Part 12 ~

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Leon's Pov ~
Violetta was shaking me in the middle of the night, and I could hear her talking in her sleep like she was having a bad dream, so I woke her up, but she jumped when she looked at me it was like she saw a ghost.

Leon: Baby, you, okay? 

Violetta: Leon, what am I going to tell Leonardo? 

Leon: Babe, everything will fit into place. 

Violetta: We can't hide it from him because look what happened when he found out that Maria had cancer and was dying, he was Devastated and now I must tell him I've got it. 

Leon: Babe, we can do it together. 

Violetta: But it's not the same Leon he's still going to hate me. 

Leon: No, he won't baby, he'll understand. 

Violetta: But what if I get better? 

Leon: Then we won't have to worry, and I won't have to prepare another funeral. 

Violetta: *Hits his chest playfully* Leon, that's mean. 

Leon: *Moves her close to him* Hmm, that's me, baby, anyway what made you jump anyway? You were shaking me, and you woke me up.

Violetta: Oh, I was having a bad dream it was about you. 

Leon: About me? Why me? 

Violetta It was you jumping off a bridge. 

Leon: Babe, I'm not going to jump off a bridge. 

Violetta: It's because Leonardo and I left you alone, so you risked your life for us. 

Leon: Well, if you both don't leave me, I won't jump off a bridge.

Violetta: Babe I won't leave you nor will Leonardo.

Leon: Even though Leonardo is still at your dad's.

Violetta: Yeah, but he will be with us again. 

Then the phone rang and the phone was on Leon's side, so he answered it.

Phone conversation ~

Leon: Hello? 

Herman: Leon we have a slight problem you and Violetta might want to come over. 

Leon: Huh? But it's so early. 

Herman: It's urgent hurry up. 

He hanged up and Leon put the phone on the hook. 

Violetta: Who was it? 

Leon: Your dad wants us to go over to his house because it's urgent. 

 Violetta: Let's go now. 

They got changed and went to his house when they got there they saw police, Clemont and Herman handcuffed. 

Leon: Woah, what's with the police? 

Police: Are you Leon Vargas? 

Leon: Yeah, that's me. 

Violetta: Angie, what's going on?

Leonardo was with social services. 

Violetta: Why is Leonardo with social services? 

Angie: Violetta, calm down everything is fine for a minute. 

Police: Clemont, Herman, and Leon I am going to ask you a question, sit on the sofa now. 

Leon: What? Woah, I haven't done anything. 

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