked into the studio.

Violetta walked into the living room shouting and screaming.


Leon: Lion? Really, since when do you call me that?


Leon: Why are you shouting?

Herman: *Came by the balcony* Shh, Leonardo is asleep.

Violetta: Leon, you and Ludmila had s*x?

Leon: Yeah, before you came to the studio, but we were drunk we didn't even remember anything.

Violetta: And I've been dating you since then and you haven't had the guts to tell me.

Leon: Because it wasn't important it was the past and a mistake.

Ludmila: Really? You think it was a mistake.

Leon: Ludmila, we were drunk be lucky you were on the pill, so you didn't land up pregnant.

Ludmila: So, what if I didn't go on the pill? what you would've thought making a baby with me was a mistake? I'll tell you what Leon, Federico is way better in bed than you.

Leon: Yeah, of course.

Ludmila: I'm telling the truth because he doesn't tell me it's a mistake.

Leon: Baby, I'm not in love with Ludmila, and to be honest I only woke up beside her and I even told her that we weren't together because we broke up.

Ludmila: Yeah, he did after we had s*x I thought he used me.

Leon: Yeah, but I was still beside you.

Ludmila: to break up with me.

Federico: I think we better go.

Leon: Seriously, Federico it was a long time ago.

Federico: I know, but I just wish Ludmila told me about it or at least you.

Violetta: Same here, I'm going to bed.

She went up to bed and Ludmila and Federico left, and Leon went up to their room and got changed and got into bed with her and just laid on his side and fell asleep, but he could hear crying beside him.

Leon: Baby, I promise you, it didn't mean anything not when you and I do it.

Violetta: *Cries* Just leave me alone Leon.

Leon: No, baby I'm not leaving you alone *Wipes her tears* I swear I love you *Nibbles her earlobe* I love you.

Violetta held his hand whilst crying. 

A/NWhat happened then? Will Federico marry Ludmila after the discussion? What about Violetta will she believe that Leon's over Ludmila or will she think about Lara? Find out more in Sequel Our children are in our hands

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What happened then?
Will Federico marry Ludmila after the discussion?
What about Violetta will she believe that Leon's over Ludmila or will she think about Lara?
Find out more in Sequel Our children are in our hands. *Leonetta Story* Book 2

Sequel Our children are in our hands. *Leonetta Story* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now