Part 6 ~

497 9 13

Violetta's Pov ~

Well today is our little boy Leonardo's birthday it's a special one as he is 6 years old today how fast they grow up I'm still mad at Leon for not talking about him and Ludmila I know it was the past, but why did he keep it so long?

I knew someone was staring at me, so I turned my head and saw Leon looking at me with his tired sexy eyes no Violetta you're angry with him.

Leon: You're beautiful in the morning baby.

Violetta: I'm not interested in what you have to say, Leon.

Leon: Baby, you can't still be mad at me.

Violetta: You lied to me

Leon: Baby, I didn't lie to you I just didn't tell you.

Violetta: Oh, that's better, is it?

Leon: Baby, it's our son's birthday let's not ruin it by arguing.

Vilu: No, Leon I'm inviting the girls and we are going to take Leonardo out and you and the boys can go out on your own because I don't want you near my son not anymore.

Leon: What? he's my son baby.

Violetta: I'm getting a divorce file for us because I can't be with a liar. 

Violetta sits up and takes her nightie off and Leon was behind her kissing up her back and Violetta couldn't help but moan, but then she stopped after realizing what he was doing and stood up she was naked right now.

Leon looked at her and pulled her into him, so he kissed her, and she kissed back, and she felt Leon stroke her back, but she cuddled him under the covers.

Leon: Baby, you know that you can't divorce me you'll be lost without me each time we stayed away from each other you just wanted me even more, so don't say you'll divorce me because it going to be hard for you.

Violetta: Your right, Leon even when I was mad at you, I was still wanting you to take me to bed and cuddle me.

Leon: Exactly, you can't live without me.

Violetta: I so can.

Leon: Oh really? You think you can live without me you'll be asking me to kiss you in one week.

Vilu: Fine, let's make it a bet, shall we?

Leon: Up to you baby, but you can't live without me.

Violetta: Okay, then. *Gets up* 

Leon: What?

Violetta: Give us a week I bet I will be over you in a week and I will be with someone else.

Leon: Who you won't love as much as you love me.

Violetta: I bet you I will fall in love with another boy by the end of the week and you will fall in love with another girl by the end of the week.

Leon: And what if we don't?

Violetta: If I don't fall for a boy then you can prove me wrong but if I do fall in love with another boy then I proved to you can I live without you, Leon Vargas.

Leon: Okay whatever you say, Violetta Vargas.

Violetta: My name is Castillo.

Leon: No, it's Vargas your mine.

Vilu: Not until the bet is over.

Leon: Okay, but it will be over in a week when you be asking for me to quit.

Violetta: Good luck with that but right now, we need to celebrate our baby boy's Birthday lets go.

They got changed and went downstairs and saw the guys and girls with Herman and Angie and Leonardo opening his cards and Leon sat on the arm of the sofa and Violetta stood in between his legs and Leon put his hands around her waist and she put her hands around his neck as they cuddled watching Leonardo open his cards and presents. 

Sequel Our children are in our hands. *Leonetta Story* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now