Part 2 ~*12+*

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Leon and Violetta we asleep in each other arms, as Leon woke up to check Violetta's head to see if she was cooler Violetta moved his hand from her head and enlaced his hand with hers.

Leon: Do you feel better baby?

Violetta: Uh, yeah, I feel a lot better now.

Leon: Aww, that's good because you were worrying me.

Violetta: What like I was worried when you were depressed?

Leon: Yes, baby, but I'm still not telling you what happened because it's the past.

Violetta: I still want to know, Leon.

Leon: *Still leaning over her* Mm, just let it go.

He kissed her and she kissed him back, she fell onto her back while putting her arms around his neck, Leon pulled her pajama bottoms down her legs and threw them on the floor, as Violetta took his top off and he did the same with her.

Violetta: Mm, Leon

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Violetta: Mm, Leon.

Leon: What, baby?

Violetta: I love you so much.

Leon: I love you so much too.

They continued what they were doing and there were loud moans and groans coming through the closed door.

After a while, Violetta wrote in her diary about what's happened since they've left for LA and Madrid.

Violetta's Pov ~

After I and Leon had the best s*x ever I turned to see him, but he was asleep, he's so peaceful when he's sleeping as I wrapped my arms around him, but he groaned which turned me on a little bit.

I'm so happy we are back in Buenos Aires because when we were in Madrid, he wasn't himself he was distant from me, but suddenly he's been really close to me I don't know what happened there.

I guess he was still thinking about Lucinda and Federico, but Ludmila is singing in your mix tomorrow but, I don't think she's doing the right thing although Federico is supporting her and she might be my stepsister, not my actual sister because she's a supernova and I must rush in the morning to get the bathroom to myself usually whenever she stays over because she takes so long.

But when it's just Leon and I, he goes into the bathroom and then I go in with him, but I couldn't do that with Ludmila I just feel safe with Leon, and especially watching him sleeping and showering I'm not a creep I swear, I just love looking at the love my life, I'm so happy we are married and we have Leonardo which makes us even stronger and I know we lost Maria, but we haven't forgotten her she's still part of this family in spirit though not the person.

Violetta fell asleep after writing in her diary and cuddled up with Leon.

Violetta: Night, my knight and shining armor.

Leon: *half asleep* Night, my princess. 

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