Part 19 ~

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Meanwhile, Leon went home when he walked in his mom saw him so hurt, she thought he would be at the hospital with Violetta.

Cecy: Leon?

Leon: Not now, mom.

Cecy: What's going on with Violetta?

Leon: She's woken up.

Cecy: Right, so why aren't you there with her?

Leon: She told me to leave.

Cecy: Why honey? I thought you were married.

Leon: I don't even think we are anymore; she doesn't even remember marrying me,

Cecy: Aww honey how could she forget about you, you have been through thick and thin with her she must remember that.

Leon: Well, she doesn't remember me, in fact, she thinks that she would never be with me.

Cecy: What?

Leon: I know but I don't want to talk about it anymore.

Then his phone rang after Cecy left.

Phone conversation ~

Maxi: Hey Leon, Violetta's woken up.

Leon: Yeah, I know.

Maxi: Then if you know why aren't you here?

Leon: Because I was there when she woke up and she told me to leave

Maxi: Why?

Leon: Because she doesn't know who I am.

Maxi: What?

Leon: I'm not extracting either she doesn't remember me.

Maxi: But your her husband, of course, she must remember you.

Leon: Well, she doesn't try and jog her memory if you want but she doesn't remember me.

Maxi: Now that's not fair Leon she's in this hospital and you're at home moping around because your wife doesn't remember you instead of being at this hospital making Violetta remember you, don't forget Leonardo.

Leon: *Realises he's left Leonardo with Federico* Sh*t, I forgot about Leonardo he's still at Federico's.

He hanged up and went to Federico house and Leonardo answered the door and jumped on him and hugged him tightly.

Leon: Do you want to see your mom?

Leonardo: Yes, let's go see mommy.

They left with Federico, and they went to the hospital and Leon took him to Vilu and he walked in after knocking and saw everyone around Violetta.

Violetta: Ugh, he's back look I don't know you, so please leave.

Leonardo: Mommy?

Violetta: I'm not your mother.

Leon: Okay, that's it, Violetta Maria Vargas you can talk to me like that but not to your son, okay?

Violetta: My surname is Castillo.

Francesca: No, it's Vargas and this is your son.

Leon: Don't bother, she's not going to remember because the next thing she'll say is, she will never have a kid with a guy like me.

Fran: Ouch, that's harsh.

Leon: Well, she thinks she hasn't had her first kiss and even if it was me, she would want someone better than me.

Maxi: You seriously don't remember your husband, Leon?

Violetta: I have a boyfriend, but he's not called Leon.

Leonardo: So, you don't remember giving birth to me.

Violetta: Oh, I'm so sorry sweetie but you're not my son this guy should know.

Leon: Guys, can you leave me alone with Violetta for a minute.

They took Leonardo outside.

Leon: I can't believe you don't remember your own son Violetta.


Leon kissed her and she kissed back, and it was a proper make out and Violetta put her arms around his neck, and he put his hands on the bed by her sides and they still kissed, and Leon moved his up to her neck and pulled away bit was still close to her.

Leon: Now do you remember me?

Violetta: Leon?

Leon: Yeah?

Violetta: I love you.

Leon: Oh, so you know who I am.

Violetta: Of course, I married you.

Leon: I knew that kiss would work.

He was kissing her neck and she was holding his neck and she was talking to him

Violetta: May I just say I was kind of messing with you I did remember you I just wanted to...

Leon: *Pulls away* What?

Violetta: What?

Leon: Did you just say you were messing with me?

Violetta: *Lies* No, Leon.

Leon: Yes, you did.

Violetta: Please, Leon don't leave me.

Leon: I'm not going anywhere I'm still here *Holds her hand* I'm not going to leave baby I'm here.

Violetta: *Holds his hand* Please, Leon.

Leon: Baby, move up *She moved up and he laid on the bed with her and cuddled her* I'm not going to leave you especially not while you're in this hospital.

Violetta: I love you, Leon.

Leon: Shh, I love you too baby get some sleep.

Violetta: Can you sing to me?

Leon: I can't we're in a hospital.

Violetta: Please, quietly.

Leon: Okay baby but you must promise you'll fall asleep.

Violetta: I will, I promise.

Leon sings to her and she fell asleep on his chest, and he fell asleep on her head.  

A/N: ~ 

Thank you for reading. 

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