Part 22 ~

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Leon Pov ~
I was woken by my phone ringing, I looked at my alarm clock and it was 3 am in the morning who is that at this time when I answered I could hear crying which was weird because I never hear crying over the phone before, so I could hear Violetta's voice over the phone, and she was crying, and I could feel that she was worried about something

Phone conversation ~ 

Violetta: Leon? Are you there?

Leon: Violetta, baby, what do you want it's 3am?

Violetta: I had a bad dream I really need you, Leon.

Leon: Babe calm down I'm not far away just think of me being there with you.

Violetta: I don't like it Leon I don't like being here on my own please come to me.

Leon: Babe, I can't I have Leonardo and he's asleep.

Violetta: Fine, but if I die in my sleep, it's your fault because you didn't come to me.

She hanged up and Leon put his phone on his head and put the phone down and fell back off to sleep with Leonardo.

With Violetta ~

I was so annoyed that Leon didn't come to me, but someone knocked on my door, so I said come in hoping it was Leon, but it wasn't it was Clemont I was happy and confused to see him.

Clemont: Hey, Violetta.

Violetta: Clemont, what are you doing here?

Clemont: Well, I couldn't sleep so I thought I would come and visit you.

Violetta: Aww, that's sweet well come closer.

Clemont: Why isn't Leon with you?

Violetta: Because he's looking after Leonardo.

Clemont: But shouldn't he be looking after you, you're the one in the hospital bed.?

Violetta: Yeah, but Leon needs to tell Leonardo what's going but I rang him because I had a nightmare and I wanted him to come to lay next to me, but he said he couldn't leave Leonardo alone, which is true because he's only 6.

Clemont: Well, I know I'm not your boyfriend or husband, but I can lie with you until you get some sleep if you want me to.  

Violetta: Sure.

She moved up and Clemont took his shoes off and got into bed with her and she cuddled his chest and fell asleep, and he kissed her forehead and fell asleep on her head.

The next morning ~

Clemont: Violetta, wake up.

She didn't wake up.

Clemont: Violetta, wake up.

She wasn't breathing so Clemont called the nurse and they rushed in.

Clemont: She's not waking up.

Nurse: Mrs. Vargas can you hear me?

Clemont got kicked outside and he sat on the chairs, and everyone came and saw him outside her room crying.

Francesca: Clemont, why are you crying?

Clemont: Violetta isn't waking up, she wasn't breathing.

Camila: Where's Leon?

Clemont: Sh*t I forgot to call Leon.

Federico: It's fine I'll ring him.

Clemont: There testing her.

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